
  1. 马克思的劳动价值理论与市场价值理论

    Marxist theory of labor value and market value

  2. 新的历史时代如何坚持和发展马克思的劳动价值理论

    How to Stick to and Develop Labor Value Theory of Marx at New Historic Era

  3. 马克思的劳动价值理论是政治经济学和科学社会主义的理论基础。

    Marx 's Theory of Labour Value is the theoretical basis of political economy and the scientific socialism .

  4. 合理吸纳价值理论研究的新内容,丰富马克思的劳动价值理论。

    It is also necessary to absorb rationally new findings in value theory researches to enrich labor theory of Marxism .

  5. 这表明马克思的劳动价值理论在新的历史时期,应该结合客观发展实践进行理论创新和突破。

    This indicates Marxist labor theory of values needs to innovate and break though combining with objective practice in the new history .

  6. 从价差看a、b股市场投资理念的差别马克思的劳动价值理论与市场价值理论

    Differences in Investment Philosophy as Shown in Price Differences in Stock Market A and B Marxist theory of labor value and market value

  7. 本文应用马克思的劳动价值理论对人力资本进行了剖析,说明人力资本与实物资本既有共性又有特性。

    Through analysis of the human capital based on Marxian Labor Theory of Value , this article represents that the human capital and physical capital have homogeneity , at the same time each of them has its own specialty .

  8. 马克思的劳动价值理论和马克思的全部经济理论是一个有机的整体,只有在马克思的整体理论体系中,才能全面地科学地理解马克思劳动价值理论。

    Marx 's theory of labor value and his total economics should be considered as a whole organically . People are able to understand Marx 's theory of labor value completely and scientifically only under seeing his theories as a whole system .

  9. 以马克思主义的劳动价值理论为依据,结合情报商品的功能与特征,具体剖析情报商品价值形成的规律。

    Based on the labour value theory of Marxism and in the light of its functions and characteristics , the formation pattern of imformation commodity is discussed specifically .

  10. 马克思主义的劳动和劳动价值理论是一个内容极其丰富的科学体系,揭示了当时资本主义的生产方式的运行特点和基本矛盾。

    Marx 's theory of labor and labor value is a scientific system of rich content , which reveals the functioning features and basic contradictions of the capitalist mode of production at that time .

  11. 一百多年前,在批判和继承古典经济学家劳动价值理论的基础上,马克思创立了科学的劳动价值理论,并以此为依据,创立了剩余价值学说。

    More than 100 years ago , in the classical economists and inheritance critical labor theory of value , based on the creation of a scientific Marxist labor theory of value , and on this basis , the creation of the theory of surplus value .

  12. 把马克思归于古典经济学家的行列并据此否定马克思的劳动价值理论对于价格的解释功能的观点是错误的。

    It is certainly wrong to classify Marx as a classical economist and thus to deny his explanation about price .

  13. 分析了马克思关于劳动和劳动价值理论的论述及其时代背景,认为马克思的劳动价值理论属于特定的资本主义范畴。

    This paper analyzes the demonstration of Marxist theory on labor and labor value and its historical background and holds that Marxist theory on labor value belongs to special capitalist domain .

  14. 世界虽已发生了巨大的变化,我们应当对马克思的这一伟大理论有新的理解,但我们仍应一如既往地坚持和捍卫马克思的劳动价值理论,以使其永远发出灿烂的光芒。

    We ought to have new understanding on this great Marxian theory , we still should as always , insist on and defend Marxian physical labour value theory though gigantic changes of the world already happened , so that human being will issue splendid brilliant rays forever .