
  • 网络parody;parodic;pastiche;travesty
  1. 《红胶囊》戏仿了1959年大受欢迎的电视连续剧《夸特马斯试验》。

    ' The Scarlet Capsule ' was a parody of the popular 1959 TV series ' The Quatermass Experiment '

  2. 整个20年代,拉德纳尝试着想要写出一首走红歌曲,可是都失败了,于是最后转向戏仿他人的作品。

    Throughout the Twenties , Lardner tried in vain to write a hit song , so at last he turned to parody .

  3. 任何风格都能被戏仿。

    Any style can be parodied .

  4. 另外就是觉得可以趁此机会卖点戏仿书籍的出版商。这些戏仿有的是讽刺,如《林敦·约翰逊主席语录》(QuotationsFromChairmanL.B.J.);有的是严肃的,如《耶稣主席语录》(QuotationsFromChairmanJesus)。

    Publishers saw it as an invitation to sell parody books , both satirical ( " Quotations From Chairman L.B.J. " ) and serious ( " Quotations From Chairman Jesus " ) .

  5. 这就是品牌的力量,以至于毛去世几十年后,出版商还在炮制戏仿的杰西·文图拉(JesseVentura)和托尼·布莱尔(TonyBlair)语录。

    Such was the power of the brand that , decades after Mao 's death , publishers churned out " Quotations " parodies for Jesse Ventura and Tony Blair .

  6. 有件很有意思的事情:我曾与畅销戏仿作品《快给我睡觉》(GotheF-toSleep)一书作者亚当・曼斯巴赫(AdamMansbach)一同参加讨论会。他在讨论中承认,大多数晚上都是他的伴侣哄孩子睡觉。

    Funny : I once sat on a panel with Adam Mansbach , the author of the best-selling parody ' Go the F - to Sleep . ' At one point in the discussion , he conceded that his partner put his child to bed most nights .

  7. 在宣传这部电影的时候,你们戏仿了肯耶·韦斯特的音乐录像《第二轮》,你们还曾经一起在《赤裸与恐惧》(NakedandAfraid)里出现。如果你们只是工作上有关系,还会做这些事情吗?

    In the course of promoting this movie , you 've parodied Kanye West 's " Bound 2 " video , you 've appeared together on " Naked and Afraid . " Could you do these things if you were just professional acquaintances ?

  8. 她将在《凯撒万岁》(Hail,Caesar!)中饰演一个粗俗的水上芭蕾明星,这是一部危险的好莱坞原创戏仿之作,于2月5日上映,是对系列大片风潮的一种抵抗。

    She will appear as a bawdy water ballet star in " Hail , Caesar ! " - a dangerously original Hollywood spoof that will buck the trend of sequels with its release on Feb. 5 .

  9. 这一幕是对影片《奇遇》(L’Avventura)中最后一幕的戏仿,在《奇遇》片尾,一对痛苦的恋人发现自己陷入了现代式恋情的地狱。

    The scene suggests a parody of the final moments of " L'Avventura , " whose anguished lovers find themselves trapped in modern relationship hell .

  10. 胡戈《一个馒头引发的血案》是中国后现代文化的典型文本,戏仿(parody)是滑稽模仿(burlesque)的特殊类型,是后现代创作的表现手法之一。

    Hu Ge 's A Bloody Incident Triggered by A Steamed Bun is typical of Chinese postmodern culture . Parody is one of special types of burlesque , and is the performance of postmodern creative tactic .

  11. 匈牙利演员莎莎•嘉宝(ZsaZsaGabor)的漫长影视表演生涯虽未能大红大紫,但她以自我戏仿的魅力以及同多位百万富翁走马灯般的婚姻为其增添了一层美国名流光彩。她于周日在洛杉矶去世,可能享年99岁。

    Zsa Zsa Gabor , the Hungarian actress whose self-parodying glamour and revolving-door marriages to millionaires put a luster of American celebrity on a long but only modestly successful career in movies and television , died Sunday in Los Angeles . She was probably 99 .

  12. 并置与戏仿:析《哈利·波特》的魔法世界

    Juxtaposition and Parody : On the Wizarding World in Harry Potter

  13. 第一章集中论述小说对人物刻画的戏仿。

    Chapter 1 concentrates on parody of characterizations in the novel .

  14. 这又是一次艺术对现实生活生活的戏仿。

    It is yet another example of life 's imitating art .

  15. 模仿、戏仿与真实&约翰·辛格的戏剧创作思想

    Imitation , Parody and Truth & on John Synge 's playwright

  16. 戏仿、碎片、拼贴和不确定的艺术

    Parody , Fragments , Collage and the Art of Indeterminacy

  17. 重写与戏仿:九十年代小说创作的新趋势

    Rewriting and Parody : New Trend of Story-Writing in the ' 90s

  18. 《尤利西斯》运用了本真和戏仿两种叙述模式。

    Pure diegesis and parody are two narrative modes employed in Ulysses .

  19. 戏仿的运用使故事情节发展变得更加扑朔迷离。

    The use of parody makes the plot become complicated and confusing .

  20. 文类间的转换和戏仿&贝克特的小说与戏剧

    The Transformation and Parody of Genres : Beckett 's Fiction and Drama

  21. 新时期戏仿叙事呈现出集束化态势。

    The New Era parody narrating was showing an " intensive " situation .

  22. 后现代戏仿:自恋式的作业?&关于弗雷德里克·詹姆逊理论的一些争论

    Postmodern Parody as Pastiche ? & Debates on Fredric Jameson 's Theoretical Formulation

  23. 到20世纪,戏仿文学再次流行,并带有了后现代主义的色彩。

    It was popular once more at the 20th century with color of postmodernism .

  24. 第四,对耶稣的戏仿。

    The last is the parody of Jesus .

  25. 在世界文学史中,戏仿文学早有记载。

    The parody literature has been in existence in the history of world literature .

  26. 电视戏说剧的戏仿策略与反讽意向

    Parody and Irony in Costume Comedy on TV

  27. 网络化社会的戏仿与公平竞争&关于著作权制度设计的比较分析

    Parody and Fair Competition in the Network Society

  28. 论《新夏娃受难记》对荣格神话原型批评的戏仿

    Parody of the Jungian Mythological and Archetypal Criticism in The Passion of New Eve

  29. 玻璃山中的戏仿

    Parody in " the Glass Mountain "

  30. 在小说中,唐纳德·巴塞尔姆进行了大胆的语言试验,采用了戏仿,拼贴等手段。

    In the novel Barthelme gave full play to language by using parody and collage .