
xīn shí qì shí dài
  • the Neolithic Age;Neolithic
新石器时代 [xīn shí qì shí dài]
  • [the Neolithic Age;New Stone Age] 石器时代的晚期。这时的工具是磨制的石器,生产上已有农业和畜牧业

  1. 洱海区域新石器时代文化概述

    A Brief Account of the Neolithic Age Culture in Erhai Area

  2. 新石器时代正在开始。

    The Neolithic Age ( New Stone Age ) was beginning .

  3. 新石器时代有人开始驯养牛。

    Cattle were first domesticated in Neolithic times .

  4. 该纪念碑是属于石器时代或新石器时代的。

    The monument was Stone Age or Neolithic .

  5. 从中国新石器时代人骨遗骸中提取出古代DNA。

    Ancient DNA was extracted from Neolithic human skeletal remains excavated in China .

  6. 新石器时代人骨遗骸中古代DNA的提取及X-Y染色体同源基因片段的PCR扩增

    Ancient DNA extraction from Neolithic human skeletal remains and PCR based amplification of the X-Y homologous amelogenin gene

  7. 本文介绍采用天平法和X射线衍射法(XRD)无损分析测定福泉山出土三件新石器时代古玉器。

    This paragraph presents us non - destructive analysis by using scale and X - ray Radiation Diffraction to evaluate three ancient jades of the Neolithic era found on Fuquan Mountain .

  8. 牛津大学(Oxforduniversity)人类学家罗宾·邓巴(RobinDunbar)教授提出了这个以他名字命名的数字。邓巴发现,从新石器时代的村落、罗马帝国的军团,到一份普通的圣诞节贺卡寄送名单,人类群体的规模具有惊人的相似性。

    Professor Robin Dunbar , the Oxford university anthropologist who came up with the eponymous figure after noting the strikingly similar sizes of human groupings ranging from Neolithic villages to Roman legions to an average Christmas card list ,

  9. 从出土的陶片来看,与宣汉罗家坝遗址新石器时代晚期的陶器较为接近,因此断定H8应是新石器时代晚期的堆积。

    The unearthed pottery is close to the Late Neolithic pottery from Luojiaba site at Xuanhan , which suggested that H8 is a Late Neolithic deposit .

  10. 旧石器时代海拔50 ̄500m的遗址数占当时遗址总数的78%,而新石器时代至战国时代71% ̄95%的遗址分布于0 ̄200m的海拔区。

    The number of Paleolithic sites with altitudes of 50-500 m account for 78 % of the total , while 71 % - 95 % of the sites from the Neolithic age to the Warring States time are distributed at the areas of 0-200 m.

  11. 在2004年的一篇PNAS论文中,麦戈文和一个由中国、德国和美国学者组成的团队对一些有9000年历史的陶罐进行过分析,它们来自河南省一个名叫贾湖的新石器时代村落遗址。

    Mr. McGovern and a team of scholars from China , Germany and the United States wrote a 2004 paper for PNAS that analyzed 9000-year-old pottery jars found in a neolithic village site in Henan Province called Jiahu .

  12. 对古遗址高程以及埋藏古树、泥炭14C年龄数据统计分析结果表明,新石器时代人类居住高程与地面水域扩张和缩小状况相一致。

    Analysis performed on altitude of the Neolithic cultural sites and the () ~ ( 14 ) C data of the buried paleo-trees and peat demonstrated that the height of human living places was in close relation to the expansion and shrinking of the ground surface water area .

  13. 广饶新石器时代人类头骨的小变异

    Minor skeletal variants of Neolithic human skulls from guangrao , shandong

  14. 新石器时代湖北地区的社会经济

    The Social Economy in Hubei Area in the New Stone Age

  15. 岭南早期新石器时代文化研究的回顾及相关问题

    Review of Early Neolithic Cultural Research And Relative Questions in Lingnan

  16. 黄河流域前期新石器时代墓葬的研究

    A Study of Earlier Neolithic Tombs in the Yellow River Valley

  17. 早在新石器时代就有人类在此聚居。

    There as early as the Neolithic human settlement in this .

  18. 在遗址采集新石器时代和周代遗物。

    Neolithic and Zhou remains have been found from the site .

  19. 新石器时代石材绳切技术研究

    Research on the Stone Cutting Technology with Ropes in Neolithic Age

  20. 新石器时代粟稻混作区初探

    A Discussion on the Rice-Millet Blended Zone in the Neolithic Age

  21. 这对于新石器时代的礼拜者意义甚大。

    This had to engender powerful sense of all Neolithic worshipers .

  22. 杭州湾两岸新石器时代文化与环境

    Culture and Environment across the Hangzhou Bay in the Neolithic Age

  23. 新石器时代人牙齿的龋病状况分析

    Humans Dental caries in the population of the Neolithic Age

  24. 关于江西新石器时代晚期文化的探索

    The Research on Culture of Jiangxi In Late New the Stone Age

  25. 新石器时代和今天在地理上有很大不同。

    There was much difference between Neolithic era and nowadays in geography .

  26. 起始于新石器时代而传承不息的乡村聚落阶段。

    The village cluster stage for many generations beginning from Neolithic period .

  27. 吉黑地区新石器时代玉器探究

    A Preliminary Study of the Neolithic Jade in the Area of Ji-Hei

  28. 山东省平邑县新石器时代遗址调查

    Survey of the Neolithic Site in Pingyi County Shandong Province

  29. 论新石器时代艺术的和谐乐观精神

    On the Harmonious and Optimistic Spirit of the Neolithic Art

  30. 略谈江南生活方式与新石器时代的文化渊源

    On Cultural Relationship of Lifestyle in Jiangnan Area and the Neolithic Era