
  • mermaid
  1. “我发现了一条美人鱼。”——“别说傻话了。哪有那种东西。”

    ' I found a mermaid . ' — ' Don 't be daft . There 's no such thing . '

  2. 小美人鱼不太高兴,因为她等不及了。

    The little mermaid wasn 't happy because she didn 't want to wait .

  3. 海牛游动温和而缓慢,被认为是海员遐想中富有神秘色彩的美人鱼

    Gentle and slow moving , manatees are said to be the mythical mermaids of sailors ' imaginations .

  4. 每当夜幕降临时,小美人鱼都会幻想那个陌生的国度,然后沉沉睡去。

    So every night , when it 's time to sleep , she dreams of this land and then falls a sleep .

  5. 其尾部高耸的船楼上雕满了神仙、妖魔鬼怪、骑士、国王、勇士、美人鱼、天使

    The high stern castle was a riot or carved gods , demons , knights , kings , warriors , mermaids , cherubs .

  6. 其中,最耳熟能详的当然是《小美人鱼》(TheLittleMermaid)、《狮子王》(TheLionKing)和《美女与野兽》(BeautyandtheBeast)。

    There was the little mermaid , the lion king , beauty and the beast , and many others .

  7. 让•保罗•戈蒂埃(JeanPaulGaultier)采用了一种海员+美人鱼的主题,表现方式颇为惊人。

    Jean Paul Gaultier took a nautical / mermaid theme that played out in surprising ways .

  8. 这些学校面向1至11岁的儿童,教授课程的老师由米老鼠、小美人鱼(littlemermaid)以及迪士尼其它角色担任。

    The schools are open to children aged one to 11 and use a curriculum featuring Mickey Mouse , the little mermaid and other Disney characters .

  9. 蒂沃利公园Tivoli和美人鱼像可以说是哥本哈根的象征。

    Peduncle Worley park Tivoli and the beautiful manatee picture may say is Copenhagen 's symbol .

  10. IMGlobal在北京有一个办事处,经手中国大片如《美人鱼》在海外的发行,充分利用好莱坞和新兴市场(如中国和印度宝莱坞市场)之间不断发展的双向流动。

    Taking advantage of the growing two-way flows between Hollywood and emerging markets , such as the Chinese and Bollywood markets , IM Global operates a Beijing office and has handled the foreign distribution of hits in China such as The Mermaid .

  11. 他们是2011年7月在拍摄LadyGaga的MV《YouandI》中认识的,在MV中LadyGaga扮演美人鱼,而Taylor则扮演她的爱人。

    The couple met in July 2011 , on the set of Lady Gaga 's music video " You and I , " in which she played a mermaid and he played her lover .

  12. 今年2月,科幻喜剧片《美人鱼》(TheMermaid)在上映12天后成为中国历史票房最高的影片,超过4.3亿美元。

    In February , a sci-fi comedy called " The Mermaid " became the highest-grossing movie ever in China within 12 days of its release , earning more than $ 430 million .

  13. 为了与星巴克的大众市场品牌区别开来,星巴克精品烘烤品牌的新店和产品线,很大程度上摒弃了绿色美人鱼的商标,而是使用了一个星形标志,加上一个红色字母R。

    So to distinguish Reserve from its mass-market cousin , Starbucks is banishing , to a great extent , its green mermaid logo at the new shops and in the product line . The Reserve stores and line of coffees instead carry a star logo , along with a red R.

  14. 为了与星巴克的大众市场品牌区别开来,星巴克精品烘烤品牌的新店和产品线,很大程度上摒弃了绿色美人鱼的商标,而是使用了一个星形标志,加上一个红色字母“R”。

    So to distinguish Reserve from its mass-market cousin , Starbucks is banishing , to a great extent , its green mermaid logo at the new shops and in the product line . The Reserve stores and line of coffees instead carry a star logo , along with a red " R. "

  15. 所以,她决定拿起麦克风,为汉弗莱演唱《小美人鱼》(TheLittleMermaid)的主题曲《吻她》(KisstheGirl)。在引吭高歌之际,她突然双膝跪地,请汉弗莱嫁给她。

    So she decided to grab a microphone and serenade Ms. Humphrey with a karaoke rendition of " Kiss the Girl , " from " The Little Mermaid . " After belting out the tune , she dropped to both knees and asked Ms. Humphrey to marry her .

