
xì jù wén xué
  • dramatic literature
  1. 戏剧文学作品中运用技巧是普遍的,也是必须的。

    Dramatic literature is a universal application of technique is necessary .

  2. 中国现代戏剧文学发展回眸

    Reviewing the developments of Chinese modern dramatic literature

  3. 现代维吾尔戏剧文学流变研究

    A Study of the Variation of Contemporary Uygur Drama

  4. 人物对话是戏剧文学的主体文本;

    Dialogues are the main texts in a drama ;

  5. 戏剧文学应是“为人生”的文学;

    Drama literature should be literature for life .

  6. “他写小说,不过戏剧文学是他最喜爱的艺术形式.”

    " He writes stories , but the theatre is his favourite medium . "

  7. 论当代浙江戏剧文学的创作走向

    On the Creative Trend of Zhejiang Drama

  8. 戏剧文学专业课教学设计探讨

    A Discussion on Dramatic Literature Course Design

  9. 此毕业设计分为两部分:戏剧文学剧本和论文阐释。

    This graduation design is divided into two parts : the drama script and its explanation .

  10. 戏剧性是戏剧文学的本质特征,也是衡量其艺术成就的主要标准。

    Dramatic conflicts are the nature of theatres and the criterion to decide their artistic achievements .

  11. 从文学理论对思想/表达二分法的重构&以戏剧文学作品为例

    The Reconstruction of the Idea-Expression Dichotomy with the Literary Theory & Take Drama Literature as an Example

  12. 摘要既遵循艺术创造的规律,又强烈地干预现实,这是戏剧文学的神圣使命。

    It is the holy mission for dramas to follow the principle of art creation and strongly affect the reality .

  13. 话剧是中国戏剧文学中不可缺少的一部分,更是中华民族艺术宝库的奇葩。

    Spoken drama is an indispensable part of Chinese drama , and it is also a treasure of Chinese national art .

  14. 从20世纪开始,戏剧文学的中心地位渐渐地被移位了.戏剧从以剧本为中心转变到了以剧场为中心。

    Since the20th century , the focus of the theater literature has been moved from the the playcentered to the stage-centered .

  15. 在教材文本中,相比于诗歌、散文、小说等其他文学体裁,戏剧文学在高中语文教材中的数量较少,比例偏低。

    The quantity is less and the proportion is lower than poetry , prose and novel in the Chinese language teaching material .

  16. 通过梳理老舍所受到的京戏的熏陶和他的戏剧文学阅读经验,把握他对戏剧的感性认识。

    Read experience through combing edifying of Lao She Beijing Opera received and his drama literature , hold his perceptual knowledge to the drama .

  17. 正因为如此,新一轮高中语文课程改革中的必修课程和选修课程都包含戏剧文学教学的内容。

    Because of this , a new round of senior Chinese compulsory courses in the curriculum and courses of study includes dramatic literature teaching content .

  18. 因为高中戏剧文学教学的最终目的是培养学生的审美能力、提升学生语文素养。

    Because the high school drama literature teaching is to cultivate students the ultimate goal of the aesthetic ability , improve students ' Chinese accomplishment .

  19. 他的戏剧文学中包含着丰富的华裔文学的特点及主题内容如:种族、社会偏见、文化差异、以及性别政治等等。

    There are abundant themes and contents about Asian literature in his dramas such as : racial and social discrimination , culture differences and gender politics .

  20. 这样,通过我设想的能看见的第二天的夜晚,我用手指读过的大量戏剧文学会因我的眼睛看了后又在我的睡梦中都涌现出来。

    So , through the evening of my second imaginary day of sight , the great fingers of dramatic literature would crowd sleep from my eyes .

  21. 作为中国戏剧文学史上一颗璀璨的明珠,该剧影响了一代又一代的观众、读者及文学研究者。

    The great drama of the highest artistic accomplishments has far-reaching influences on audiences , readers as well as literary critics for generations as a splendid pearl in Chinese literary history .

  22. 本文将主要运用“功能目的”理论,将戏剧文学读者分为两个不同的读者群,结合戏剧审美心理,对奈达“功能对等”理论在戏剧翻译批评中的不足做一探讨。

    The critics have long been using Nidas to judge drama translation , stressing a lot on the readers reaction , and neglecting to a great extent the effect of translators intension .

  23. 随着影视传媒文化对纸质文学的冲击,戏剧文学也受到了一定的影响,甚至在某种程度上发生了戏剧批评的失语现象。

    As the movie and television media has more and more impact on pater literature , Drama literature has also been influenced . What is more , the phenomenon of drama criticism aphasia appears .

  24. 戏剧文学有各种不同的分类,根据戏剧文学所反映的矛盾冲突的性质和它产生的戏剧效果,可分为悲剧、喜剧、正剧。

    There are different categories in dramatic literature , according to the nature of conflict and effect that dramatic literature reflected , the dramatic literature can be divided into tragedy , comedy , serious play .

  25. 从戏剧文学角度说明20世纪的中国戏曲史的研究在基本方法、观点上都有着需要改进、扩充之处;

    From an angle of " Dramatic Literature " the essay explains that the research on the Chinese traditional opera history of the 20th century has to improve and develop its basic way and viewpoint .

  26. 把现代戏曲文学纳入到现代文学史研究的范畴中来,对认识传统文学资源的价值、开拓文学研究的视野、促进中国现代戏剧文学的发展具有重要意义。

    The introduction of opera literature into modern literary study will surely be of great help to the better understanding of the value of traditional literary resources , of a wider literary study vision and the development of modern opera .

  27. 最后,在学习戏剧文学时将写作融入其中,练习补充戏剧情节、评论戏剧人物,以及将戏剧文本与其他文体进行改编转换等,都是对学生写作能力的进一步提升。

    Thirdly , writing could be combined in the study of dramatic literature . To practice to add the plot , comment on the characters and transform drama text with other literature styles , which is helpful to the ability of writing for students .

  28. 我们知道戏剧文学作品中主要以人物语言结构情节、表现主题,而戏剧人物语言在动作性、个性化、抒情性、含蓄等方面均具有区别其他文体的特点。

    We know that the major works of dramatic literature to language structure , characters plot , the performance of the theme , and dramatic language in the movement of people , personalization , lyricism , subtle and so are other sports with different characteristics .

  29. 文章论述了培养创新人才的重要性,说明语文创造力是与创造性密切相关的强智能操作活动,并探讨了通过儿童戏剧文学教学采取梯度教学模式以培养创造力。

    The paper argues the importance of training creative talents , expounds that the creative ability in languages is a highly intelligent practice closely related to creativeness and inquires into the gradient teaching mode in the teaching of dramatic literature for infants to develop the creative ability .

  30. 西方诗学是亚里士多德根据戏剧定义文学而建立起来的,是一种“摹仿&情感的”(mimetic-affective)诗学;

    Aristotle who defined literature on the basis of theatre built the Western poetics , which is a kind of mimetic-affective poetics ;