
  • 网络U.S. Department of State;State Department;U.S. State Department;US State Department;Department of State
  1. 据《人民日报》报道,美国国务院5月17日发布了这个公告。

    The mandate follows a U.S. Department of State announcement issued on May 17 , the People 's Daily reported .

  2. StephenM.Harner是美国国务院前外交事务主任,国际银行家,中日问题顾问。

    Stephen M. Harner is a former Foreign Service Officer ( U.S. Department of State ), international banker , and consultant in Japan and China .

  3. 联合国一直都在与美国国务院合作推进一项计划,寻找愿意接纳难民的国家。

    The UN had been co-operating with the State Department on a plan to find countries willing to take the refugees

  4. 美国国务院(StateDepartment)要求威尔森删除相关图纸,理由是他违反了武器出口法。

    The State Department ordered him to remove his blueprints , citing arms-export laws .

  5. 本文摘自美国国务院国际信息局出版物《媒体法律手册》(MediaLawHandbook)。

    This essay is excerpted from Media Law Handbook , published by the Bureau of International Information Programs .

  6. 谷歌甚至拥有自己的数据外交部门&由美国国务院前官员领导的GoogleIdeas。

    Google even has its own data diplomacy outfit , Google Ideas , which is headed by a former state department official .

  7. 谷歌甚至拥有自己的“数据外交”部门——由美国国务院前官员领导的GoogleIdeas。

    Google even has its own " data diplomacy " outfit , Google Ideas , which is headed by a former state department official .

  8. 他不信任伊拉克驻联合国(un)大使,也不信任美国国务院。

    He did not trust his ambassador to the United Nations , nor did he trust the State Department .

  9. 美国国务院表示,他们将聚焦于增强美国的角色和对太平洋岛屿论坛(PacificIslandForum)的承诺。

    They would be focusing on enhancing the US role and commitment to the Pacific Island Forum , the state department said .

  10. 美国国务院发言人约翰柯比(JohnKirby)表示,预计克里会完全康复。

    State Department spokesman John Kirby said Mr Kerry was expected to make a full recovery .

  11. 美国国务院(StateDepartment)官员表示,印度的谈判立场可能会拆散这份协议。这份协议给了印度前所未有的核燃料使用权,而没有要求印度签署核不扩散条约。

    US State Department officials say India 's negotiating stance risks unravelling the deal , which gives India unprecedented access to nuclear fuel without requiring it to sign up to the nuclear non-proliferation treaty .

  12. 我与前国务卿马德琳·奥尔布赖特(MadeleinAlbright)一起宣布了美国国务院与一个叫做“新开端伙伴”(PartnersforaNewBeginning)的新组织之间的合作。

    Together with former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright , I announced a collaboration between the State Department and a new group called Partners for a New Beginning .

  13. 约翰克里(JohnKerry)上周二在美国国务院发言时无意中承认,奥巴马政府在应对俄罗斯方面如今面临更大挑战。

    John Kerry inadvertently acknowledged the broader challenge that the administration faces with Russia in comments he made on Tuesday at the state department .

  14. 巴内特·鲁宾(BarnettRubin)是前美国国务院的阿富汗问题顾问。

    Barnett Rubin is a former State Department adviser on Afghanistan .

  15. 实际上,这种条件反射根深蒂固,美国国务院(usstatedepartment)网站上就明确告知美国企业,“在面临高度威胁的环境里,应锁上卫生间”,“由前台人员控制进出”。

    Indeed , this reflex is so ingrained that the website of the US State Department explicitly tells American companies that " restrooms should be kept locked in high-threat environments " , with " access controlled by the receptionist " .

  16. 美国国务院一位发言人表示,中国官员上周末向助理国务卿克里斯托弗希尔(christopherhill)承认进行了这次试验。

    A US State Department spokesman said Chinese officials had acknowledged the test to Christopher Hill , assistant secretary of state , at the weekend .

  17. 据美国国务院的资料,ISIS有5亿美元的现金流动资产。

    According to the US state department , it has $ 500m in liquid cash assets .

