
  1. 在放射医学研究中应用的卫生影视技术

    Application of television technology in researches of radiation medicine

  2. 论影视技术、艺术与知识创新

    Film & TV Technology , Art and Knowledge Regeneration

  3. 影视技术的每一次进步都会影响到影视语言的创新。

    Every progress in television technology will make innovations to film and television languages .

  4. 数字影视技术的应用特征分析

    Analysis of Digit-video Technology Application Characteristic

  5. 本文旨在阐述用快速宽频带测量系统及影视技术对交联聚乙烯绝缘材料中树状放电的试验方法。

    The paper describe an experimental method of electrical trees in polyethylene using wide-band PD detector and video techniques .

  6. 随着影视技术的不断进步,影视编码日益复杂和细腻,色彩获得了更多的表现力。

    With the improvement in film and television techniques , video code becomes more complicated and exquisite , thus making color more expressive .

  7. 全面实施十五计划和科技创新工程构建以数字网络技术为基础的广播影视技术新体系&在BIRTV2001广播电视发展战略研讨会上的讲话

    Completely Carry out 10th 5-Year Plan and Scientific and Technical innovation Project and Build up New Radio , Film and TV Technical System Based on Digital Network Technology

  8. 色彩在彩色影视技术出现以后,作为影视文本基本的视觉性元素编码,成为一种富有意味的造型元素。

    After the color video techniques came into being , color , as a basic element of visual code in film and television texts , becomes a significant mold element .

  9. 目前随着影视技术的不断提高和发展,影视资源作为一种教学资源,正越来越多地被运用于历史教学之中。

    At present , with the continuous improvement and development of video technology , video resources as a teaching resource , it is more and more used in history teaching .

  10. 所以展示艺术理所当然地受到社会各界的普遍关注,尤其是展示设计,其次也影响着建筑设计、影视技术和网络等。

    So , naturally by the presentation of the arts community in general concern , especially to demonstrate the design , followed also affected the building design , video technology and networks .

  11. 结合传统布袋戏演出与现代影视技术的霹雳布袋戏,通过创新和改革,综合了布袋戏的古朴和影视技术的绚丽,成为一种充满奇幻色彩的偶动画。

    With the combination of the traditional Bu Dai Xi performance and the modern film technique , PiLi Drama , through innovation and reform , boasts both the feature of Bu Dai Xi and that of modern film technique and becomes a fantastic puppet animation .

  12. 随着影视技术与艺术的一次次跨越、整合,蒙太奇技术在艺术设计中的应用也逐渐得到了发展和完善,在产品设计领域更是有了新的突破和应用。

    With the conformity of art along with the film and television technology , the montage technology also gradually obtained the development and the consummation in the application of art design , and had the new breakthrough and the application in the product design domain .

  13. 影视维修技术CAI系统的研究

    The Research of CAI System of the Technology of Video Reparation

  14. 影视制作技术中的虚拟演播室

    The Virtual Studio for Film and TV Making

  15. 影视多媒体技术课程体系的构建

    The Construction Methods of Video Multimedia Course System

  16. 分类列举了数码特技、数字影视相关技术软件及对其进行的应用特点分析。

    The softwares for digital video making are listed in the end , and their main features are introduced .

  17. 无论是影视业的技术还是智囊团的理论都不足以解决我们所居住的地球的错综复杂的问题。

    Neither the techniques of show business nor the theories of the intellectual think-tanks , are sufficient to cope with the complexities of the globe that we now inhabit .

  18. 传统影视作品在新技术下呈现出互动的可能,审美压抑获得了解放,但作品叙事层次却遭到削弱;

    Interactive films release the aesthetic oppression , but impair the narrative arrangement .

  19. 浅谈影视字幕翻译的技术性处理原则

    Discussion on Technical Principle for Handling with Translation of Captions of Movies and Televisions

  20. 美伦美幻的数字影视在先进计算机技术的支持下,特到了前所未有的发展,其不再以现实反映现实,而是虚拟现实,突破了真实美学的观点;

    In the back of advanced PC technology , digital video makes a great development , which is not reality-to-reality but virtual reality and breakthrough the viewpoint of real-aesthetics .

  21. 如今的影视动画行业与高科技技术融合已经达到一个至高的境界,而这其中又与影视特效技术息息相关。

    Today , film and animation industry with high-tech technology integration has reached a supreme realm , which is closely linked with the film and television special effects technology .

  22. 影视作为一门艺术,与其他艺术形式相比较,它与科学技术的关系最为紧密,可以说影视是多项科学技术与多门艺术共同创造的艺术成果。

    Television is a kind of art , compared with other art forms , the relationship between science and technology that is most closely , science and technology and many video art creation of art than .

  23. 影视艺术是人类艺术史上最年轻的一种艺术形式,在短短百年时间里,影视艺术在技术手段、影视表现力等方面取得了辉煌的成就;影视艺术理论研究也不断趋于丰富和完善。

    Visual art is one of the latest art styles in human art history . And it has achieved great accomplishment on its technique and means of artistic expressions through the short century . It is also getting abundant and perfect on theoretical study .

  24. 派拉蒙影视副总裁罗伯摩尔说:美猴王是全球知名角色,并且这本小说也是极其魔幻的故事,在现代影视技术支持下一定会有意想不到的效果

    Rob Moore , Paramount 's vice president , said the Monkey King is a world-famous character , and the novel is an extremely magical story that will work marvelously with the latest movie technology .