
  • 网络spokesperson system;press spokesman system
  1. 我国新闻发言人制度的发展现状及有效运行研究

    The Present State of Press Spokesperson System and It 's Effective Run

  2. 政府新闻发言人制度的理论阐释

    A Theoretical Clarification on News Spokesperson System of Government

  3. 高等学校建立新闻发言人制度的探讨

    A Probe Into the Establishment of the Spokesman System in Colleges

  4. 论新闻发言人制度的信息管理意义

    On the Information Management Significance of the Press and Public Relation System

  5. 中国新闻发言人制度的发展与思考

    Development and Reflection on the System of Chinese Press Spokesmen

  6. 对完善警方新闻发言人制度的探讨

    On the Perfection of Police News Spokesman System POLICE WORLD

  7. 摘要中国新闻发言人制度发展中存在三大问题。

    China 's press spokesman system has had three problems during its upgrowth .

  8. 论我国政府新闻发言人制度的现状与未来

    The Status of Institution of Government Spokesman in Our Country Quo and Future

  9. 危机管理中的新闻发言人制度

    The System of News Spokesman in Government Crisis Management

  10. 新闻发言人制度在我国的发展与思考

    Development and Thinking of News Spokespersons System in China

  11. 从危机事件看新闻发言人制度的优势所在

    The advantages of Press Spokesman in Crisis Dealing

  12. 试析新闻发言人制度在中国升温原因及实践的基本准则

    On the Reasons of News Spokesman System Becoming Popular and Its Basic Principles in Practice

  13. 惠州市是广东省第一个建设新闻发言人制度的地级市。

    Huizhou is the first prefecture-level city to set up news spokesman system in Guangdong province .

  14. 审思和前瞻:新时期政府新闻发言人制度初探

    Contemplation and Foresight : a Perspective of the News Briefing and Spokesperson System of the Government

  15. 在具体制度上,应当完善新闻发言人制度。

    And in the concrete system , the government should perfect the system of the press spokesman .

  16. 作为具有仪式效应的信息公开手段,新闻发言人制度应避免功能异化。

    The government spokesman system , as the ceremonial means of information publication , should avoid functional alienation .

  17. 实施政府新闻发言人制度是目前世界各国通行的做法。

    At present , the implementation of government news spokesman system is a current way in various countries .

  18. 这两者之间存在着明显的差别,这主要是新闻发言人制度本身不足造成的。

    These two between has the obvious difference , this mainly is news spokesperson system itself insufficient creates .

  19. 特别是自2003年非典以来,政府新闻发言人制度成为了我国媒体和公众议论的话题。

    Since the SARS of 2003 , the news spokesperson system has become the hot issue between medias and public .

  20. 加大政务公开,完善新闻发言人制度,及时回应社会关切。

    We will make our operations more open , improve the spokesperson system , and respond to people 's concerns promptly .

  21. 新闻发言人制度作为公共关系领域的概念,对于危机的妥善处理有着不可小觑的优势。

    As a conception in the field of public relations , press spokesman plays an important part in compromising treatment of crisis .

  22. 以美国为代表的西方政府新闻发言人制度起步比较早,积累了丰富经验。

    In the United States , as a representative of the western government spokesman system started early , accumulated the rich experience .

  23. 2003非典事件之后,中国的新闻发言人制度才得到了普遍的关注,也逐渐普及。

    After the 2003 SARS crisis , the Chinese press spokesman system not only caused the extensive concern , but also gradually spreaded .

  24. 本文对网络新闻发言人制度进行的研究,共分五部分:第一部分,引言。

    This article conducts the research to the Net News spokesperson system , is divided five parts : The first part , introduction .

  25. 要进一步完善新闻发言人制度,拓展政府信息公开的深度和广度;

    To consummate the News Spokesman system so as to expand the depth and width of information exposure from government is necessary too .

  26. 从回顾新闻发言人制度入手,指出网络新闻发言人的提出具有特定的时代背景。

    Obtains from the review news spokesperson system , to point out that the Net News spokesperson proposed has the specific time background .

  27. 笔者认为,我国新闻发言人制度与政府信息公开制度的建设是互相促进的。

    According to me , the press spokesman institution and the construction of the government information publicity system in our country are promoting mutually .

  28. 客观真实、迅速及时、切中热点是新闻发言人制度在实践中必须遵循的基本准则。

    To be objective , prompt and relevant to the hot matter are the basic principles for the news spokesman to keep in practice .

  29. 监狱系统在此阶段主要从建立和完善新闻发言人制度及快速反应机制入手,对监狱危机进行有效的处置。

    In this phase , the jail organ should emphases on establishing and improving two system & the news spokesman and rapid reaction mechanism .

  30. 本文就我国目前政府信息公开制度建设的重心&新闻发言人制度的建设进行研究。

    This article at present the government information public system construction center of gravity news spokesperson system construction conducts the research on our country .