
  • 网络passacaglia
  1. 第四章从美学的角度看帕萨卡里亚。

    In the last chapter , have a look on the passacaglia from the esthetic views .

  2. 文章(二)以现代帕萨卡里亚为研究对象,对其既继承传统又创新发展的和声形态进行了考察分析和论述。

    S : The Second part of the article chose the modern passacaglia as the research object , to survey and analyze its state of the harmony that followed the tradition as well as its innovation and development .

  3. 20世纪帕萨卡里亚研究

    A Study on the Passacaglia in the 20 th Century

  4. 本文第一章回溯历史,以巴赫和勃拉姆斯的帕萨卡里亚作品作为分析对象,概述了帕萨卡里亚的形成和发展。

    In the first chapter , the author trace back the history and stated the origin and development of passacaglia , then select passacaglia works by Bach and Brahms as analysis object .