
xiàn dài wén huà
  • modern culture
  1. 这之后,他先后创立了苹果、NeXT电脑公司和皮克斯动画制作公司,成为影响现代文化版图的重要力量。

    He would go on to eventually found Apple , NeXT Computer and Pixar , becoming an instrumental force in shaping the landscape of modern culture .

  2. HelloKitty可以说是现代文化中最容易一眼就认出的卡通形象了。

    Hello Kitty is one of the most easily recognizable characters in the history of modern culture .

  3. 这一传统现在已进入现代文化。

    This tradition has now found its way into present-day culture .

  4. 例如,耳洞的文化实践已经成为现代文化的一部分。

    The cultural practice of ear piercings , for example , has become a part of modern day culture .

  5. 指出依据病人不同的文化背景和需要,通过改善ICU的文化环境(传统文化、现代文化、饮食文化)、居住环境、语言环境,可缓解多元文化冲击,提高ICU的护理质量和护士素质。

    The authors indicate that multi-culture shock in ICU can be relieved by improving ICU cultural conditions ( traditional culture , modern culture and diet cultures ), living condition , language condition so as to promote the increase of nursing quality in ICU and nurse 's quality .

  6. 西方现代文化批判精神的影响。

    Influenced by the critical spirit of Western modern culture ;

  7. 罗蒂认为,走向后现代文化是人类文明的进步。

    Rorty believes that post-modern culture to the progress of human civilization .

  8. 自觉与自主&传统文化与现代文化随笔之一

    Self-affirmation and Self-dependence-An Informal Essay on Traditional Culture and Modernization

  9. 大众传媒对柯尔克孜族现代文化的影响

    On the Influence of Mass Media on Modern Kirghiz Culture

  10. 鲁迅的立人思想与现代文化建设

    On LU Xun 's " humanity cultivation " thought & modern culture construction

  11. 现代文化与大学生审美教育

    On the Relationship between the Modern Cultures and Aesthetic Education for University Students

  12. 城市化进程造就现代文化教育活动环境。

    Social urbanization creates modern cultural and educational environment .

  13. 科学文化、传统文化与现代文化

    Scientific Culture , Traditional Culture and Modern Culture

  14. 现代文化禀赋是创新的函数。

    Modern culture endowment is an innovative function .

  15. 论李叔同对中国近现代文化的贡献

    Li Shu-tong 's Spirits of Reform and Innovation and Contributions to Chinese Modern Culture

  16. 2对于现代文化批判,表现为对苏格拉底理性主义的批判。

    Modern cultural criticism which finds expression in the criticism of Socrates ' rationalism .

  17. 四十年代的中国新诗派诗人群具有鲜明的现代文化意识。

    Chinese new poets of the 1940s cherished an intense consciousness of modern culture .

  18. 摘要后现代文化包括两个部分:后现代性文化和后现代主义文化。

    Post modern culture consists of two parts , postmodernity culture and postmodernism culture .

  19. 后现代文化语境和90年代诗歌叙事性的发生

    On the Occurrence of Narrative Elements of Poetry in 1990s and the Post-Modernist Context

  20. 陈寅恪与吴宓是我国现代文化史上的重要人物。

    CHEN Yin-que and WU Mi are significant figures in modern Chinese cultural history .

  21. 新新人类和后现代文化

    New New Human Being and Postmodern Culture

  22. 后现代文化思潮与文化建构主义心理学

    Postmodern Cultural Thoughts and Cultural Constructionist Psychology

  23. 在后现代文化语境中,文学经典缺失已是一种客观事实。

    The absence of literary classics has been an objective fact in the post-modern era .

  24. 西方现代文化的传入是中国社会现代意识产生的原因,就中国现代文学而言,其现代性主要表现在两个方面:启蒙思想与审美主义。

    The occurrence of Chinese modern social consciousness resulted from the introduction of modern Western culture .

  25. 这些现象也被一些理论家纳入后现代文化这一宽泛的范畴之中。

    Those phenomena also are brought into the wide category of Postmodernism Culture by some theorists .

  26. 随着后现代文化的兴起,身体问题已经成了生活政治的核心之一。

    As the rise of post-modern culture , body has become a core of life politics .

  27. 拉康与后现代文化批评

    Lacan and Postmodern Cultural Criticism

  28. 鲁迅和胡适是中国现代文化史上的两位知名人物。

    Lu Xun and Hu Shi are two prominent figures in the modern cultural history of China .

  29. 后现代文化及其文学表现

    The Postmodern Culture and Literature

  30. 现代文化的冲击,则加速了湖北民间音乐文化的萎缩;

    On the other hand , the strike of modern culture accelerates the shrink of the folk music .