
  • 网络parkinsonism;Parkinson;Parkinson disease;Parkinson's disease
  1. 它能减少心脏病、帕金森症和肝癌的发病风险——甚至可能帮你活得更久。

    It 's been linked to lower risk of heart disease , Parkinson 's , and liver cancer -- and it might even help you live longer .

  2. 它已经被与癫痫发作、REM睡眠紊乱以及诸如帕金森症和阿尔兹罕默氏病等大脑器质性病变联系起来。

    Sleepwalking has been linked to seizures , REM sleep disorders and organic brain disorders like Parkinson 's and Alzheimer 's.

  3. 去年,我还听到罹患帕金森症的演员迈克尔·J·福克斯(MichaelJFox)讲述了影响帕金森症治疗研究的“竖井”;

    And last year I listened as the actor Michael J Fox , who suffers from Parkinson 's , talked about the silos undermining the search for a cure for that disease too ;

  4. 他于2006年再次结婚,妻子劳里(Laurie)又名利(Leigh),她宣布他的死因是帕金森症引发的并发症。

    His wife , Laurie , also known as Leigh , whom he married in 2006 , said the cause of his death was complications of Parkinson 's disease .

  5. 咖啡能降低患老年痴呆症和帕金森症的风险

    Coffee May Lower Your Risk of Alzheimer 's and Parkinson 's

  6. 帕金森症患者脑标本5羟色胺转运体的表达

    Expression of serotonin transporters in postmortem brains of Parkinson 's disease patients

  7. “这太糟糕了。我因为没笑就被捕了,我可是帕金森症患者啊。”

    I was arrested for not smiling . I have Parkinson 's. '

  8. 好了,所以我们不知道是什么导致帕金森症。

    All right , so we don 't know what causes Parkinson 's.

  9. 帕金森症夺走了她的一切。

    The parkinson 's just robbed her of everything .

  10. 他患了帕金森症。帕金森症是中枢神经系统退化性疾病。

    He has Parkinson 's Disease-a degenerative disease of the central nervous system .

  11. 帕金森症模型鼠靶区移植物中的一氧化氮合酶阳性神经元

    The nitric oxide synthase-positive neurons in target grafts in the rat Parkinson model

  12. 随着研究的深入,她们决定研究硝化反应在帕金森症中的作用。

    It was used as the catalyst and solvent in the nitration of toluene .

  13. 其他β-淀粉样蛋白多与神经系统疾病如阿尔茨海默症和帕金森症发病有关。

    Other beta-amyloids are implicated in neurological diseases such as Alzheimer 's and Parkinson 's.

  14. 早期铅中毒还会增加老年痴呆和帕金森症的患病几率。

    Early-life lead exposure can even increase risk for Alzheimer 's and Parkinson 's disease .

  15. 同时为治疗包括帕金森症在内的一系列严重疾病提供有价值的信息。

    in addition to discovering valuable information about a variety of other terrible diseases , including Parkinson 's.

  16. 阿里与女儿莱拉在一起,莱拉已在拳击场上崭露头角。目前,阿里已患上了帕金森症。

    Ali-pictured here with daughter Laila , who has also tried her luck in the ring-now suffers from Parkinson 's Syndrome .

  17. 它将进一步促进对阿尔滋海默症,帕金森症,糖尿病,肌肉萎缩症和心脏病等疾病的治疗。

    It will bring cures a step closer for Alzheimer 's and Parkinson 's disease , diabetes , muscular dystrophy and heart disease .

  18. 所有受试者都未罹患老年痴呆或帕金森症。

    The researchers then followed the participants , none of whom had dementia or Parkinson 's disease at the time , for four years .

  19. 在康奈尔大学,研究人员正在研究用基因疗法治疗帕金森症和一种破坏儿童脑细胞的罕见遗传疾病。

    At Cornell University , researchers are pursuing gene-based therapies for Parkinson 's disease and a rare hereditary disorder that destroys children 's brain cells .

  20. 比如印度人参,对提高记忆力就非常有帮助,还能治疗脑部相关疾病,如阿尔茨海默症和帕金森症。

    Herbs like Ashwagandha is extremely good for boosting one 's memory , as well as curing brain related diseases like Alzheimer 's and Parkinson 's.

  21. 帕金森症是一种神经功能障碍,是大脑中产生多巴胺的神经细胞凋亡而产生的结果。

    Parkinson 's disease is a neurologic disorder that occurs as a result of the death of nerve cells in the brain that produce dopamine .

  22. 忧郁症也可能是严重疾病的前兆,如胰脏癌、脑瘤、帕金森症、阿兹海默症等。

    Depression may also be serious diseases , such as the precursor of pancreatic cancer , brain tumor , Parkinson 's , alzheimer 's disease , etc.

  23. 这种病也可能是由于服用了某种药物而引起的,或者是帕金森症、中风或多发性硬化症表现出来的症状。

    The condition can also be caused by taking certain medication or as symptoms of conditio such as Parki on 's disease , stroke or multiple sclerosis .

  24. 现在对于治疗帕金森症还没有这样的试验。但是西北大学的研究者们认为他们找到了一种能阻缓病情发展的方法。

    There 's currently no such test for Parkinson 's , but at Northwestern University , researchers think they might have found a way to slow its progression .

  25. 在观看事件视频时,“吃瓜群众”们一边奚落嘲笑一边欢欣鼓舞地猜测希拉里可能患有帕金森症或某种其它疾病,这种行为很不恰当。

    Jeers and jubilant speculation that Clinton might have Parkinson 's or some other disease don 't seem the right reactions to the video footage of the event .

  26. 从糖尿病到帕金森症等许多慢性和退变性疾病,今后都有可能通过植入干细胞而治愈,这些细胞将促进受损组织的生长和修复。

    Many chronic and degenerative diseases , from diabetes to Parkinson 's , might then be treated by implanting stem cells , which would grow and repair damaged tissues .

  27. 一名罹患了帕金森症的观众近日在观看奥运自行车公路赛时被英国警方莫名逮捕,因为他“没有笑,看起来也不享受赛事”。

    A father with Parkinson 's disease was arrested as he watched the Olympic cycling road race because he ' failed to smile or look like he was enjoying himself ' .

  28. 虽然现有的药物在帕金森症诊断后第一个五到十年可以缓解症状,但在以后时间的治疗效果就很不确定。

    Although current forms of medication can alleviate the symptoms during the first five to ten years following diagnosis , the results of treatment at a later stage often vary unpredictably .

  29. 不管其成因为何,控制帕金森症的最好方法是确诊时就及时治疗通常是在出现震颤和行走困难之后。

    Whatever its cause , the best way to control Parkinson 's is to treat it as soon as a diagnosis is made & usually after the onset of tremors and walking difficulties .

  30. 我们很久以前就知道电流可以刺激人的神经系统,另外,我们已经开始使用一种叫做“神经调节”的技术来治疗帕金森症和各种慢性疼痛。

    It 's long been known that electricity can stimulate the nervous system , and a technique called " neuromodulation " is being used to address everything from Parkinson 's disease to chronic pain .