
  • 网络Mark Zuckerberg;Mark Zuckerburg
  1. 这本书,被包括Facebook的CEO马克·扎克伯格在内的国内外众多高管所推荐。

    The book , recommended by many worldwide CEOs including Facebook 's Mark Zuckerberg .

  2. Facebook的CEO马克·扎克伯格和其他高管通力合作,来获取中国高级官员的支持。

    Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg and other executives have made concerted efforts to woo Chinese officials .

  3. 而是马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)喜欢将Facebook会议室的温度保持在凉飕飕的摄氏15度。

    It 's that Mark Zuckerberg likes to keep the conference room at Facebook at a chilly 15C .

  4. 不久之前,30岁的杜罗夫还被视作俄罗斯的马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)。

    Not long ago , Mr. Durov , 30 , was seen as Russia 's Mark Zuckerberg .

  5. 希望马克·扎克伯格不会有一天醒来然后突然决定Facebook需要重新粉刷一下。

    Let 's just hope that Mark Zuckerberg never wakes up one day and decides that Facebook needs a paint job .

  6. 貌似Facebook的CEO马克·扎克伯格已经把苹果的CEO蒂姆·库克列入了这个圣诞假期的黑名单。

    It looks like Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has put Apple CEO Tim Cook on the naughty list this holiday season .

  7. 史蒂芬·P·乔布斯(StevenP.Jobs)、拉里·佩奇(LarryPage)和马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)等美国科技行业的翘楚强调技术与产品高过一切。

    American tech leaders like Steven P. Jobs , Larry Page , and Mark Zuckerberg have emphasized technology and product above everything .

  8. Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格周六宣布,该应用已经为尼泊尔地震启动。

    The service has been activated for the Nepal earthquake , Mark Zuckerberg , the chief executive of Facebook , announced Saturday .

  9. 休了两个月产假来陪伴刚出生的女儿之后,马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)回归工作。

    After taking two months off to spend time with his newborn daughter , Mark Zuckerberg is back to business .

  10. 众所周知,马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)曾是全球最年轻的亿万富翁之一。虽然他的这一头衔只保持了8天就被更加年轻的成功者所取代。

    Mark Zuckerberg is one of the youngest billionaires ever - being only 8 days too old to hold the title .

  11. 奥巴马的晚宴来宾中有苹果CEO史蒂夫·乔布斯,Facebook创始人马克·扎克伯格和谷歌CEO埃里克·施密特。

    Among the guests at Obama 's dinner were then Apple CEO Steve Jobs , Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg and Google CEO Eric Schmidt .

  12. 外界的压力让Facebook的CEO马克·扎克伯格做出正式的道歉,宣布计划用新的工具帮助用户保护他们的数据。

    The outrage forced Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to make a formal apology and announce plans for new tools that help users protect their data .

  13. 本杰明·戈林(BenjaminGoering)的长相和说话方式都不像Facebook的创始人马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg),也不像他那样备受争议。

    BENJAMIN GOERING does not look like Facebook 's Mark Zuckerberg , talk like him or inspire the same controversy .

  14. 该项目的赞助者名单上,包括阿里巴巴集团CEO马云、脸书CEO马克·扎克伯格、惠普的梅格·惠特曼以及维珍集团的理查德·布兰森。

    Among the list of backers are Alibaba CEO Jack Ma , Mark Zuckerberg ofFacebook , Meg Whitman of HP and Virgin Group 's Richard Branson .

  15. 马克·扎克伯格是硅谷最年轻、最富有且最具争议性的首席执行官(CEO)之一。

    Mark Zuckerberg is one of a number of young CEOs in Silicon Valley , but he is also one of the wealthiest and most controversial .

  16. 普里西拉·陈:社交网络Facebook创始人马克·扎克伯格交往9年的女友,在上个周六升级成了这位亿万富翁80后的妻子。

    Priscilla Chan has long been known as the girlfriend of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg , but on Saturday she updated her status to the billionaire 's wife 。

  17. Facebook的首席执行马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)似乎不缺钱,不过我还是想付给他一些钱。

    Facebook 's chief executive , Mark Zuckerberg , seems to have plenty of money , but I 'd like to give him some of mine .

  18. 2012年5月19日:Facebook创始人马克·扎克伯格在位于加州帕洛阿尔托的家中与女友普莉希拉·陈结为夫妇。

    May 19 , 2012 : Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg married his longtime girlfriend , Priscilla Chan , in a ceremony at his home in Palo Alto , California .

