
  • 网络new mexico;Albuquerque;Socorro;NewMexico
  1. 在新墨西哥州,有各种各样的烹饪方法。

    In New Mexico all kinds of cuisines are represented .

  2. 我有点儿想在新墨西哥州开一个牧羊场。

    I 'd kinda like to have a sheep farm in New Mexico

  3. 新墨西哥州的时间比格林尼治标准时间晚7个小时。

    New Mexico is seven hours behind GMT.

  4. 每年都有超过10000人前往新墨西哥州的阿尔伯克基市。

    Every year more than 10,000 people head for the city of Albuquerque , New Mexico .

  5. 然而,两位来自新墨西哥州的美国艺术家,阿里斯·斯内和贾斯汀·克罗认为他们发明了一种更好的自拍杆,他们将其称之为"自拍臂"。

    However , a pair of US artists from New Mexico , Aric Snee and Justin Crowe believe they have invented a better one and they call it " selfie arm " .

  6. 在新墨西哥州,州长BillRichardson已支持一项旨在强化相关法律规定的议案。

    In New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson has supported a bill tightening up the relevant laws .

  7. 整个新墨西哥州(NewMexico)连同亚利桑那州(Arizona)、德克萨斯州(Texas)及墨西哥州(Mexico)部分地区都能看到亮如白昼的光芒。

    The flash was so bright that it was seen in all of New Mexico and parts of Arizona , Texas , and Mexico .

  8. 2004年乔治w布什(georgew.bush)曾在内华达州、科罗拉多州和新墨西哥州凯旋,但拉丁裔选民数量增加意味着这三州将倒向奥巴马。

    The increasing Hispanic vote means three States George W.Bush won in 2004 Nevada , Colorado and New Mexico are leaning towards Mr Obama .

  9. 新墨西哥州人口中拉美裔的比例全国最高,接近总人口的一半。它和科罗拉多以及内华达州一样,都是2012年大选中重要的“摇摆州”(swingstate,竞选双方势均力敌,都没有明显优势的州)。

    New Mexico , which has the highest share ( almost half ) of Latinos of any state in the country , is , along with Colorado and Nevada , an important swing state for 2012 .

  10. SantaFeComplex与新墨西哥州大学、圣达菲研究所、洛杉矶洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室协同工作,致力于建立具备科学的可视化特性的自然环境。

    The Santa Fe Complex is working with the University of New Mexico , The Santa Fe Institute , and the Los Alamos National Laboratory to create ambient environments focused on scientific visualization .

  11. 新墨西哥州SOR中间层钠层结构的季节和夜间变化

    Seasonal and nocturnal variations of the mesospheric sodium layer at Starfire optical range , New Mexico

  12. 美国联邦调查局(FBI)近日解密了一批文件,其中详细记录了美国犹他州不明飞行物(UFO)爆炸事件,以及新墨西哥州外星人着陆的“罗兹威尔”事件。

    Secret FBI files have been released detailing how US officials saw aUFO explode over Utah – and aliens land near Roswell in New Mexico .

  13. 新墨西哥州拥有94块屏幕的连锁影院公司AllenTheatresInc.的董事长艾伦(LarryAllen)说,这种帧频更快的电影并不要求硬件方面的升级,他对此表示乐观。

    Larry Allen , president of the 94-screen Allen Theatres Inc. chain in New Mexico , says he is optimistic the higher frame rate won 't require a hardware update .

  14. 约翰·麦凯恩议员在本周新墨西哥州的募捐活动上似乎已经表示,曾经是他的对手的Mitt会成为很好的竞选伙伴。

    Senator John McCain seemed to suggest that aimed at a fund-raiser in New Mexico this week that his former rival would make a good running mate .

  15. 关于“强化审讯”(enhancedinterrogation)的问题,一些批评人士声称这相当于酷刑,除了国会议员保罗和前新墨西哥州州长约翰逊(GaryJohnson)之外,所有候选人都表示他们支持在某些情况下使用强化审讯。

    On the question of enhanced interrogation , which some critics say torture , all the candidates said they supported its use in some s except for Congressman Paul and former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson .

