
  • 网络new rural social pension insurance;a new type of pension insurance for rural residents
  1. 通过以上的分析,希望为建立完善的新型农村社会养老保险制度提供参考。

    Through the above analysis , the author hopes to provide reference for establishing a perfect new rural social pension insurance system .

  2. 构建新型农村社会养老保险制度的思路为:第一,政府对农保制实行财政补贴;

    The idea for establish new rural social pension insurance system as follows . First , financial subsidies to agricultural insurance system ;

  3. 本部分在新型农村社会养老保险如何立法方面,对新农保制度立法的体例和基本原则进行分析。

    This section analyzed the style and basic principles of legislation .

  4. 诸多因素制约着新型农村社会养老保险的发展。

    There are so many factors which restrict the new rural pension insurance .

  5. 新型农村社会养老保险中基本养老金仿真学精算模型

    Actuarial Model of Simulation on Basic Pension in New Rural Social Endowment Insurance

  6. 我国建立新型农村社会养老保险的经济可行性分析

    Analysis on the Economic Feasibility of New Rural Society Endowment Insurance in China

  7. 关于新型农村社会养老保险模式的思考

    Reflections on a New Pattern of Social Insurance for the Aged in Rural Areas

  8. 安徽省新型农村社会养老保险制度研究

    Research on the New Pattern of Rural Social Endowment Insurance System in Anhui Province

  9. 新型农村社会养老保险制度分析&以北京市为例

    Analysis on New Public Pension System of Rural Area : Take Beijing as Example

  10. 财政补贴型新型农村社会养老保险制度研究

    On the Endowment Insurance Supported by State Financial Subsidies in China 's New Rural Communities

  11. 第二部分主要分析推行新型农村社会养老保险的背景。

    The second chapter provides the background information of promoting the new-type old-age insurance undertaking .

  12. 第三部分主要介绍推行新型农村社会养老保险制度试点工作情况。

    The third chapter mainly deals with the trial implementation of the new-type old-age insurance undertaking .

  13. 山东加快新型农村社会养老保险制度建设的必要性和可能性分析

    The Necessity and Feasibility of the Establishment of a New Old-age Insurance System in Rural Shandong

  14. 我国已经建立了城镇职工基本养老保险制度。新型农村社会养老保险制度。

    There are urban social pension insurance system and rural social pension insurance system in China .

  15. 辽宁省从2006年开始探索建立新型农村社会养老保险制度,研讨开展新农保工作的思路。

    Liaoning Province has begun to try to build new-type rural endowment insurance system since 2006 .

  16. 自2009年底,新型农村社会养老保险制度开始在全国范围内试点。

    Since the end of 2009 , the new rural social pension system is launched widely .

  17. 我国西部地区建立新型农村社会养老保险制度可行性数理分析&以宁夏银川市为例

    Mathematical Analysis Feasibility of Building New Type of Countryside Social Endowment Insurance System in Western China

  18. 新型农村社会养老保险最大的特点就是国家承担了主要的责任,政府予以财政支持。

    The greatest feature is that the State assumed primary responsibility , government gives financial support .

  19. 2009年国务院出台了《关于开展新型农村社会养老保险试点的指导意见》。

    In 2009 , the State Council issued guidance on the new rural social endowment insurance pilot .

  20. 然后对新型农村社会养老保险和地方政府行为进行了概述。

    Then conduct a comprehensive discussion on the new rural social old-age insurance and local government behavior .

  21. 希望这些建议能够为完善我国新型农村社会养老保险制度建设提供些许参考。

    Hope these suggestions can be help to solve the problems which in rural social endowment insurance .

  22. 以城乡统筹为背景的新型农村社会养老保险制度研究

    Theory and Practice of New Rural Elderly Social Security System Based on Rural and Urban Areas Coordinating

  23. 加强新型农村社会养老保险基金监管的必要性和对策分析

    Analysis on the Necessity of and Countermeasures for Strengthening the Supervision of New Rural Social Endowment Insurance Fund

  24. 此外,还要强调第三部门对新型农村社会养老保险制度的补充作用。

    Also , emphasizes the third sector of new type of rural social endowment insurance system is complementary .

  25. 第五部分提出合理化建议以完善新型农村社会养老保险制度。

    Part five makes suggestion on how to perfect the new type of rural social pension insurance system .

  26. 宁夏新型农村社会养老保险制度建设对策研究

    Research on the Countermeasure of the Construction of Social Pension Insurance System in Ningxia 's New Rural Area

  27. 基金积累制应用于新型农村社会养老保险制度的可行性研究

    The Feasibility of Application of Funded fully-Individual Account System to System Social Endowment Insurance at Chinese New Rural

  28. 这为我过建立新型农村社会养老保险制度提供了坚实的经济基础。

    This provides a solid economic foundation for the establishment of new rural social old-age insurance system in china .

  29. 第六章新型农村社会养老保险的发展取向及政策调整。

    The sixth part is introduction of the development orientation and policy adjustment of the new rural pension insurance .

  30. 农村经济的发展为我国实施新型农村社会养老保险政策奠定了良好的基础。

    Rural economic development for the implementation of the new rural social endowment insurance policy has laid a good foundation .