  19. 缅甸仰光——在妙敏觉(MyoMyintKyaw)的创意数字社,墙壁上的装饰品是斯蒂文·P·乔布斯(StevenP.Jobs)和马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)的图片。

    YANGON , Myanmar - Images of Steven P. Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg adorn the walls of Myo Myint Kyaw 's creative digital agency .

  20. 由于数十亿人允许他创办的Facebook自由访问他们的个人信息,马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)成了全世界最有影响力的人之一。

    Mark Zuckerberg is one of the most powerful men in the world because billions of people give Facebook , which he founded , free access to their personal data .

  21. 马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)在23岁时成为了亿万富翁,而Facebook花费了190亿美元来收购刚刚创办五年的WhatsApp。

    Mark Zuckerberg was a billionaire by the time he was 23 , and Facebook paid $ 19 billion for WhatsApp when it was just five years old .

  22. 一些教育专家对这个行业的大举投入表示担忧:一些大型科技公司及其创始人,包括比尔·盖茨(BillGates)和Facebook的马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckberg),已经为Code.org投资了大约1000万美元(约合6255万人民币)。

    Some educators worry about the industry 's heavy role : Major tech companies and their founders , including Bill Gates and Facebook 's Mark Zuckerberg , have put up about $ 10 million for Code.org .

  23. Facebook的创立者和老板,桑德伯格以及马克·扎克伯格,称消息推送每天能为Facebook创收百万美元以上,其中半数来自移动设备。

    Ms Sandberg and Mark Zuckerberg , Facebook 's founder and boss , said stories in news feeds were bringing in more than $ 1m a day , half of that from mobile devices .

  24. 在纽约城的一号楼观景台,我和尤里·米尔纳启动了“突破摄星”计划(BreakthroughStarshot)马克·扎克伯格也加入了该计划的董事会,为“突破摄星”助一臂之力。

    At the One World Observatory in New York City , Yuri Milner and I launched a mission to the stars . Mark Zuckerberg lenthis support by joining the board of our new initiative , Breakthrough Starshot .

  25. 在上周二发布于脸书上的一段视频中,马克·扎克伯格首次展示了他的人工智能(AI)家庭助手贾维斯,其灵感源自《钢铁侠》系列电影中托尼·斯塔克的AI助手贾维斯。

    In a Facebook video posted last Tuesday , Mark Zuckerberg debuted his artificial intelligence ( AI ) home assistant Jarvis , which was inspired by Tony Stark 's AI assistant Jarvis from the Iron Man movies .

  26. 休斯与其哈佛校友马克·扎克伯格共同创建了Facebook,而在本周,休斯和新婚夫婿塞恩·埃尔德雷吉则是首批利用该组新图标的用户之一,他们在Facebook上更新了自己的婚姻状态。

    Mr Hughes , who set up the social network with Harvard pal Mark Zuckerberg , and new husband Sean Eldridge were among the first to use the brand new symbols to update their relationship status on the weekend 。

  27. Facebook还宣布推出新的无投票权类股票,称为C类股份。公司表示,此举的目的是确保首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)继续担当“积极的领导角色”。

    Facebook also announced a new class of nonvoting stock , called Class C shares , which the company said was aimed at ensuring that Mark Zuckerberg , the chief executive , would remain in " an active leadership role . "

  28. 自2004年以来,该公司一直为私人所有,当时马克·扎克伯格和几名室友在哈佛大学创业办了Facebook。

    The company has been privately held since two thousand four . That was when Mark Zuckerberg and several classmates at Harvard University started Facebook as a business . But on May eighteenth , Facebook becomes a publicly traded company .

  29. 今年早些时候,Facebook创始人兼首席执行官马克·扎克伯格在国会作证时曾公开表示,他对政府监管Facebook和其他社交媒体及科技公司持开放态度,只要规定是合理的。

    Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg said earlier this year while testifying before Congress that he was open to governmental regulation on Facebook and other social media and tech companies , as long as it was the right regulation .

  30. 周三,Facebook的首席执行官马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)用出人意料的形式展示了他对中国的兴趣,他在北京清华大学的一个座谈会上用中文讲了大约半个小时。

    On Wednesday , Facebook 's chief executive , Mark Zuckerberg , gave a dramatic display of his interest in the country , speaking in Chinese for about a half-hour at a forum at Tsinghua University in Beijing .