  16. 1988年通过“托福”和“GRE”考试,获攻读新墨西哥州大学体育管理系现代化专业硕士研究生学位资格。

    Began to study for a Master 's degree in the sports management department of the same university after passing the TOFEL and GRE tests in1988 .

  17. 其中还有一份特工盖豪特尔在1950年的陈述,为外星人驾驶UFO在新墨西哥州的罗兹威尔失事坠毁的说法提供了证据。

    Among them is a1950 statement from special agent Guy Hottel , which seems to provide evidence for the theory that aliens landed at Roswell , New Mexico .

  18. 另据cnn报道,平壤方面对正在访朝的美国新墨西哥州州长比尔理查森(billrichardson)表示,朝鲜有意允许联合国核查人员恢复监视该国一座核工厂。

    Separately , CNN reported that Pyongyang had told us Governor Bill Richardson , who is in North Korea , that it was willing to allow UN inspectors to return to monitor a nuclear plant .

  19. 新墨西哥州大学计算机科学教授StephanieForrest指出:生物和生态系统的多样性成就了强健性和恢复性。

    Stephanie Forrest , a computer science professor at The University of New Mexico , points out that diversity in biological and ecological systems leads to robustness and resilience .

  20. 1981年在新墨西哥州的霍罗门空军基地,他是第一个以中尉身份被任命为F-15飞行员的人。

    He was first assigned to fly F-15s as a first lieutenant at Holloman AFB , New Mexico , in1981 .

  21. 朝鲜官员本月在与美国新墨西哥州州长比尔理查森(billrichardson)和美国前总统比尔克林顿(billclinton)会晤时,提醒美国政府考虑其这方面的想法。

    North Korea has long been eager for bilateral talks with the US , with officials reminding Washington this month of its interest in meetings with Bill Richardson , the governor of New Mexico , and Bill Clinton , the former US president .

  22. 设想我们的涉众是新墨西哥州圣达菲的Marian阿姨、路易斯安那州巴吞鲁日的Cid叔叔,以及密西西比州杰克逊的Tanya堂兄。

    Imagine that our stakeholders are Aunt Marian in Santa Fe , New Mexico ; Uncle Cid in Baton Rouge , Louisiana ; and cousin Tanya in Jackson , Mississippi .

  23. TDD的好处直接从教室扩散到了我们的用户&新墨西哥州政府办事处、本地一个小型非营利机构和拉斯维加斯城里的一个校区。

    The benefits extended beyond our classroom to our customers-a New Mexico state government agency , a local non-profit mini-conglomerate , and one of the school districts in the city of Las Vegas , NM .

  24. 2016年11月,当时才10岁的JudeSparks和家人在新墨西哥州的家附近郊游时,被一块他认为是牛骨头的东西给绊倒了。

    In November 2016 , Jude Sparks , now 10 , was on an outing with his family near their New Mexico home , when he tripped over what he thought was a cow bone .

  25. 新墨西哥州卡尔斯巴德(Carlsbad)钾盐矿床是美国最早发现的古钾盐矿床,该矿床一直是美国钾盐的主要供给地。

    Carlsbad potash deposit of New Mexico , found in USA the earliest among deposits of its kind , acts at all times as a leading potash-providing base .

  26. 在Allred知晓这件事情之前,新墨西哥州的警官们和其他路过的好心人们已帮助她们筹集到共计568美金。

    Before Allred knew it , New Mexico State Police Officers were among the many stopping by helping them reach a total of $ 568 .

  27. 最开始这位天文学家的团队每天要花费3小时,将来自于望远镜的图片在芬兰、波士顿和新墨西哥州之间相互传送,而现在他们使用Dropbox保存并随时同步这些望远镜图片。

    Instead of having to spend three hours each morning transferring images from the telescope to staffers among Finland , Boston and New Mexico , his team of star watchers use Dropbox to keep large photo images from their telescope synced among locations at all times .

  28. 那里有一座火山,几乎象新墨西哥州那么大。

    There is a volcano almost as big as New Mexico .

  29. 为什么你要和新墨西哥州的州长见面

    Why did you meet with the governor of New Mexico ?

  30. 还有1978年修订的《新墨西哥州法令》57章12节1到24款

    And , uh , anything on 57.12.1-24 NMSA , 1978 .