  16. 威廉王子将由澳大利亚演员BurgessAbernethy,其知名作品为《美人鱼》的电视剧。而王妃的扮演者是加拿大女演员LauraMitchell。

    William will be played by Australian actor Burgess Abernethy , best known for H20 : Just Add Water , while the Duchess of Cambridge will be portrayed by Canada-based actress Laura Mitchell .

  17. 2011年Gemma在《加勒比海盗四》中饰演美人鱼皇后Tamara。

    In the summer of2011 , Ward played Tamara , the antagonistic Queen of The Mermaids , in Pirates of the Caribbean : On Stranger Tides , opposite Johnny Depp .

  18. 如果你的预算很低,那就试试WeekiWachee的美人鱼表演吧,每人只需要13美元。

    For a lower budget experience , try the Weeki Wachee Mermaid Show at $ 13 a head .

  19. 周星驰(StephenChow)导演的《美人鱼》(TheMermaid)等卖座影片使中国2月份票房收入自有记录以来首次超过北美市场,中国有望最早于2017年成为世界上最大票房市场。

    Hits such as Stephen Chow 's The Mermaid saw the country 's box office take in February surpass that of the North American market for the first month on record , putting China on track to become the world 's biggest box office as soon as 2017 .

  20. 新华社报道称,丹麦税务部部长波尔森(TroelsLundPoulsen)在周日的揭幕仪式上表示,把小美人鱼雕像带到上海是为了表达丹麦对中国的尊敬。

    Xinhua news agency reported that Denmark 's Minister of Taxation Troels Lund Poulsen said at a ceremony to unveil the statue Sunday that the mermaid had been brought to Shanghai to show his country 's dedication to China .

  21. 他说DarylHannah是他见过最美的女人。我说我喜欢”美人鱼”中的她但“华尔街”就没那么喜欢她没那种……

    David : Daryl Hannah was the most beautiful woman that he 'd ever seen in his life and I said yeah , I liked her in Splash , a lot , but not so much in in Wall Street , I thought she had kind of a. ..

  22. 此外,她的复制品出现在世界各地。在美国密歇根州格林维尔镇一年一度的丹麦节上,小美人鱼雕像的复制品和由乐高积木(Lego)搭成的安徒生雕像相伴出现。乐高积木同样原产于丹麦。

    In addition , replicas of her have popped up across the world , including in Greenville , Michigan , where it forms part of the town 's annual Danish Festival , along with a statue of Andersen -- made of Lego pieces , a product that originated in Denmark .

  23. 小美人鱼问了她的姊姊们和奶奶很多问题。

    The little mermaid asked her sisters and grandmother many questions .

  24. 在这个特殊的国度男人鱼与美人鱼一直过得很快乐。

    In this special place mermen and mermaids were always happy .

  25. 会让小美人鱼长出腿来,把她变成人类。

    It would give the mermaid legs and make her human .

  26. 他们还可以看到婴儿是否患有美人鱼综合症。

    They can also see if the baby has Mermaid Syndrome .

  27. 这六个美人鱼就一起去找这个王子。

    Together , the six mermaids went to find the prince .

  28. 潜入水中的不一定都是美人鱼。

    Not everything is a mermaid that dives into the water .

  29. 哦,小美人鱼,为什么你的眼里噙满泪水?

    Oh , Little Mermaid , why are you in tears ?

  30. 抑或是东海美人鱼的再生。

    Or the reincarnation of the mermaid of the East Sea .