
zhǐ ké yào
  • cough mixture;pectoral
止咳药[zhǐ ké yào]
  1. 我得吃点止咳药来治嗓子疼,我嗓子哑了。

    I need to take some cough medicine for my sore throat – I 'm very hoarse .

  2. 美国FDA计划出台措施,遏止滥用止咳药。

    FDA looks to curb abuse of cough medicine .

  3. 要不要吃些止咳药?不用了。

    Do you need some cough medicine ? Don : No.

  4. 止咳药主要起安慰剂作用

    Cough medicines ′ effect is mainly placebo

  5. 原服用含福尔可定止咳药的病人可以继续使用,但如果有任何不适,应与他们的医生或药剂师及时联系。

    Patients can continue to take pholcodine-containing medicines and should contact their doctor or pharmacist if they have any questions .

  6. 你可能也会问止咳药是否有效,一定程度上来说是有效的。

    You may well ask the value of cough medicine ; well up to a point they can be helpful .

  7. 止咳药是给为处于痛苦的病人缓解症状使用的,而且并不装于瓶内。

    Cough medicines are marketed to people who are suffering and want respite - but it doesn 't come in a bottle .

  8. 我带了缓解鼻子充血的药,滴眼液,止咳药还有润喉片。

    I 'm taking a nasal decongestant , I 'm using eye drops , and I 'm taking cough medicine and sucking on throat lozenges .

  9. 磷酸可待因片对中枢性止咳药,对延髓的咳嗽中枢有选择性地抑制,镇咳作用强而迅速。

    Codeine phosphate tablets can do effects on the central cough , have selectively inhibited cough center of the medulla oblongata , relieving cough stronger and faster .

  10. 这次将持续数月的公开讨论,焦点集中在很多非处方止咳药和感冒药可能对幼儿及学前儿童有害。

    Disclosure of the ongoing reiew , which will take months to complete , came as critics charged that many oer-the-counter cough and cold remedies can harm toddlers and preschoolers .

  11. 频繁就医,大量使用抗生素和止咳药,对患者日常工作、生活和社会活动造成严重的影响,造成不必要的医疗资源浪费。

    Frequent medical visits , extensive use of antibiotics and cough medicine have serious impact on quality of life and social activities , resulting in unnecessary waste of medical resources .

  12. 它们的活性成分,大部分是减充血剂和抗组胺药(各占6.3%),随后的是止咳药(4.1%)和祛痰药(1.5%)。

    In terms of active ingredients , most used were decongestants and antihistamines ( 6.3 percent each ), followed by anti-cough medicines ( 4.1 percent ) and expectorants ( 1.5 percent ) .

  13. 韩国医学学者在试验中也发现,可可碱完全不会造成普通止咳药所引发的副作用。

    It works directly on the vagus nerve , which isresponsible for persistent coughing.Research in South Korea has shown that theobromine has none of the side effects associated withstandard drug treatments for persistent cough .

  14. 健康倡导者表示,中国食品和药物安全丑闻的历史让他们深感担忧。比如,制造商在制造牙膏和止咳药的时候,会用工业溶剂二甘醇代替甜味剂甘油。

    Health advocates say they are troubled by a history of food and drug safety scandals in China , such as when manufacturers substituted diethylene glycol , an industrial solvent , for the sweetener glycerin when making toothpastes and cough medicine .

  15. 本文介绍了止咳祛痰药治疗的临床思维。

    To discuss the clinical thinking of using cough - remedy and expectorants .

  16. 止咳祛痰药治疗的临床思维

    Clinical thinking of using cough - remedy and expectorants

  17. 住院后即予青霉素、庆大霉素及止咳祛痰药治疗。体温逐渐下降。

    After admission she was treated with penicillin G , gentamycin and anti-cough drugs together with expectorants . The Body temperature was dropping gradually .

  18. 治疗肺痿的药物中,主要以补虚药为主,其次为清热药、化痰药、止咳平喘药。

    Drug therapy in " Fei Wei ", mainly are tonic medicine , followed by antipyretic medicine , expectorant drugs , cough and asthma medicine .

  19. 止咳化痰苗药对COPD患者血清IL-8和TNF-α水平干扰的临床观察

    Miao Nationality 's Relieve Cough and Reduce Phlegm Herb interfere the levels of IL-8 and TNF - α in the COPD sufferer serum

  20. 针对儿童的止咳和感冒药包括诺华制药公司(NovartisAG)的Triaminic以及辉瑞制药有限公司(PfizerInc.)的Dimetapp和Robitussi。

    The children 's cough and cold products are sold under brand names including Novartis AG 's Triaminic and Pfizer Inc. 's Dimetapp and Robitussin .

  21. 目的:观察止咳化痰苗药对COPD(慢性阻塞性肺疾病)患者血清IL-8和TNF-α水平干扰的临床疗效。方法:60例患者随机分为3组,每组20例。

    Objective The observation is relieved a cough to reduce phlegm , and Miao herb adjust the clinical curative effect that COPD ( chronic blocking lung disease ) sufferer serum IL-8 and TNF - α 's level was interfered .

  22. 结论:COPD患者经止咳化痰苗药治疗后血清中IL-8和TNF-α水平显著降低,且改善呼吸道阻塞和低氧血症的效果优于其它治疗方法组。

    Conclusion : The IL-8 and TNF - α serum levels in patients with COPD were dramatically reduced by means of Miao medicinal herbs ' treatment , the effects of improving respiratory tract obstruction and hypoxemia were superior to the rest treatment .

  23. 密歇根大学2011年展开的一项调查发现,61%的家长曾给两岁及以下的孩子服用止咳和感冒药。

    An earlier University of Michigan poll from 2011 found 61 % of parents with children 2 and younger had given them cough and cold medications .

  24. 尽管专家警告称给幼儿服用止咳和感冒药不安全,但近期一项调查显示,仍有近半数的美国家长在使用这些非处方产品。

    Despite safety warnings not to give sick toddlers cough and cold medications , almost half of parents in a recent survey are using the over-the-counter products anyway .