
  • 网络Affected area;area of influence;influential areas
  1. 随着经济的快速发展,上海海域的赤潮频率及影响面积也在不断增加。

    With the rapid economic development , the frequency and influential areas of red tide increase continuously in Shanghai .

  2. 国有电视台中央电视台(CCTV)说,爆炸影响面积达17000平方米。

    China Central Television , the government broadcaster , said the blast affected an area of 17,000 square meters .

  3. 但通过分析也发现,由于项目实施时间和试验面积的局限,使得项目受益群体较小,影响面积也较窄,进而表现了对实施第二期ITTO项目的渴望。

    The results also indicate that the beneficiaries of the first phase project is less , and the influence area of the project is also too narrow , so it is necessary to continue implementing the second phase of the ITTO-project at Jiangcheng .

  4. 第三,对台风个例的分析表明,个例降水总量和影响面积之间存在着显著的线性关系。

    Thirdly , examination of the typhoon cases shows that there exists a significant linear relationship between the precipitation volume and impacted area .

  5. 背景和目的:少肌症和恶病质具有肌肉中非收缩组织浸润特征,这将影响面积和体积的测定。

    BACKGROUND & AIMS : Sarcopenia and cachexia are characterized by infiltration of non-contractile tissue within muscle which influences area and volume measurements .

  6. 洪灾是全世界发生最为频繁、影响面积最大的自然灾害之一。

    As one of the most frequently and wide influence disaster all over the world , serious flood usually cause great loss of life and property .

  7. 干旱灾害是内蒙古自治区最主要的自然灾害,其影响面积、出现频次、持续时间及危害程度在各类气候灾害中占居第一位。

    Drought disaster is the most important natural disasters in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region , and its impact area , frequency , duration and severity is the first of climatic disaster .

  8. 通过数值模拟得到了气泡影响面积系数和气泡扰动强度系数的计算方法,揭示了气泡等待时间和沸腾表面温度波动的非线性特征。

    By numerical simulation , the predicting methods of the bubble influence area factor and the flow strength parameter were obtained . In addition , the nonlinear characteristics of wall temperature variation and bubble wait time were identified .

  9. 与传统类型的病毒相比,新型病毒的传播途径多样化,传播速度快,更加隐蔽,影响面积广,危害性更大。

    Compared with the traditional type of virus , the new way of the spreading of the virus diversifies from before , the speed is much faster , and more subtle , affecting , an extensive terribly harmful area .

  10. 本文将1978~2004年上海城市发展的相关指标与其海域赤潮发生频率及累计影响面积进行对比分析,结果表明:27年间上海海域出现了2次赤潮高峰期;

    In this paper , the related indexes of Shanghai 's economic development are compared with the frequency and accumulated affected areas of red tide in Shanghai from 1978 to 2004.it shows that , in the 27 years , there are two peak periods of red tide .

  11. 当斜率B为-1>B≥-1.5时,竞争强度达到了既抑制个体生长又影响单位面积产量的程度,所以叫减产竞争区域。

    While slope B is in between - 1 and - 1.5 , it is the competition region with the yeild decreasing . The competition intensity here not only restricts the individual plant growth , but also affects the yeild per unit area .

  12. 本文采用PMII/EMISCN二元离子液体电解质进行制作大面积DSC,考察了影响大面积DSC光电转换效率的各个因素。

    In this work , the binary ionic liquid electrolyte based on PMII / EMISCN was developed and the various factors affecting the photoelectric conversion efficiency of large-scale parallel DSC were investigated .

  13. 影响大面积脑梗死预后的相关因素分析

    Analysis of the factors affecting prognosis in patients with massive cerebral infarction

  14. 对影响大面积现浇楼盖结构温度场和温度应力的因素进行了敏感性分析;

    Sensibility of the influence of factors of temperature field and stress field has been analyzed .

  15. 径流的变化可以影响水田面积的变化,而近年来水田面积的不断减少并没有影响径流量的变化;

    The change of the runoff could result in the change of the area of the paddy field .

  16. 目的探讨影响大面积脑梗死预后的原因及对策。

    Objective : To explore the causes and measures for the prognosis of58 large hemipheric cerebral infarction cases .

  17. 那些对考虑的极值力效应无影响的面积在分析时可忽略不计。

    Areas that do not contribute to the extreme force effect under consideration may be neglected in the analysis .

  18. 黑龙江省水稻面积变化分为4个阶段,国家稻谷收购政策是影响水稻面积发生大幅度变化的主要因素。

    Rice cultivation area could be divided into four phases which was affected by rice purchasing policy in China .

  19. 农田受到城镇扩展与退耕还林政策的影响,面积大量减少,斑块平均面积减小,破碎度增加。

    Agricultural land decreases with urban expansion and reforestation of cultivated land , the average patch area decreases and more fragmented .

  20. 影响林地面积变化的主要因子是人口、非农比重和工业企业的发展。

    The main impact factors of changes in forest area are the population , the proportion of non-agricultural and the industrial enterprises .

  21. 城镇用地增加、总人口增长和经济发展为影响耕地面积变化的3个主要驱动因素。

    The urban area expansion , population increase and economic development have been the three vital driving factors of cultivated land use changes .

  22. 影响水域面积变化的主要因子是工业企业个数、粮食总产量和农业总产值。

    The main impact factors of changes in the water area are the number of industrial enterprises , the food production and the agricultural output value .

  23. 影响草地面积变化的主要因子是工业企业发展和人口以及大牲畜数。

    The main impact factors of changes in grassland are the population , the development of industrial enterprises , as well as a number of large livestock .

  24. 结论患者年龄、烧伤原因、烧伤场所是影响烧伤面积大小的重要因素。

    Conclusion The key factors such as age , cause of burn and burn locality influence the severity ( extensiveness and degree ) of burns in children .

  25. 影响耕地面积变化的主要因子:年末总人口、牧业产值、水果产量、城市化率、公路通车总里程、林业产值等。

    The major indicators influencing the area change of cultivated land included total population , livestock production , fruit production , urbanization rate , total length of highways and forestry production .

  26. 然而同数字电路相比,模拟电路在噪声影响、面积、功耗、工艺敏感度和可测性方面都存在较大的劣势。

    Compared to digital circuit , analog circuit has a lower noise tolerance , needs more area and power consumption , is more sensitive with process change and has a lower testability .

  27. 而铁岭市环保局的崔局长则表示,由于沈阳棋盘山风景区秀水湖受影响的面积很大,并不是一两家碎石场非法直排洗砂水就可以造成这么严重的后果。

    Because of the large pollution area of Xiu River , it has not been caused by the muddy emission from one or two stone pits , director of the bureau said .

  28. 用冲击摆的方法测量了脉冲激光与碲锅汞冲量耦合系数,发现所测量的耦合系数受样品靶面积的影响,面积越大,系数越大;

    The impulse coupling coefficient of HgCdTe and intensive pulsed laser interaction is measured experimentally . It is found out that the measured impulse cou-pling coefficient is affected by the sample 's area .

  29. 影响园地面积变化的主要因子是农业总产值、社会消费品零售总额和农民家庭人均总收入。

    The main impact factors of changes in the garden area are the total agricultural output value , the total retail sales of consumer goods and the total per capita household income of farmers .

  30. 该元胞在不影响单位面积有效沟道宽度的情况下,将P+与N+并排垂直于沟道一侧放置以缩短空穴路径。

    The cell places p + and n + side by side and perpendicular to one side of the channel in order to shorten the path of holes without affecting the effective channel width per unit area .