
  • 网络drama education;Theatre Education;drama in education
  1. 这个资料库将包括一个能代表亚太地区文化特色的戏剧教育专家库。

    The data base should include a pool of experts in the field of theatre education that would be emblematic of the cultures of the Asia-Pacific region .

  2. 国际戏剧协会戏剧教育和培训委员会在各国也有很多项目。

    ITI 's Theatre Education and Training Committee has also got its projects in different countries .

  3. 苏珊拥有戏剧教育资格证书。

    Susan has a certificate in drama education .

  4. 中小学戏剧教育现状调查与思考

    Investigation of and Reflections on Dramatic Education in Elementary and Middle Schools

  5. 中国现代戏剧教育的发展历程

    The development of china 's education in modern drama

  6. 论国立剧专三维一体的戏剧教育模式

    The Three-Dimension Drama Education Model of National Opera College

  7. 非专业戏剧教育及其育人价值

    On Amateur Drama Education and Its Cultivation Value

  8. 而戏剧教育,则是对戏剧专业人才的培养,它以戏剧为目的。

    Whereas drama education towards professional training for actors , playwrights , directors in which the goal is drama .

  9. 在舞台戏剧教育方面,格林特比绝大多数年轻演员们更多地近距离见到过众多的顶级男女演员。

    In terms of a theatrical education , Grint has seen more leading men and women close up than most young actors .

  10. 应开展包括戏剧教育在内的综合艺术教育,这是世界艺术教育改革的方向。

    Comprehensive art education with ( drama ) included must be carried out as it is the orientation for the reform of the world artistic education .

  11. 香港教育学院学生发展计划:本中心为本校学生提供多元化的培训发展,如全人发展、戏剧教育、创造力培训等。

    HKIEd student development scheme : the centre contributes further to the development of the HKIEd students by offering Enhancement Workshop Series for whole-person development , drama-in-education , creativity training , etc.

  12. 当前,我国有关学前儿童戏剧教育的实践已经较为多见,但有关学前儿童戏剧教育的理论探讨略显不足,对学前儿童戏剧教育内涵探讨更是寥寥无几。

    At present , the practice research of drama education for preschool children has been too much , but the theory of drama education for preschool children seems insufficient , especially , the connotation about drama education for preschool children is rare .

  13. 戏剧教育既是整个戏剧艺术事业不可或缺的组成部分,又是艺术教育的重要内容,它对戏剧艺术的发展、对人的素质的提高具有重要意义。

    Education in drama is an important component of the theatrical undertakings , and part ad parcel of art education as well . It is of great significance to the development of theatrical art and to the improvement of the people 's educational quality .

  14. 本文旨在探究我国综合性大学戏剧专业教育的准确定位。

    This article is aimed to explore the exact target of drama major education incomprehensive university .

  15. 《莎莎》是由众伙人(戏剧盒教育支部)呈献的《教育剧场》演出。

    " Girl in the White Sand Box " is a Theatre-In-Education performance presented by NeNeMas – the education arm of Drama Box .

  16. 其次,校园戏剧的教育性,确立了戏剧所担负的社会教育使命,包括学校教育、民众教育、救亡教育。

    Second , the educational nature of campus drama established the dramatic role of social education mission , including the education of school education , popular education and salvation .

  17. 教育戏剧与戏剧教育是两个不同的概念。

    Drama in education ( DIE ) and drama education are different .

  18. 略论明清小说、戏剧的文学教育观

    A Brief Discussion on the View of Literary Education in Fiction and Drama in the Ming and the Qing Dynasty

  19. 明清时期,作为文学的两大种类,小说、戏剧的文学教育功能日益为人们所看重。

    In times of the Ming and the Qing Dynasty , more and more concern was showed with the educational function of fiction and drama as two forms of literature .

  20. 本文对美国戏剧艺术高等教育的历史、现状、特点进行了概括性介绍和分析,并具体考察了迈阿密大学戏剧系的教学情况

    In this article , the writer gives an introduction and survey on the history , status quo and traits of higher education in theater in the United States . The Creating Theatre

  21. 文化传播学视域中的高校戏剧艺术通识教育

    Theater Arts as Liberal Education in Colleges and Universities from the Perspective of Cultural Communication Studies

  22. 这样,由发声方法本身延伸的诸如戏剧观念、戏剧教育观念、艺术观念等将是我们在探索演员声音走向个性化的道路中必须考虑的。

    Thus , the ideas of what art is , what theatre is , and how theatre education goes will be surely considered when we explore the performers ' characteristic voice .

  23. 印度国立戏剧学院是世界上前沿的戏剧教育机构之一,也是印度唯一的此类戏剧教育机构。

    The National School of Drama is one of the foremost theatre training institutions in the world and the only one of its kind in India .

  24. 本文从戏剧的魅力、戏剧与儿童的关系出发,针对中西方儿童戏剧教育工具论取向与本质论取向分离的现状,试图建构一种通过戏剧的综合的教育&幼儿园戏剧综合活动。

    Starting with the irresistible charm of drama to children under six years old , this thesis , arguing the two opposite approaches of " Instrumentalism " and " Essentialism " in children 's drama education , is intended to introduce to preschools a drama-based comprehensive education model for children .

  25. 本文以幼儿园戏剧主题活动“三个和尚”的行动研究为例,探讨了戏剧教育对于学前儿童语言教育的价值及其形成原因。

    Based on the action study of a drama theme activity " Three Monks " the paper discusses the language teaching values of drama activity and the reasons .

  26. 从调查数据得知,中小学生的戏剧基础知识比较薄弱,但对开设包括戏剧在内的综合艺术课程寄寓了热烈的期待,并认识到戏剧教育对其学习和成长的作用。

    The ( investigation ) shows that students are poor in the basic knowledge about drama , but they eagerly anticipate the comprehensive art course with drama included and realize the influence of dramatic education over their study and growth .