
yuán qǔ
  • a type of verse popular in the Yuan Dynasty , including zaju and sanqu , sometimes referring to zaju only;verse popular in Yuan Dynasty
元曲 [yuán qǔ]
  • [verse popular in Yuan Dynasty] 元代的杂剧和散曲,有时专指杂剧

元曲[yuán qǔ]
  1. 元曲研究在20世纪的中国戏曲研究中,占有最为重要的位置。

    Among the study of Chinese opera in the20th century , yuan opera studies occupy the most important position .

  2. 20世纪元曲研究刍议

    Humble Opinions on Yuan Opera Studies in the 20th Century

  3. 元曲代表着元代文学的最高成就,阅读元曲的障碍除词汇之外,还有语法方面的因素。

    Yuan songs represent the highest achievements of the Yuan Dynasty literature .

  4. 元曲中的茶文化映像

    Feature of Yuan - dynasty 's Tea Culture in Yuanqu

  5. 论元曲反传统观念的思想特征及其成因

    The Anti-traditional Idea of the Yuanqu : Its Ideological Features and Causes

  6. 元朝文学的主要成就是元曲。

    The main literary achievement in the Yuan Dynasty was Yuan drama .

  7. 《汉语大词典》之元曲疑难词语释义辨正

    Differentiation and Rectification of Explanations of Knotty Yuan Opera Expressions in Chinese Dictionary

  8. 试论元曲中羊酒的婚俗文化功能

    On sheep and wine in Yuan Qu : marriage custom and cultural function

  9. 另外,我们还分析了元曲中的象声词的语言变异现象。

    In addition , we also analyzes the YuanQu onomatopoeic language variation phenomenon .

  10. 讨论《汉语大词典》所收元曲词语释义存在的问题,以补辞书之疏漏。

    Problems are discussed of explanations of Yuan opera expressions in Chinese Dictionary .

  11. 谈谈《元曲选》中动词动量词的语法特征

    On Grammatic Features Of Verbs And Momentums In Selected Pieces Of Yuan Opera

  12. 元曲四音状态词的构成

    The forming of four syllables adjectives in Yuanqu

  13. 生命价值的重审&浅谈鲁迅《采薇》的思想性与艺术性论元曲在思想性上对传统诗歌的超越

    Reviewing the Value of Life On Yuanqu 's Surpassing Traditional Poetry in Ideological Content

  14. 《元曲选》中动词重叠的格式、语法意义及表达功能

    Pattern , Grammatical Meaning and Expressive Function of Verb Reduplication in Yuan Qu Xuan

  15. 民间视角向精英视角的游移&重谈元曲公案戏

    Shifting from Folk Angle to Elite Angle & Again on Legal Case Drama of Yuan Verse

  16. 《元曲选》中方位短语及其功能(上)

    Selections from the Yuan Drama : its locality phrases and their functions ( part I )

  17. 《元曲选》中方位短语作动词宾语、介词宾语是其常见的功能。

    The locality phrases from The Yuan Drama function mainly as the object of verbs and prepositions .

  18. 论元曲神仙道化剧与隐居乐道剧中隐逸思想的同异

    The Similarities and Differences of Hermit Ideology in Yuan Drama between Immortal Taoism Drama and Reclusive Drama

  19. 元曲流传至今,深受人们的喜爱,其中不少已被译成外国语言,得到了外国读者和学者的赞赏。

    Many Yuanqu poems have been translated into foreign languages and appreciated by foreign readers and scholars .

  20. 然而许多学者都没有注意到臧晋叔的《元曲选·音释》在这方面提供的资料。

    However almost nobody pays attention to the data offered by Anthology of Yuan opera Yinshi by Zang Jinshu .

  21. 元曲中的神仙道化剧和隐居乐道剧表现出共同的隐逸情调。

    There seem the same hermit sentiments in Immortal Taoism Drama and Reclusive Drama both included in Yuan Drama .

  22. 曲,世称元曲,是元代文学主要样式。

    The Dramatic Songs , also known as Yuan Drama were the main form of literature in the Yuan Dynasty .

  23. 从远古时期的劳动号子到唐诗、宋词、元曲、明清的民歌以及戏曲、说唱艺术,各种民族音乐体系都离不开声乐。

    Chinese drama , art of speaking and singing and all kinds of folk music don 't part from vocality .

  24. 随着传统信仰的失落,处于社会最底层的元曲家对封建政治的价值普遍采取了否定的态度。

    With the declination of the traditional beliefs , Yuan melodists of lower society all showed negative attitudes to feudal politics .

  25. 可以说《元曲选·音释》是对《中原音韵》理论直接、具体的实践。

    We can think Anthology of Yuan opera is a direct and concrete practice to the theory of Central China phonology .

  26. 古老的中华一直被视为诗歌的国度,唐诗、宋词、元曲的影响源远流长。

    Ancient Chinese poetry has been regarded as a nation , tang poetry , song lyrics , YuanQu has a profound impact .

  27. 第二节考察《元曲选》之前明代元杂剧选集体制。

    Next describes the anthology system of Yuan opera in the Ming Dynasty before the " Yuan opera to be elected " .

  28. 应用二维激光多普勒仪测量了二元曲壁非对称扩张通道内的湍流附面层分离流动。

    The separating flow in a turbulent boundary layer was surveyed in a 2-D curved-wall diffuser by employing 2-D laser Doppler vel-ometer .

  29. 在我国悠久的历史文化中,唐诗、宋词、元曲、汉赋并称为我国文化之瑰宝。

    Tang Poems , Song Ci , Yuan Qu and Ode of Han Dynasty are regarded as the treasures of Chinese literature .

  30. 苍天负我我负苍天&论元曲家乔吉的心态与创作

    Heaven Owes Me and I Owe the Heaven & The State of Mind and Work of QIAO Ji , Poet of Yuan Dynasty