
zhǐ xuè jì
  • hemostatic;hemostat;haemostat;coagulant
止血剂 [zhǐ xuè jì]
  • [hemostatic] 指缩短凝血时间使停止出血的药剂

  1. α-氰基丙烯酸-1,2-异丙叉甘油酯是一种新型的医用快速生物降解的组织粘合剂和止血剂。

    1,2-Isopropylidene glyceryl-a-cyanoacrylate ( CAG ) is a new medicinal tissue adhesive and hemostatic agent which can biodegrade rapidly .

  2. 本实用新型可将微孔淀粉止血剂均匀喷敷伤口,使用方便,保存简单,易于操作。

    The utility model can be used for spraying micro-porous starch hemostatic uniformly over a wound , and has the advantages of convenient use , simple preservation and straightforward operation .

  3. 结论积极治疗原发病,防治并发症,常规应用止血剂、H2受体拮抗剂及制酸剂,加强支持治疗等是治疗成功的关键。

    Conclusion It was crucial to treat primary diseases actively , to prevent and cure complications , to use haemostatic , H_2-receptor antagonists and antacids and nutritional support .

  4. 急性胃粘膜出血患者经采用非手术治疗,包括营养支持、保肝、输血、补充血容量、应用止血剂以及H2受体拮抗剂或质小泵抑制剂治疗后,治愈30例,死亡4例。

    All were treated by the non-operative method , including nutritional support , liver function protection , blood transfusion and Infusion to increase the blood volume and administration of hemostatic and antagonist of H2-receptor or H + / K + ATP enzyme .

  5. 结论AristaAH是一种安全、有效的脊柱外科术中止血剂,在前后路手术中均有其应用价值。

    Conclusion Arista AH is a safe and effective hemostatic material for spine surgery , and it has applied value in surgeries via both anterior and posterior approaches .

  6. 止血剂一种阻止流血的药剂,例如化学药品。

    An agent , such as a chemical , that stops bleeding .

  7. 我推荐天然的止血剂,比如像鸡肝

    I recommend natural coagulants , such as chicken liver .

  8. 制备的止血剂能够显著促进组织生长,缩短治疗周期,皮肤愈合后创面无疤痕。

    They also promoted tissue growth and shorten the healing period without scars .

  9. 再想想它是一种上好的止血剂。

    Think again - it makes a dandy astringent .

  10. 复合沸石止血剂放热和抗菌活性实验研究

    Experimental study of exothermal and antibacterial activity of a compound zeolite hemostatic agent

  11. 新型粉体止血剂&壳聚糖/海藻酸微球的制备工艺及生物医学特性检测

    Preparation Technology and Evaluation of CTS / ALG Microspheres as a Novel Hemostatic Agent

  12. 血浆中凝血酶是近年开发的一种新型止血剂。

    Thrombin in blood is a new haemostatic which is exploited in recent years .

  13. 结论蛇毒血凝酶(巴曲亭)可以作为一种安全、有效的止血剂用于骨科手术。

    Conclusion Hemocoagulase can be used in orthopaedic surgeries as a safe and effective hemostatic agent .

  14. 我们的产品呢,由胶原蛋白制成,胶原蛋白是一种自然的止血剂,有包覆的作用。

    So our product , made out of collagen , collagen is a natural haemostatic that induces a reaction of cladding .

  15. 重组人凝血因子Ⅶ在哺乳动物细胞中的成功表达,为整体止血剂的研究奠定了基础。

    The results showed that the bioactive rhF ⅶ was expressed in BHK-21 cell line , and laid a foundation for further research .

  16. 被诊断为胃溃疡并发出血而收入院。经输血和输注止血剂后情况好转。

    Gastric ulcer complicating with hemorrhage was diagnosed and admitted in the hospital . After transfusion and infusion with hemostatic agent the condition was improved .

  17. 凉血止血剂是为治疗热证出血而设的方剂,但出血的同时瘀血也会随即产生。

    Removing heat from blood to stop bleeding prescription is made for bleeding caused by heat syndrome , but stasis appears as well when bleeding occurs .

