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  1. 玛奇不想让自己的女儿从事戏剧表演。

    Madge did not want to put her daughter on the stage

  2. 除了电影和唱片工作外,我还继续从事戏剧表演。

    Besides film and record projects , I have continued to work in the theater .

  3. 这些奖项将要颁发给本年度英国最杰出的戏剧表演作品。

    These are the prizes given for the most outstanding British theatrical performances of the year .

  4. 当大多数人想到艺术时,他们会想到最终的产品,比如美丽的绘画、悦耳的音乐或是获奖的戏剧表演。

    When most people think of the arts , they imagine the end product , the beautiful painting , a wonderful piece of music , or an award-winning performance in the theater .

  5. 当卡罗尔·哈里斯(CarolHarris)在三年级的戏剧表演里扮演睡美人的时候,和她一起主演的乔治·雷恩斯(GeorgeRaynes)就吻了她。乔治扮演王子,那是他的初吻。

    When Carol Harris starred as Sleeping Beauty in a third grade play , her co-star George Raynes " laid a big wet one on her . " George was playing the prince and had just initiated his first kiss .

  6. WWE注重专业摔跤,是在容纳了戏剧表演的元素基础上模拟摔跤运动。

    WWE 's business focus is on professional wrestling , a simulated sport that consists of wrestling combined with acting and theatre .

  7. 你知道,像是击剑,戏剧表演或什么的。

    You know , like fencing , or theater or something .

  8. 我想为老年人举行一场戏剧表演。

    I want to have a drama show for the elderly .

  9. 在过去,戏剧表演动作往往是高度程序化的。

    In the past , acting performances were asually highly stylized .

  10. 在戏剧表演中获得有机交流的关键在于倾听。

    The key to organic communication in theatre acting is listening .

  11. 在母亲的影响下,保罗开始参加学校戏剧表演。

    She influenced her son Paul to act in school plays .

  12. 再谈世界三大戏剧表演体系

    On " Three Theatre Performance Systems in the World "

  13. 我们许多晚上都坐在咖啡馆中看街头戏剧表演。

    We spent many evenings sitting in cafes watching the street theatre .

  14. 全年在那里举行音乐和戏剧表演。

    It had many great musical and theatre performances throughout the year .

  15. 她劝儿子不要选择戏剧表演作职业

    She advise her son not to choose the stage as a career

  16. 论戏剧表演元素在花游项目训练中的借鉴与运用

    On Application and Using for Reference Element of Drama to Synchronized Swimming

  17. 戏剧表演舞台形象的审美价值探析

    The Aesthetic Value Of Stage Character Image In The Play

  18. 出版物或信件或戏剧表演部分的删除。

    Deleting parts of publications or correspondence or theatrical performances .

  19. 最后,就是“戏剧表演课”啦!

    And lastly , we have our " Drama Class "!

  20. 作为较长节目一部分的短小的戏剧表演。

    A short theatrical performance that is part of a longer program .

  21. 应该说,戏剧表演是人类天性的表现,因为它来自人类身体的本身。

    Theatrical performances , which come from human body itself , represent humanity .

  22. 他从事戏剧表演起步较晚。

    He was a late starter in the theatre .

  23. 2.戏剧表演被飓风预警的新闻打断了。

    The drama was cut off by a news flash about tornado warnings .

  24. 业余的戏剧表演艺术确实有助于他的法律职业。

    Certainly amateur theatrics had helped his legal career .

  25. 这出歌剧的舞台效果好。兼有歌舞的戏剧表演。

    The opera was good theater . theatrical performance combining singing and dancing .

  26. 还参加了许多客座演讲,戏剧表演,慈善活动,还有校园里的各种学生活动

    guest speakers , plays , charities , student life events around campus too

  27. 歌剧在戏院上演的配有音乐的戏剧表演。

    A theatrical presentation in which a dramatic performance is set to music .

  28. 太阳舞是他们每年的歌剧以及戏剧表演。

    The sun dance was their opera and their theater event of the year .

  29. 我看过你的一次戏剧表演。

    I 've seen one of your plays .

  30. 男按摩师劝女按摩师不要选择戏剧表演作职业。

    The masseur advised the masseuse not to choose the stage as a career .