
  • 网络Kenneth Fok
  1. 据说霍启刚接近她时是作为一个粉丝在2004年的香港见到她的。

    It is said that Kenneth approached her as a fan to meet her in Hong Kong in 2004 .

  2. 霍启刚的母亲吴玲玲,曾在1977年赢得了香港小姐选美大赛,现在已经与霍震霆离婚,她穿着一条粉红色的裙子出现。

    Kenneth Fok 's mother Loretta Chu , who won the Miss Hong Kong beauty pageant in 1977 and is now divorced from Timothy Fok , showed up in a pink dress .

  3. 郭晶晶较早前否认和霍启刚拍拖。

    Guo earlier denied dating Mr Fok .

  4. 她和霍启刚拍拖,因而成为娱乐版的常客。

    She has become a fixture on the gossip pages due to her relationship with Kenneth Fok Kai-kong .

  5. 霍启刚是香港大亨霍震霆的长子和霍英东的孙子。

    Fok is the eldest son of Hong Kong tycoon Timothy Fok and eldest grandson of Henry Fok .

  6. 郭晶晶与霍启刚(香港近代富豪霍英东的孙子)的秘密恋情,已经引起了全民的想象,人们似乎在关注运动员赛场表现之余,也愈加关心起他们的私人生活了。

    Guo Jingjing ` s alleged romance with Kenneth Fok , the grandson of late Hong Kong tycoon Henry Fok , has captured the imagination of a country that seems to have become as interested in the private lives of its athletes as in their athletic performances .