
  • 网络aps;American institute of Physics;aip;The American Physical Society
  1. 美国物理学会为了鼓励有色人种学生成为物理学家,设计了一张非常美的海报。

    The American Physical Society had this beautiful poster encouraging students of color to become physicists .

  2. 这一发现已经出现在匹兹堡召开的美国物理学会流体力学会年度会议上。

    The findings were presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society 's Division of Fluid Dynamics in Pittsburgh .

  3. 毕业后,她进入美国物理学会进行科学写作的实习。

    After that , she worked as an intern for the American Physics Society .

  4. 美国物理学会和该材料的研究团队提供了本报告相关视频包含的信息。

    The American Physical Society and the Materials Research Society contributed to the information contained in the TV portion of this report .

  5. 这个发现没有遽下结论,但航天局已经安排了12月14日在美国地球物理学会(AmericanGeophysicalUnion)年会上召开新闻发布会,发布关于探索火星有机物的新消息。

    The findings were not definitive , but NASA has scheduled a news conference Dec. 14 at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union with new information about the search for organics .

  6. 这个发现没有遽下结论,但航天局已经安排了12月14日在美国地球物理学会(AmericanGeophysicalUnion)年会上召开新闻发布会,发布关于探索火星有机物的“新消息”。

    The findings were not definitive , but NASA has scheduled a news conference Dec. 14 at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union with " new information " about the search for organics .

  7. 方法参考美国医学物理学会第18工作组(AAPMTG18)制定的测试图和质量评估标准,利用光度计、显示器校正软件,对3种型号的BARCOCRT灰阶显示器进行季度性定量检测。

    Methods Routine maintenance and periodic calibration were performed using photometer and automatic calibration software according to American Association of Physicists in Medicine Task Group 18 ( AAPM TG18 ) test patterns and evaluating criterion .

  8. 周二,在美国地球物理学会的会议上,首次发布了水星的全球地图。

    The first ever global map of Mercury was released here Tuesday at the American Geophysical Union meeting .

  9. 虽然气温在不断攀升,美国地球物理学会的一份最新调查却显示美国人比以往更加不关心同全球变暖作斗争的事情。

    Even as the temperature was climbing , a new survey by the American Geophysical Union found that Americans are less concerned than ever about combatting global warming .

  10. 美国地球物理学会主席约翰奥克特在该组织上周于旧金山召开的会议上指出,这些技术上的发展已使人类十分接近大好机遇。

    These technological developments have brought humanity to the brink of great opportunities , said American Geophysical Union president John Orcutt at a meeting of the group last week in San Francisco .

  11. 长期担任美国地球大气物理学会负责人的詹姆斯?爱德华?麦克唐纳教授饮弹自尽,他生前从事不明航空飞行器的研究。

    Professor James Edward McDonald , who for many years served as head of the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Earth and studied unidentified aerospace objects , put a bullet in his head .