
  • 网络Film and Television Industry;Film and TV Industry
  1. 加入WTO后,中国的市场将进一步开放,影视业面临着前所未有的机遇与挑战。中国电影业是受冲击最大行业之一,也是最先受到冲击的文化产业。

    The Chinese Film and TV Industry will face challenges and opportunities that have never existed before , and the industry is one of those which will be most deeply affected as the home market is opened further after acceding to WTO .

  2. 赵树理文化可与山西的旅游业、演出业、影视业结合,实现产业化开发。

    ZHAO Shu-li Culture , a treasure-house to be exploited , can be connected with the tourist industry , performance industry , film and TV industry .

  3. 对于加入WTO,中国影视业应有的态度是积极赞同,全面回应。

    The proper attitude towards the accession should be positive and active .

  4. 同时论述了加入WTO后中国影视业面临的机遇、挑战及应采取的应对措施。

    Further more the advantages , challenges and the measures adopted to respond to acceding to WTO are discussed in the paper .

  5. 到1950年,电视已成为影视业的主要部分。

    By1950 , television had grown into major part of show business .

  6. 那你也是影视业的吗?

    Are you in the movie business , too ?

  7. 2003-2004年广播影视业发展状况

    Development of Broadcasting Movie and TV Industry in 2003-2004

  8. 在影视业,想爬到顶峰是很困难的。

    It 's hard to make it to the top in show business .

  9. 而正确看待差距,中国影视业才有所作为。

    Achievements can only be made when a correct attitude is adopted towards the disparities .

  10. 以石油为基,佐以汽车工业与影视业,洛城成为了世界上发展最快的城市

    Built on oil , fueled by cars and movies , LA is the fastest-growing city in the world .

  11. 在工商和影视业,在艺术和体育界,在科学和医学等领域,美国穆斯林均十分成功。

    American Muslims are successful in business and entertainment ; in the arts and athletics ; in science and in medicine .

  12. 然而随着中国影视业进入市场化,产业化时代,少数民族题材影视遭遇寒流,逐步陷入困境。

    However , as the Chinese film industry developed in marketing and industrial age , ethnic minority film works are gradually in trouble .

  13. 同时戏剧界也面临着现代影视业不断冲击、青年观众减少的危机。

    At the same time the theatre sphere is also faced with the modern film industry continue to impact young viewers to reduce the crisis .

  14. 此势态如再任其发展,我国的传统出版业、音像录制业、影视业和软件业将面临严重的挑战。

    If we do nothing , Chinese traditional publishing industry , audio-visual transcript industry , movie industry and software industry will be faced with serious challenge .

  15. 而影视业涉及到洛杉矶地区最大的私人雇主,这个地区每年会损失掉数千名娱乐人才,因为这些人才会前往拥有税收政策更优厚的州去。

    Even though they rank among the region 's largest private employers , thousands of entertainment jobs are lost every year to states with more generous tax incentives .

  16. 无论是影视业的技术还是智囊团的理论都不足以解决我们所居住的地球的错综复杂的问题。

    Neither the techniques of show business nor the theories of the intellectual think-tanks , are sufficient to cope with the complexities of the globe that we now inhabit .

  17. 纹理技术是计算机图形学领域的重要研究内容,在影视业和游戏业方面有着十分广泛的应用背景。

    Texture is one of the important fields of computer graphics and has a very wide range of application background in Film & Television industry and the gaming industry .

  18. 加大新闻出版、广播影视业改革的力度。高度重视互联网的作用和管理。

    We will further reform the press and publishing , radio , film and television industries and attach great importance to the role of Internet services and their management .

  19. 洛杉矶2020委员会报告为增加就业提出了13项建议,但是其中没有一条为影视业的问题提出解决方法。

    The Los Angeles 2020 commission report lays out 13 recommendations to boost job growth , but none of them address the trouble in the film and TV industries .

  20. 约翰把他的影迷搞得围着他团团转,他却承认道:“我不喜欢当演员,也不打算仅因一次专业表演就投身于影视业。”

    Then , having had the fans eating out of his hand John admitted " I don 't enjoy it . I don 't consider myself in show business after just one professional act "

  21. 因此本研究从文化创意产业这个全新的视角研究浙江影视业的发展,虽然在推行过程当中不可避免的会存在一些困难,但就其意义而言是重大的。

    Therefore , the paper research Zhejiang film and television industry from new perspective of cultural creative industry , although there will be some difficulties inevitably in the process of implementation , its sense is significant .

  22. 近年来随着大众传媒的快速发展和影视业的繁荣,人们开始越来越多地关注文学作品的影视改编现象。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of mass media and the prosperity of film and television industry , people begin to pay more and more attention to the film and television adaptations of literary works .

  23. 数字图像抠图技术是指把指定的前景从已有的自然图像中分离出来的一种技术。它最早被运用于影视业的特效制作中,为影视业赢得了巨大的商业价值。

    Digital image matting is to extract the specified foreground object from a natural image . It is first used in special effect production of film industry , and creates a lot of commercial value for the industry .

  24. 主要分析了工业设计业、动漫游戏业、广播影视业、表演艺术业、工艺美术业、出版发行业、文化会展业、竞技体育业等产业的具体问题。

    This paper mainly analyzed of the industrial design , animation game industry , broadcasting and television industry , performing arts industry , arts and crafts industry , publishing distribution industries , cultural exhibition , and athletic sports industry and so on .

  25. 你可以转行从事影视戏剧业。

    You can move up to work in films and the theatre

  26. 随着影视文化业及科技的发展,人们可以便捷地通过影院、电视、VCD、DVD以及互联网欣赏影视产品。

    With the development of film industry audiovisual products can be accessible quite easily through Internet , TV , VCD , DVD , as well as cinema .

  27. 随着影视文化业的发展,电影字幕翻译的重要性日益突显出来,并逐渐受到学者和译者的关注。

    With the development of film industry , the importance of film subtitle translation becomes increasingly clear .

  28. 全球影视传媒业的迅速发展,使得跨文化交流的广度和深度得到了前所未有的拓展。

    The breadth and depth of cross-cultural communication has gotten an unprecedented expansion by the rapid development of the global movie and television media industry .

  29. 激动星汇聚了业内资深的传媒人士及众多复合型精英,是一支深谙影视制作业、出版业、传媒业、网络业的现状与未来,且了解应变之道的强悍团队。

    Megadia Entertainment Company Limited has gathered a group of professionals who have had much knowledge and experience of films shooting , publishing , distribution and new media industry .

  30. 影视作品对旅游业发展的促进作用

    The Promotive Function of Movie and Television in the Development of Tourism Industry