
  • 网络art style;Beaux-Arts style
  1. 我非常中意它有趣的美术风格和良好的角色设计。

    I really like the fun art style and great character designs .

  2. 通过自己创作的动画短片《霸王别姬》来展开美术风格的尝试。

    Through the creation of animation " farewell my concubine " to art style .

  3. 能够使得自己的美术风格与当前产品的独特风格相一致;

    Able to adapt your art to our unique style and vision .

  4. 一个工程中有两种不同的美术风格也是问题。

    Having two different art styles in the same project can be a problem .

  5. 在故事和人物设计的美术风格上,均兼容了东西方文化的表述风格。

    The artistic style of story and characters have seen a compromise of east and west culture .

  6. 笈多美术风格造像作为外来的一种文化是适应并且融合中国本土的文化土壤而发展的。

    The statues of Gupta art style as an alien culture developed that it integrated to the local Chinese culture .

  7. 总结在动画创作中必须关注的美术风格创新,进而为当下戏曲题材的动画片在美术风格上多一些表现形式。

    In the creation of animation art style innovation must pay attention , and to present the theme of drama in art style more animated , some form of expression .

  8. 笈多美术风格的造像就是通过海上之路从南亚以及东南亚传入中国的,东南亚属于印度的文化圈,其诸国的文化深受印度文化的影响,作为印度文化的中介将笈多造像传入中国。

    The statues of Gupta art style spread into China by sea from South Asia and Southeast Asia , Southeast Asia is the part of India cultural circles , so Indian culture have influence on the countries in Southeast , Gupta statues came to China by them .

  9. 战国中山国工艺美术的风格

    Style of Arts and Crafts of Zhongshan State

  10. 通过对民间美术的风格、形式分析,找出民间美术与宗教的契合点,展开宗教与民间美术的相辅相成的论述。

    Pass to analyze to the style , form of the folks art , find out the folks art and agree with to order religiously , launch the religion and the complement each other treatise of the folks art .

  11. 借助于一个统一的图像生产体系,民间审美观念成功地改变了美术作品的风格和特征,但同时也显露出民间审美机制与现实主义创作模式之间难以调和的矛盾。

    By using a unified system of picture production , the folk aesthetics successfully changed the styles and features of fine arts , but meanwhile disclosed the uncompromising contradictions between the folk aesthetic mechanism and the realist creative mode .

  12. 走向现代主义&从工艺美术运动到荷兰风格派

    Go to the Modernism - from Arts and Crafts Movement to De stijl

  13. 美术陶瓷的新风格与粗质材料

    The Creation of a NeW Style of Art Ceramic Works and the Application of Coarse Materials

  14. 这个计划是由一个叫阿瑟·惠洛克的人推动的,他是华盛顿美术馆北巴罗克风格绘画研究部主任。

    The project was propelled by one man , Arthur Wheelock , the Washington gallery 's curator for Northern Baroque painting .