
  • 网络Factors affecting consumer
  1. 影响消费者行为的因素

    The Factors Affecting Consumers ' Behaviors

  2. 这,正是本文以影响消费者行为的因素和这些因素与广告传播的实际应用的关系为研究对象的意义所在。

    And it is the purpose that the article analyzes the connection between consumer behavior and advertisement broadcasting .

  3. 从产品形态的概念出发,总结了影响消费者行为的主要因素;

    The main factors influencing consumer 's behaviors were summarized starting from the concept of the product form .

  4. 通过综述发现价值观是影响消费者行为的重要因素,自我符号性商品主要满足消费者的象征需求,这种心理层次的需求受价值观的影响应该更为显著。

    It has been found in this work that consumer 's values is the key factor influencing consumer behavior .

  5. 本文试图应用影响消费者购买行为的因素来分析影响个人投资方式的因素。

    The article tries using the factors which affect on the consumer 's purchasing behavior to analysis personal investment style .

  6. 目前,保险消费者行为研究,主要基于保险需求理论对影响保险消费者行为的因素进行分析,但围绕目前国内车险产品,对车险个体消费者的投保行为的影响因素分析较少,实证研究较少。

    Nowadays most of researches are on insurance demands , while the study of individual consumer and positive analysis are less .

  7. 消费者情感体验是影响消费者行为的重要因素,对消费者情感体验的研究是制定情感体验营销策略的基础。

    Consumer affect experience is an important factor that influences consumer behavior , and the psychology analysis of consumer affect experience is a foundation of affect experience marketing .

  8. 本章对研究消费者购买行为以及影响消费者购买行为的因素的文献进行总结与分析,为下面的分析提供理论基础。第三章:国内手机市场的发展历史及现状。

    This chapter summarized literature on consumer purchase behavior and the factors that influence consumer purchase behavior . Chapter ⅲ: The history of domestic mobile market development and current conditions .

  9. 基于影响消费者行为的外在因素中的家庭、阶层和文化理论,本文提出了家庭定位策略、阶层定位策略和文化定位策略。

    Based on consumer behavior impact of external factors in the family , class and cultural theory , this paper , the family-targeted strategy , class and cultural positioning strategies positioning strategy .

  10. 并结合影响在线消费者行为的因素,设计了一个在线消费者粘性形成的整合分析框架,对短期粘性与长期粘性形成机理进行分析。三是构建并验证了在线消费者短期粘性形成的概念模型。

    Combined with influence factors , an integrated analysis framework is designed . The forming mechanisms of short-term stickiness and long-term stickiness are analyzed . Third , the conception model of the short-term stickiness formation is developed and tested .

  11. 从影响消费者行为的关键因素展开,以经济控制论为工具,研究了消费者的行为模式,动态地描述了消费、储蓄和收入之间的关系,并对如何刺激中国国内消费提出了政策性的建议。

    On the basis of critical factors that influence consumer behavior , this article makes a full study of patterns of consumer behavior describing the dynamic relationship between consumption saving and income . Furthermore this article puts forward policy advices on how to stimulate domestic consumption .

  12. 基于影响消费者行为的内在因素中的动机、信息获得、情感过程和消费者个性理论,本文提出了需求分层策略、借用形势策略、以情动心策略和时尚个性策略。

    Based on consumer behavior affect the internal factors of motivation , information access , consumer sentiment and the process of personality theory , the demand for this paper , layered strategy , the strategy to use the situation to situation individuality inviting fashion strategy and tactics .

  13. 并建立整合分析框架探讨了在线消费者的短期粘性与长期粘性形成机理。最后,在文献回顾基础上,归纳总结影响在线消费者行为的因素,包括接受或采纳行为与继续行为的影响因素。

    An integrate analysis framework is developed to discuss the forming mechanism of the short-term stickiness and the long-term stickiness . Finally , based on literature review , factors influencing online consumers ' behavior are summed up , involving factors about the reception or adoption and continuance .

  14. 本文还重点分析了OTC药品消费行为特点,并从四个方面论述了影响OTC药品消费者行为的因素:文化因素、社会因素、个人因素、心理因素。

    This paper also analyzes the characteristics of OTC products consumer behavior , and from the four aspects of the influence of consumer behavior OTC products factors : the cultural factor , social factor , personal factors , psychological factors .

  15. 在此基础上,全面分析影响消费者网络购物行为的因素。

    Based on this , comprehensively analysis factors influencing consumer online purchasing behavior .

  16. 对影响消费者购买行为的心理因素的研究

    Psychological Factors Affecting Consumer Purchase Behavior

  17. 准确把握当前大学生消费行为具有重要意义,而价值观是影响消费者行为的深层次因素。

    It is of great significance to accurately learn about the consumer behavior of university students at present , since the values is the underling factors influencing consumer behavior .

  18. 分析了网上书店消费者行为的特征和影响网上消费者购买行为的因素,并在此基础上提出了网上书店的消费者行为模型。

    This article analyzes the characteristics of consumers ' behavior in network bookstore and the factors that affect the consumers ' behavior . This paper puts forward a model of consumers ' behavior in network bookstore in the end .

  19. 随着体验经济的到来,越来越多的企业开始关注消费体验给消费者所带来的价值,逐渐将体验视为影响消费者消费行为的重要因素之一,并将其纳入企业营销战略体系中。

    With the development of the experience economy , more and more enterprise begin to pay attention to consumption experience to bring consumer value ; gradually will regard experience as the main factors influencing consumer behavior and the incorporation of enterprises marketing strategy system .

  20. 同时还分析了绿色消费群体以及绿色消费现状;并建立了绿色需求函数,找出了影响绿色消费者购买行为的若干因素,进一步指出企业成功实施绿色营销获得最大收益的关键所在;

    It also probes into the green consumer behavior and its construction , and builds the green requirement function , analysis the factors affecting the consumer behavior .

  21. 对消费者来说,网络购物比在实体商店购物存在更高的风险,感知风险是影响消费者网络购买行为的主要因素。

    The author points out that , to the consumers , perceived risk is the main factor that affects greatly consumers ' purchasing behavior in online shopping .