
  • 网络modern prose;modern essays;modem prose
  1. “情”与“志”是构成现代散文的重要因素之一。

    Affection and reason are the important factors of modern prose .

  2. 现代散文理论建设的回顾与反思

    Retrospection and Reflection On " the Theory Construction " of Modern Prose

  3. 中国散文翻译的新收获喜读张培基教授《英译中国现代散文选》散文翻译中的审美阅读与审美再现RuralLifeinEngland译文评述

    Comments on the Version of the Selected Modern Chinese Prose Writings Aesthetics Embodied in the Translating of English Essays & Contrastive Studies of the Translations of Washington Irving 's Rural Life in England

  4. 从Es-say对中国现代散文话语建立的影响以及现代散文对这一影响有选择的接受这两个方面来讨论现代散文的话语定位。

    This text discusses the influence and modern prose that built up the Chinese modern prose from the British and French Essay .

  5. 现代散文卓有成就,源于欧化带来的文体的新变。

    Modern Chinese essays flourished because of Europeanized changes in the style .

  6. 中国文学史上的又一座里程碑式的文体作品&试论现代散文在文学史上的地位

    On the Role of Modern Prose in the Literature History

  7. 现代散文文体边界的模糊及原因

    The Obscurity and Reasons of ( style ) Bounds of Modern Prose

  8. 中国现代散文翻译的风格再现&以《英译中国现代散文选》为例

    Reproduction of Original Style in Translation of Modern Chinese Essays

  9. 散文诗既非自由分行新诗,又非现代散文。

    Prose poetry means neither line-by-line new poems , nor modern prose .

  10. 论中国现代散文的情、志之美

    On the Affection and Reason of Chinese Modern Prose

  11. 20世纪20年代东北现代散文空间

    Space for Modern Essays in North-East China in 1920s

  12. 现代散文、现代人格与古典文化&由重读《荷塘月色》论起

    Modern Prose , Modern Personalities and the Classical Culture

  13. 蒙汉现代散文话语方式比较研究

    A Comparative Study of the Speech Styles of Modern Mongolian and Chinese Prose

  14. 运用情境教学进行现代散文阅读教学的研究

    The Research about Circumstances Teaching in Modern Prose Reading

  15. 文体变革与现代散文的发展

    Literary Style Change and Modern Prose of Development

  16. 中国现代散文中的日本形象探微

    Probe into Japanese Images in Modern Chinese Prose

  17. 中学现代散文鉴赏教学研究

    The Reasearch about Teaching of Contemporary Prose Appreciation

  18. 论现代散文的文体自觉

    On the Awareness of Modern Prose Writing Style

  19. 中国现代散文审美特质论

    On the Aesthetic Idiosyncrasy of Chinese Modern Essays

  20. 由现代散文初创时期理论的几个关键词看现代散文的特征指向

    Examining the characteristic development of modern prose through several key words of modern prose theories

  21. 论欧化与中国现代散文文体的确立

    Europeanization and Style of Chinese Modern Essays

  22. 现代散文文体的文化人类学阐释

    Cultural Anthropologic Interpretation of Modern Prose Styles

  23. 现代散文中的匕首、投枪式小品文当属于杂文。

    The writing style of dagger " and throwing spear " belongs to ironical essays .

  24. 本文对中国现代散文的怀乡情结进行了系统研究。

    The nostalgia complex of Chinese modern prose is the researched goal of this paper .

  25. 第二部分对四川现代散文与巴蜀地域文化的关系进行了辨析。

    The second discriminates the relation between Sichuan modern prose and regional culture of Bashu .

  26. 然而,迄今为止,关于现代散文翻译的研究还远远不够。

    However , the research on the translation of modern Chinese prose is far from enough .

  27. 现代散文艺术的扩张

    The Expansion of Modern Prose Art

  28. 它影响现代散文的形式创造。

    Forth , influences prose form .

  29. 普通高中课程标准实验教科书语文(苏教版)现代散文的教学实践与探索

    High School Curriculum Standard Textbook Language ( Jiangsu Version ) Modern Prose Teaching Practice and Exploration

  30. 第一部分论述了《申报·自由谈》的“读者意识”对现代散文品格的影响。

    The first part discusses that ZiYouTan 's reader awareness affects on modern essay 's character .