
Měi zhōu bào
  • Jaguar;puma;cougar
  1. 美洲豹体育用品公司(P)在92年已濒临破产。

    Sporting goods company Puma was on the verge of bankruptcy back in 1992 .

  2. 他最近完成了一项为期6个月的实习在美洲豹鞋类。

    He recently finished a six-month internship at Puma footwear .

  3. 美洲豹跑起来速度惊人。

    Jaguars can move with an astonishing velocity .

  4. 我从未见过美洲豹。

    I have never seen a cougar .

  5. 除了储存大量的碳以外,古老树木和热带雨林还是生物多样性热点地区,是红毛猩猩、美洲豹和老虎的家园。

    As well as storing massive amounts of carbon , they 're hotspots of biodiversity as the homes of orangutans , jaguars1 , and tigers .

  6. 狐狸很满意自己的美丽的尾巴,他看起来可能不如美洲豹美丽,但是他却很聪明。

    The fox is proud of his fine tail , but he is clever enough to see that his looks art not as good as the leopard 's.

  7. 狐狸和美洲豹享受了丰盛的晚餐后在休息的时候,他们对于谁更美丽展开了一场有趣的争论,美洲豹对于他的外皮感到很骄傲,他说狐狸没有他这样好看。

    A fox and a leopard1 are having a rest lazily after a good dinner . They have fun by arguing about their good looks . The leopard is very proud of his good coat and says that the looks of the fox are not as good as it .

  8. 看起来有了Azure美洲豹不会变换它的条纹。

    It does not look like the leopard has changed its stripes with Azure .

  9. 最大一艘的是停靠在法国、名为公牛的23米美洲豹运动游艇(LeopardSportYacht),马多夫的律师们对其估价为700万美元。

    The largest is a 23m Leopard Sport Yacht named Bull , valued by Mr Madoff 's lawyers at $ 7m and docked in France .

  10. 所要修复的区域包括CollierSeminole州立公园和佛罗里达美洲豹国家野生动物保护区。

    The area includes the Collier Seminole State Park and the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge .

  11. 试想一下,开一辆二手的现代伊兰特与开一辆崭新的美洲豹XJ之间的差别,肯定没有开车与徒步跋涉烂泥滩之间的差别明显。

    And the distance between driving a used Hyundai Elantra and a new Jaguar XJ is well nigh undetectable compared with the difference between motoring and hiking through the muck .

  12. 可以使用手机的主要原因之一的解放油罐车司机分心,这就是为什么美洲豹介绍蓝牙吗?XJ连通为一个可选特征在2005年。

    Mobile phone usage can be one of the leading causes of driver distraction , which is why Jaguar introduced Bluetooth ? connectivity to the XJ as an optional feature in2005 .

  13. 直升飞机类似欧洲直升机法国公司的海军型AS565“美洲豹”,少量也被PLA海军操作,但是二种直升飞机没有直接关联性。

    The helicopter resembles the naval variant of the French Eurocopter AS565 Panther , of which a small number is also operational with the PLA Navy , but the two helicopters have no direct link .

  14. 我开始可是认为美洲豹肯定赢的。

    I thought the Cougars were going to win for sure .

  15. 我是说,我被看成了是一头美洲豹。

    I mean , I am being treated like a leopard .

  16. 在电视中,迈克尔·杰克逊变形成了一头美洲豹。

    In the video , Michael Jackson morphed into a panther .

  17. 我们倒的确使用了一头活的动物来推销美洲豹车。

    We did use a live animal to promote the Cougar .

  18. 在所有大型猫科动物种类中,美洲豹的分布最广。

    The leopard is the most widespread of all big cats .

  19. 等我有钱了,我一定去买美洲豹牌车。

    When I 'm well off I 'll buy a jaguar .

  20. 可能一点都不像美洲豹了。

    Is probably not the least bit like a cougar .

  21. 目前为止,佛罗里达的美洲豹已经不到一百只。

    Fewer than one hundred of the animals now live in Florida .

  22. 一辆美洲豹敞篷车停在了她身边。

    A late model jaguar convertible pulls up beside her .

  23. 发生在这只美洲豹身上的事情可以通过三个原因来解释。

    There are three reasons why the loss happened to the leopard .

  24. 亚利桑那州沙漠博物馆展出本土动植物美洲豹是北美最大的猫科动物。

    The mountain lion is the largest cat native to North America .

  25. 他对那辆美洲豹想做什么就能做什么了。

    He can do anything he likes with the jaguar .

  26. 我的新车可比不让你那辆旧的美洲豹牌车。

    My new car has nothing on your old jaguar .

  27. 密尔沃基的国家动物园自1975年以来第一次迎来美洲豹幼仔。

    The Milwaukee Country Zoo has its first jaguar cubs since 1975 .

  28. 世界上第一辆美洲豹牌录音棚诞生了

    The world 's first Jag mobile recording studio ... is done .

  29. 这是美洲豹,印度豹太华而不实了。

    It 's leopard . cheetah 's too gaudy .

  30. 他们会向我们买东西,而略过那些开s型美洲豹的笨蛋。

    They 'll buy from us over the slob in the Jaguar s-type .