
  1. 阿莱被称作是唯一获得令人觊觎的诺贝尔经济学奖的法国人,不过他的学生杰拉德德布鲁(GérardDebreu)曾在1983年荣膺这一奖项,但当时德布鲁已加入美国国籍。

    Allais was described as the only Frenchman to have won the coveted economics prize although G é rard Debreu , one of his pupils , had won it in 1983 , by then , however , a naturalised US citizen .

  2. 它证明个人的身份以及美国国籍。

    It certifies the individual 's identity as well as US citizenship .

  3. 在1940年,他加入美国国籍。

    In1940 , Einstein became a citizen of the United States of america .

  4. 奥利弗•史密斯于1925年生于英国,后来也加入了美国国籍。

    Oliver Smithies was born in Britain in nineteen twenty-five and also became an American citizen .

  5. 这一事件指出的问题就是评论家所说的美国国籍法中存在的赤裸裸的不公平。

    The incident points out what critics say is a glaring inequity in US citizenship regulations .

  6. 他们认为,美国国籍是他们能够给予子女的最好的礼物。

    American citizenship , they decided , was one of the finest gifts they could bestow .

  7. 有些人已经在奥斯威辛给毒气熏死了,他们的美国国籍全成了无济于事的笑柄。

    Some have already been gassed in Auschwitz , their American citizenship has become a useless mockery .

  8. 梅根的宝宝是英美双重国籍,因梅根有美国国籍,宝宝出生后自动获得美国国籍。

    The baby is a dual citizen , having automatically acquired US citizenship , via Meghan , at birth .

  9. 2008年十月开始申请美国国籍的人需要接受这种新的考试。

    People will begin taking the new test in October of two thousand eight as part of the naturalization process .

  10. 你不能完全肯定一个拥有美国国籍的人就出生在美国。

    You can not even take it for granted that if a man has American citizenship he is born there .

  11. 想要加入美国国籍的合法移民必须学习英语,必须表现出对美国历史和美国政府的知识。

    Legal immigrants who want to become citizens must learn English and show a knowledge of American history and government .

  12. 默多克生于澳大利亚,现拥美国国籍。他2013年与第三任妻子邓文迪离婚。

    Australian-born Mr Murdoch , who now has US nationality , split up with his third wife Wendi Deng in 2013 .

  13. 1967年要靠最高法院裁决才确定在海外投票选举的双重国籍公民不会丢失其美国国籍。

    In 1967 it took a Supreme Court ruling to confirm that dual citizens voting overseas should not lose their American nationality .

  14. 对我的犹太背景和美国国籍暂且不提,我脱口而问:情况怎么样?

    After dispensing with the facts of my Jewish background and American citizenship , I promptly asked , What 's the situation ?

  15. 为了让孩子拥有美国国籍,每年有数以千计的中国准妈妈选择在美国接生,这样一来,生育旅游产业应运而生并且发展迅速。

    Lured by US citizenship for their children , thousands of Chinese women give birth annually in the States , supporting a thriving birth-tourism industry .

  16. 他不得不停止工作,行为处事也看似都是随性而为,包括去了趟欧洲&在那次旅行中他试图放弃美国国籍。

    He had to stop working and engaged in seemingly random actions , including a trip to Europe where he tried to relinquish his US citizenship .

  17. (十五)民党政府同日本订立和平条约,加入三国同盟。在1940年,他加入美国国籍。

    The Kuomintang government to sign a peace treaty with Japan and join the triple alliance . In 1940 , Einstein became a citizen of the United States of America .

  18. 每个美国人除了有美国国籍之外,还各有其祖籍。一个美国人会说“我是波兰人”或“我是意大利人”,因为他的曾祖父母是在波兰或意大利出生的。

    Every American is a hyphenated-American . An American will say " I 'm Polish " or " I 'm Italian " because his great-grandparents were born in Poland or Italy .

  19. 她回答说是,结果被告知她的孩子不够资格加入美国国籍,除非她能证明造出胚胎的卵子或精子来自美国公民。

    She said yes and was told that her children were not eligible for citizenship unless she could prove that the egg or sperm used to create the embryo was from an American citizen .

  20. 他在国外旅行并试图放弃美国国籍,还在不同时期认为自己是日本幕府将军、圣经人物、巴勒斯坦难民以及其他身份。

    He traveled abroad and attempted to give up his U.S. citizenship , and at various times considered himself a Japanese shogun , the biblical figure Job and a Palestinian refugee , among other identities .

  21. 正是由于这一政策,生育旅游产业应运而生,为了让孩子一出生就拥有美国国籍,他国孕妇纷纷奔向美国医院,即使这些妈妈们自己拿不到美国国籍,等子女一旦成长到21岁,理论上也可支持父母申请美国国籍。

    That policy has spawned a birth-tourism industry , in which pregnant foreigners flock to American hospitals to secure US passports for their babies . Although the foreign couple can 't acquire US nationality themselves , once their American-born offspring turn 21 they can theoretically sponsor their parents for future US citizenship .

  22. 国籍:新西兰和美国双重国籍

    Nationality : Dual New Zealand and US citizenship

  23. 欧尼尔拥有英国和美国双重国籍,谢绝了需要加入瑞典国籍才能接受的封爵。

    O'Neill , who holds dual American and British citizenship , has declined a royal rank in Sweden , which would have required him to become a Swedish citizen .

  24. 为了避税,很多美国大亨的国籍根本不是美国。

    A lot of american tycoons'nationalities are not american for tax purposes .

  25. 阿特金森曾担任国际货币基金组织(IMF)官员,拥有美国和英国双重国籍,以幕后谈判和调解工作著称,在国际经济舞台上有着几十年经验。

    Ms Atkinson , a former International Monetary Fund official who is both a UK and US national , is known as a backroom negotiator and conciliator with decades of experience on the international economic stage .

  26. 其中三名遇害者是拥有美国和以色列双重国籍的公民。

    Three of the victims were dual U.S. - Israeli citizens .

  27. 美国和西班牙双重国籍。

    Dual U.S. , Spanish citizen .

  28. 拥有美国和英国双重国籍的研究员约翰·欧基夫是获奖科学家之一,他描述了他今天接到获奖电话时的情景。

    British-American researcher John O'Keefe shares this year 's prize in the describing he getting the call today .

  29. 目前,所有在美国出生的人都被授予美国国籍。

    Currently , all persons born in the U.S. are granted citizenship under the Constitution .

  30. 在美国生活八年多后,她加入了美国国籍。

    She was naturalized in America after living there for more than eight years .