
  • 网络giant system;OCGS;macrosystem;macrosystems
  1. 最后,基于经济系统是一复杂巨系统这一特征,介绍本文的主要分析工具&复杂适应系统(CAS)理论。

    At last , because economy system is an open complex giant system ( OGGS ), as an analysis tool , the theory of complex adaptive system ( CAS ) is introduced .

  2. 农业复杂巨系统的特点与全国粮食产量预测研究

    Characteristic of Agricultural Complex Giant System and National Grain Output Prediction

  3. 以Internet为代表的计算机互联网已发展成为一个复杂巨系统。

    Internet has been developed into a giant and complex system .

  4. Internet作为一个开放的复杂巨系统,其大范围模式的研究引起了人们的极大兴趣。

    Internet as an OCGS ( Open Complex Giant Systems ), has attracted peoples attention in its large-scale modes research recently .

  5. 域间路由系统与Internet一样是一个复杂巨系统.自组织理论是当前对于复杂性系统研究的重要成果,是研究复杂系统的有效工具。

    The inter-domain routing system is a complex macrosystem just like the Internet , and the self-organization theory is the efficient utility for studying complex system .

  6. 网络蠕虫之所以难于控制主要是由于Internet本质上是一个开放的复杂巨系统,其结构复杂,缺乏中心控制能力以及其开放性的特征导致存在大量网管层面上的不可控节点。

    Internet worms are difficult to eliminate because Internet is an open and complex scale-free system , and there are a mass of vulnerable nodes , which are absent of managing and defending .

  7. 本文根据开放的复杂巨系统的理论,探讨Internet的系统特性和本质;

    The systemic peculiarity and nature of Internet is explored in this paper , and it is indicated that Internet is an open complex giant system based on the theory of open complex giant systems .

  8. 可持续发展系统(SDS)是人类社会赖以存在和发展的巨系统,是开放的合作的自组织系统。

    Sustainable development system ( SDS ), which is the base of human to exist and develop , is an open , cooperative and self-organized huge system .

  9. 具有开放、分布式、不协作、异构、无中心控制等特点的Internet复杂巨系统的管理、容量规划、新一代网络体系结构设计与分析和性能预测都离不开对网络行为的充分理解。

    Internet has become a complex gigantic system that has open , distributed , uncooperative , heterogeneous , non-center-control characteristics . To manage and scheme Internet , and design new generation network architecture and anal-yse and performance forecast is need to perceive network behavior .

  10. 基于灰色系统理论,将该特定区域的社会-经济-环境复杂巨系统作为灰箱系统模型,应用人工神经网络的人工智能方法,计算城市拓展区的可持续发展指数(ISD)。

    Sustainable Development Index ( ISD ) series for multi-years were used to measure the regional capability of sustainability . The socio-economic-environmental grand system was considered as a grey system and artificial neural network ( ANN ) was applied to calculate the ISD series .

  11. 提出了地表MPBL系统的概念,并认为它是一个开放性的复杂巨系统;

    The author puts forward the concept of multi phases boundary layers ( MPBL ) system and holds that that is the research object of contemporary earth system science .

  12. 人-机结合的智能工程系统处理开放的复杂巨系统的可操作平台

    Man-Computer Cooperated Intelligent Engineering System-A Management Platform for Dealing With OCGS

  13. 和谐社会是一个自组织复杂巨系统,自组织理论为构建和谐社会提供了重要的理论依据。

    Harmonious society is a complex and huge system of self-organization .

  14. 社会经济系统是一类开放的复杂巨系统。

    Social economic systems are a class of complex systems .

  15. 基于复杂巨系统的城市信息安全保障体系的研究

    The Research of Security Assurance Based on Complex Giant Systems ' Theory

  16. 开放的复杂巨系统在企业成长战略中的运用与创新

    Application and Innovation of Open Complex Giant System in Enterprise Growth Strategy

  17. 基于开放复杂巨系统的雷达装备远程技术支援保障研究

    Study on Radar Equipment Remote Technical Support Based on OCGS

  18. 指出中医研究的三个重要趋势,即从线性的简单系统走向开放的复杂巨系统,将非线性复杂科学、信息科学和前沿的数理科学与中医学交叉、渗透、融合;

    Three important trends in TCM investigation is pointed out .

  19. 数字人体简单巨系统的几种数学模型

    Mathematics Models of Simple Giant System of Digital Human Body

  20. 用开放的复杂巨系统理论探讨现代企业管理问题

    Discussing the Modern Enterprise Management by the Theory of Open Complex Giant System

  21. 基于开放复杂巨系统的生态城市建设

    Construction of Eco-city Based on Open Complex Giant System

  22. 在认知层面上,认知过程的复杂性源于思维巨系统的复杂性与习以为常的还原论和非系统思维带来的曲解;

    At the cognition level , it comes from the reductionism and non-system thinking .

  23. 开放复杂巨系统思想是他的系统科学思想的核心。

    The thought of OCGS is a nucleus of his thoughts of system science .

  24. 数字城市&一类开放的复杂巨系统

    Digital City & An Open Complex Giant System

  25. 网格计算中的开放复杂巨系统

    Open Complex Giant Systems in the Grid Computing

  26. 城市系统是一个复杂巨系统。

    City system is the system with complexity .

  27. 宏观经济系统是包括一个国家的整体经济运行状况的巨系统。

    Macroeconomic system is a huge system including the economic situation in the whole country .

  28. 巨系统复合介质岩层移动模型及工程应用

    The model of rock stratum movement as huge system complex medium and its engineering application

  29. 通过实际难题创建新方法&从地球内外复杂巨系统谈起

    The complex macro system inside and outside the earth and new approaches to work out

  30. 数字人体的简单巨系统

    Simple Giant System of Digital Human Body