
Allais was described as the only Frenchman to have won the coveted economics prize although G é rard Debreu , one of his pupils , had won it in 1983 , by then , however , a naturalised US citizen .
It certifies the individual 's identity as well as US citizenship .
In1940 , Einstein became a citizen of the United States of america .
Oliver Smithies was born in Britain in nineteen twenty-five and also became an American citizen .
The incident points out what critics say is a glaring inequity in US citizenship regulations .
American citizenship , they decided , was one of the finest gifts they could bestow .
Some have already been gassed in Auschwitz , their American citizenship has become a useless mockery .
The baby is a dual citizen , having automatically acquired US citizenship , via Meghan , at birth .
People will begin taking the new test in October of two thousand eight as part of the naturalization process .
You can not even take it for granted that if a man has American citizenship he is born there .
Legal immigrants who want to become citizens must learn English and show a knowledge of American history and government .
Australian-born Mr Murdoch , who now has US nationality , split up with his third wife Wendi Deng in 2013 .
In 1967 it took a Supreme Court ruling to confirm that dual citizens voting overseas should not lose their American nationality .
After dispensing with the facts of my Jewish background and American citizenship , I promptly asked , What 's the situation ?
Lured by US citizenship for their children , thousands of Chinese women give birth annually in the States , supporting a thriving birth-tourism industry .
He had to stop working and engaged in seemingly random actions , including a trip to Europe where he tried to relinquish his US citizenship .
The Kuomintang government to sign a peace treaty with Japan and join the triple alliance . In 1940 , Einstein became a citizen of the United States of America .
Every American is a hyphenated-American . An American will say " I 'm Polish " or " I 'm Italian " because his great-grandparents were born in Poland or Italy .
She said yes and was told that her children were not eligible for citizenship unless she could prove that the egg or sperm used to create the embryo was from an American citizen .
He traveled abroad and attempted to give up his U.S. citizenship , and at various times considered himself a Japanese shogun , the biblical figure Job and a Palestinian refugee , among other identities .
That policy has spawned a birth-tourism industry , in which pregnant foreigners flock to American hospitals to secure US passports for their babies . Although the foreign couple can 't acquire US nationality themselves , once their American-born offspring turn 21 they can theoretically sponsor their parents for future US citizenship .
Nationality : Dual New Zealand and US citizenship
O'Neill , who holds dual American and British citizenship , has declined a royal rank in Sweden , which would have required him to become a Swedish citizen .
A lot of american tycoons'nationalities are not american for tax purposes .
Ms Atkinson , a former International Monetary Fund official who is both a UK and US national , is known as a backroom negotiator and conciliator with decades of experience on the international economic stage .
Three of the victims were dual U.S. - Israeli citizens .
Dual U.S. , Spanish citizen .
British-American researcher John O'Keefe shares this year 's prize in the describing he getting the call today .
Currently , all persons born in the U.S. are granted citizenship under the Constitution .
She was naturalized in America after living there for more than eight years .