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  • Mega University;megaversity
  1. 巨型大学是高等教育发展的产物。

    Macro University is a product of the development of higher education .

  2. 巨型大学中的学院&建立以学院为重心的学院治理结构

    College in the Multiversity & To Establish a College Governance Structure Focused College

  3. 巨型大学合作的技术基础

    Technical Basis of Co-operation between Mega-Universities

  4. 巨型大学的形成与发展是一个历史演化的过程,是组织内部逻辑和外部压力推动的结果。

    Their formation and development is a historical evolution as well as the outcome of inner logic and outer pressure .

  5. 中国电大之所以能发展成为世界远程教育领域的巨型大学,最关键的是依靠持续不断的制度创新。

    It is mainly depending on persistent institutional innovation that TV University can grow into multiversity in the field of distance education around the world .

  6. 19世纪末以来,美国创造性地学习德国的大学制度,开创了多元化高等教育与巨型大学的模式。

    Since the late 19 ~ th century , universities in the USA have pursued the idea of Multiversity and tried to combine different ideas in one university .

  7. 克拉克•克尔提出的“多元巨型大学”是介于观念与理念之间模棱两可的一种哲学表达。

    Clark Kerr originated his ambiguous philosophy of " multiversity " between the concept and the idea . " Multiversity " is used neither as a word nor an institution .

  8. 世界上已有11所注册学生数在10万人以上的巨型大学,它们已成为自治的远程教学大学的主要代表。

    In the present world , there are 11 mega - universities with enrollment over 100 thousand students , they have become the main representatives of autonomous distance teaching universities .

  9. 美国当代教育家克拉克·克尔提出了巨型大学观的概念探讨其多元化巨型大学观的内涵、形态、意义,对我国当前高等教育的发展有重要的启示作用。

    This article mainly deals with contemporary American educationist Clark Kerr 's view of Multiversity , and meanwhile makes a comparative study on the current situation in today 's Chinese university .

  10. 国家意志、高校行为、社会需求、市场作用等则构成中国巨型大学形成和发展的动因。

    Will of the nation , action of the university , demand of the society , interaction of the market are the causes of the formation and development of China 's maga-universities .

  11. 《我国巨型大学的管理与组织模式研究》是迄今研究中国巨型大学组织管理和制度建设最为全面的专著。

    The book A Research into Management and Organization Modes of Multiversities in Our Country is by far them most comprehensive publication specialized in the study of the management and organization as well as the system construction of the multiversities in China .

  12. 近些年来,南非大学坚持面向未来,面向学习型社会,面向开放型远程教育,努力发展有特色的远程高等教育,取得了令人瞩目的成绩,成为当今世界享有声誉的“巨型大学”之一。

    In recent years , the orientation of the University of South Africa ( Unisa ) towards a learning society and the future in the development of the distinctive open distance education has obtained notable achievements , distinguishing Unisa as one of the " mega universities " in the world .

  13. 特别是2000年前后,一批巨型多校区大学的相继诞生,在高教界产生了强烈的震撼。

    Especially after 2000 , a number of large multi-campus universities have mushroomed , which really gives a big shock to the field of higher education .