
  • 网络hypostatic pneumonia
  1. 结果:50例脑卒中患者中无一例发生褥疮,其中一例发生坠积性肺炎。

    Result : There was no bedsore and just one hypostatic pneumonia occurring in 50 cases of cerebral apoplexy .

  2. 综合性振动疗法预防老年髋部骨折患者坠积性肺炎的效果

    Effects of Physical Vibration Therapeutics for Hypostatic Pneumonia in Elderly Patients with Hip Fracture

  3. 方法术后患者常规进行脑科监护,加强基础护理,保持呼吸道通畅,处理高热、应激性溃疡、高血糖等重型颅脑损伤常见并发症,防止坠积性肺炎、褥疮发生。

    Methods We routinely monitored consciousness , pupil , vital sign , et al , enhanced basic nursing , maintained respiratory tract to be unobstructed , dealt with the general complications of severe craniocerebral injury such as hyperpyrexia , acute ulcer and hyperglycaemia , prevented hypostatic pneumonia and bedsore .
