
  • 网络GIANTS
  1. 地球在那时已经有了有趣的族类,包括巨人族和侏儒族。

    The Earth had interesting species at that time which included giants and elves .

  2. (挪威神话)经常和以奥丁为首的诸神有冲突的巨人族。

    ( Norse mythology ) one of a race of giants often in conflict with the Aesir .

  3. (希腊神话)一支前额只有一只眼的巨人族。

    ( Greek mythology ) one of a race of giants having a single eye in the middle of their forehead .

  4. 他们与巨人族、食尸鬼狼狈为奸,趁黑夜诱拐童女,还以磨亮的兽角啜饮鲜血。

    They consorted with giants and ghouls , stole girl children in the dead of night , and drank blood from polished horns .

  5. 有些称作他们为行走于地球上的巨人族,他们的开发记录在古代象形文字、的纪念碑和文本里。

    Some called them the Giants who walked upon the Earth , their exploits recorded on ancient hieroglyphs , sacred monuments and texts .