  18. 尽管奥巴马(Obama)政府未就上述报道立即予以置评,但之前美国国务院对有利于朝韩关系解冻的一些举措表示了认可。

    Although there was no immediate comment on the report from the Obama administration , it followed an acknowledgement by the state department of helpful steps towards a thaw between North and South Korea .

  19. 她在世界舞台上的名望,她几乎像总统般的风采,都使她与众不同,美国国务院顶级职业外交家比尔伯恩斯(BillBurns)对我说。

    Her stature on the world stage , her almost presidential stature , has set her apart , Bill Burns , the top career diplomat at the State Department , tells me .

  20. 对于美国国务院(theStateDepartment)而言,美国国务卿希拉里•克林顿提出的所谓“经济战略”的新外交政策将面临初步检验&新的外交政策进一步向决定世界格局的经济因素倾斜。

    For the State Department , it will be an early test of a new diplomacy that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has termed " economic Statecraft " & an approach that gives more weight to the economic factors shaping world events .

  21. 雷鸟的这个室内市场是该学院今年推出的新模式的一部分,被通俗地称为全球军团(TheGlobalCohort),并与美国国务院合作。

    The market at Thunderbird is part of a new model the school launched this year , colloquially called ' The Global Cohort ' and run in partnership with the US Department of State .

  22. 最近,多尔西走出了自己熟悉的soma区,在美国国务院的安排下访问了巴格达和墨西哥城。

    Mr Dorsey ventured out of his soma comfort zone recently to visit Baghdad and Mexico City with the usstate department .

  23. 美国国务院发言人菲利普克劳利(PhilipCrowley)表示,华盛顿方面没有恢复对朝鲜粮食援助的计划。

    Philip Crowley , US state department spokesman , said Washington had no plans to resume food aid to North Korea .

  24. 不过,美国国务院发言人罗伯特伍德(robertwood)表示,周末前拟定的最终稿件还是肯定了2001年德班会议有争议的宣言,对此华盛顿仍不满意。

    However , Robert Wood , State Department spokesman , said Washington remained unhappy that the final text , put out before the weekend , still reaffirmed the controversial declaration of the 2001 Durban meeting .

  25. 美国国务院下设的外交学院(ForeignServiceInstitute)说,想要掌握普通话需要2200个课时的学习,其中一半课时要在说普通话的国家学习。而掌握西班牙语则只要600课时到750课时即可。

    Mandarin competence takes 2,200 class hours , with half of that time spent in a country where it 's spoken , according to the U.S. State Department 's Foreign Service Institute , whereas Spanish can be learned in 600 to 750 class hours .

  26. 出席此次会议的美国国务院(StateDepartment)前任高级外交官李维亚(EvansRevere)表示:我认为这是一种颇有挑衅性但很有趣的想法,我把它转告给了华盛顿。

    Evans Revere , a former senior State Department diplomat who was at the meeting , said : I thought it was a provocative but interesting idea and I passed it on to Washington .

  27. 美国国务院新闻发言人肖恩麦考马克(seanmccormack)拒绝承认,允许这笔资金全部解冻的举动,代表着美国政策的转变。

    Sean McCormack , State Department spokesman , denied that the move to allow all the funds to be unfrozen represented a shift in US policy .

  28. 美国国务院发言人表示,过去三周,IHH代表曾与哈马斯高级官员会面。

    An American State Department spokesman said IHH representatives have met with top Hamas officials over the past three years .

  29. 设在华盛顿的美洲国家对话组织(inter-americandialogue)的丹尼尔埃里克森(danielerikson)表示,美国国务院一直在努力实现旨在把中国变成拉美地区负责任的利益相关者的设想。

    According to Daniel Erikson of the Inter-American Dialogue in Washington , the US State Department has been pursuing a vision aimed at converting China into a responsible stakeholder in Latin America .

  30. 美国国务院表示,朝鲜将允许国际原子能机构(iaea)核查人员回到一直在进行铀浓缩的宁边(yongbyon)核设施。

    The US State Department said North Korea would allow for the return of inspectors from the International Atomic Energy Agency to the Yongbyon facility , where it has been enriching uranium .