
  • 网络Neolithic culture
  1. 黄河中下游地区新石器时代文化谱系的动态思考

    On the Pedigree of the Neolithic Culture in the Middle and Lower Reaches of Yellow River

  2. 经过多年坚持不懈的发现和考证,他第一次提出了长江流域存在新石器时代文化的论断,为后来良渚文化的发现奠定了坚实的基础。

    Unremitting Studying and textual research for many years , he first suggested there were Neolithic Culture in Yangtze valley . This laid the foundations of Liangzhu Culture .

  3. 洱海区域新石器时代文化概述

    A Brief Account of the Neolithic Age Culture in Erhai Area

  4. 岭南早期新石器时代文化研究的回顾及相关问题

    Review of Early Neolithic Cultural Research And Relative Questions in Lingnan

  5. 杭州湾两岸新石器时代文化与环境

    Culture and Environment across the Hangzhou Bay in the Neolithic Age

  6. 中国新石器时代文化区划述论

    Culture On the Division of Cultural Region in the Neolithic Age of China

  7. 燕山南北地区新石器时代文化研究

    Researches on Neolithic Cultures at Southern and Northern Areas of Yan Shan Mountain

  8. 贝加尔湖沿岸新石器时代文化

    Neolithic Cultures in the Area round Lake Baikal

  9. 中巴尔干地区新石器时代文化

    Neolithic Cultures in the Central Balkan Region

  10. 仰韶文化是黄河中游地区重要的新石器时代文化。

    The culture is in the middle of the Yellow River at the New Stone Age .

  11. 克里米亚新石器时代文化

    Neolithic Cultures in Crimea

  12. 该遗址的发掘为研究江汉平原新石器时代文化的内涵和考古学文化谱系提供了一批新资料。

    The excavation is valued for understanding context and structure of the Neolithic cultures in the Jianghan Plain .

  13. 长江中游新石器时代文化与生态环境关系研究

    The Research on the Relations between Culture and Ecological Environment of Neolithic Age in the Middle Reaches of Yangtze River

  14. 在新石器时代文化研究中,农业革命和城市革命的理论认识早就普遍接受。

    In the research of culture of Neolithic , the theories of Agricultural Revolution and Urban revolution have been widely accepted .

  15. 它的发现,不仅将我国新石器时代文化大大推前,更为重写中华古史,校正中华五千年文明的提法,将中华文明追溯到一万年前并重排世界古文明位次增加了依据。

    The discovery of it made the ancient civilization of China date back to 11 thousand years ago , instead of 5 thousand years .

  16. 分布于陇东地区的新石器时代文化遗存较丰富,为我们研究这一地区史前文化状况提供了材料。

    The richer Neolithic cultural relics distributed in Longdong area provide us materials to discuss the condition of the prehistoric culture in this region .

  17. 复原古代地理环境,结合环境变迁对环太湖流域新石器时代文化区域的变化原因进行探讨。

    To restitute archaic geographical entironment and make a discussion disc combined with the cause of the New Stone Age culture area variety by entironment vicissitude .

  18. 独木舟遗址位于浙江省萧山区,是浙江省迄今为止发现最早的新石器时代文化遗存。

    The Canoe Site lies in Xiaoshan City of Zhejiang Province and it is the earliest cultural remains site of the New Stone Age in the province .

  19. 尼罗河谷地的新石器时代文化遗址中发现了大量石刀、石簇、石斧、石镰等等。

    A lot of stone knives , clusters , axes , sickles have been unearthed in the cultural relics of Neolithic age in the Nile River valley .

  20. 通过对该地区新石器时代文化的彩陶的研究,有利于该地区新石器时代文化面貌的研究,也有利于整个淮系大文化的确立。

    Painted pottery of the Neolithic culture is conducive to the study of the Neolithic cultural landscape , as well as conducive to the the entire Huai culture established .

  21. 山西是华夏文明的发祥地之一,其新石器时代文化在中国历史文化长河中占有举足轻重的地位。

    Shanxi is one of places of origin of Hua Xia civilization , and its civilization of the new stone age plays decisive role in the civilization river of the Chinese history .

  22. 总观全国各地新石器时代文化的发展,中原地区以它强大的文化根基,在文明起源和形成过程中始终走在前面。

    Compared to the other areas in China in the cultural development stage of the Neo - lithic Age , the Central Plains area was always in the lead during the period of the civilization origin and formation based on its powerful cultural foundation .

  23. 关于江西新石器时代晚期文化的探索

    The Research on Culture of Jiangxi In Late New the Stone Age

  24. 略谈江南生活方式与新石器时代的文化渊源

    On Cultural Relationship of Lifestyle in Jiangnan Area and the Neolithic Era

  25. 裴李岗文化是分布于河洛地区的一支新石器时代中期文化。

    Peiligang Culture is a middle Neolithic Culture distributing in Heluo Area .

  26. 太湖平原中石器、新石器时代人类文化的发展与环境

    The relation between environment and ancient culture on the Taihu Lake in the Mesolithic and Neolithic

  27. 龙山文化是一种以中国的黄河中游和下游为中心的新石器时代晚期文化。

    Longshan culture was a late Neolithic culture centered around the central and lower Yellow River in China .

  28. 通过分析可知,中国新石器时代的文化区划与自然地理环境的区域差异有着广泛的一致性。

    By analysing from the cultural region and natural region in the Neolithic Age of China , we have known the extensive sameness between two kinds of regions .

  29. 人口文艺源于原始生殖崇拜,在我国主要表现为三种形式:即中原新石器时代仰韶文化的鱼、蛙生殖崇拜反映的人口文艺;

    Population art , originating from ancient reproduction worship , is expressed in three modes : that expressed in the form of fish and frog in Yangshao culture in the Neolithic Period ;

  30. 古代东北地区少数民族的起源,大都可以追溯到新石器时代诸文化类型,即便较晚形成的民族,也主要来源于东北地区原有的族体。

    The Orgin of ancient nationalities in northeastern regions could be traced back to many cultural types of the New Stone Age Even latter formal nationalities also came from orginal nationalities in the northeastern regions .