  18. 处理上可采用宫缩剂,止血剂及抗感染,并根据病因对症治疗,对急性严重出血者可行子宫切除术。

    Treatment can be contractions agents , anti-infective agents to stop bleeding , and symptomatic treatment based on etiology , acute severe bleeding is feasible with hysterectomy .

  19. 结果:26例中阳性22例,正常4例,11例行血管内栓塞,3例经血管注入止血剂。

    Results : Among 26 cases , there were gastrointestinal hemorrhage in 22 ones and normal in 4 . Eleven cases underwent intraarterial embolization and 3 with infusion of hemostatic agent via artery .

  20. 早期应用止血剂,适量使用皮质类固醇,适时行前房穿刺冲洗术可预防治疗严重并发症,利于视力恢复。

    The recovery of vision acuity is related to early treatment by steroids , styptic drugs , and irrigation of anterior chamber in some cases , it is good for the prognosis of complications .

  21. 观察组采用早插管引流胃液,管内注入胃粘膜保护剂、止血剂、胃肠动力药物,并在管饲的温度、速度、食物量、餐次、体位上进行观察与调整。

    In the observation group , the patients received drainage of gastric juice through early intubation and the infusion of drugs via the tube , and the temperature , speed , volume , times and body position were observed and adjusted .

  22. 西医采用抗菌、止血剂治疗,疗效不满意,此病正属于中医学中的月经先期、月经过多、经期延长、赤带等范畴,因此中医药对其研治具有广阔的前景。

    Western use of antibacterial , hemostatic agent treatment efficacy are not satisfied with the disease are belong to Chinese medicine in the pre-menstruation , menorrhagia , menstrual extended in areas such as red zone , so its research governance of Chinese medicine will have broad prospects .

  23. 目的:1、通过超声造影引导下注射止血剂治疗腹部实质性脏器创伤治疗前后患者各项指标变化情况,探讨应用该治疗方法后患者预后情况,评价预后效果。

    Purpose : 1 . Based on changes of every indicator of patients with abdomen solid visceral trauma ( ASVT ) before and after contrast-enhanced ultrasound-guided injections of hemostatic agents ( HA treatment ), to probe into patients ' recovery after such treatment and evaluate prognosis . 2 .

  24. 止血气雾剂对动脉破裂伤口的止血研究

    Hemostatic aerosol for emergent management of artery rupture

  25. 结论:经细胞毒性、遗传毒性、急毒、植入试验等均达到ISO标准,而且新型可吸收创面止血封固剂的价格仅为Tachocomb的5%,可在临床手术中广泛应用。

    Genetic toxicity ? acute toxicity and implantation tests et al . Moreover , the price of this absorbable wound hemostatic sealant is only 5 % of Tachocomb , so it could be widely used in clinical operation .

  26. 方法:采用大鼠肝脏切除术,与国外三种创面止血封固剂进行对比试验。

    Methods : This material was compared with three kinds wound hemostatic sealant from abroad after rat hepatectomy .

  27. 3例在胃镜下局部喷洒止血药、硬化剂注射、电凝等联合治疗后止血成功;

    3 cases were stopped bleeding by local treatment which includes the combinations of spraying haemostatic , injecting hardener and high frequency electrocoagulation .

  28. 做为止血敷料或止血剂的材料要具备良好的止血性能,优良的生物相容性,无毒副作用,无刺激性,易于加工成型等。

    Materials must have well biological properties in the application as a wound dressing , excellent biocompatibility , biodegradability , hemostatic activity , ant – infectional activity , innocuity , and property to accelerate wound-healing .

  29. 止血笔(用止血剂制成的药棒,如用于刮脸时划破之处)。

    A styptic pencil , IE a stick of this , used eg on a cut made while shaving .

  30. 对家兔和大鼠肝、脾、肾出血也均有较快的粘合止血作用,效果明显优于常用的几种止血剂。

    All these monomers exhibited quick and reliable styptic effect on the hemorrhage of the liver , the spleen and the kidneys of rabbits and rats respectively , and their styptic effect was superior to that of most conventional hemostatics .