- 名Semite

Between the thirteenth and sixteenth century the European aryans , thanks to the stimulating influence of Semite and Mongol and the rediscovery of the Greek classics , broke away from the Latin tradition and rose again to the intellectual and material leadership of mankind .
The Semitic peoples followed close upon these pioneers .
The black , Semitic eyes gazed at Yasha with a sort of knowing mockery .
Luke explains to his readers Semitic names and terms and speaks of Jewish customs .
In ancient Mesopotamia the rough Semites attacked and eventually overcame the wealthier , more sophisticated Sumerians .
The Nazis did not invite a discussion of the merits of anti-Semitism ; they simply acted out its consequences .
Already by3000 BC several city-states had been established by Sumerians dark-skinned , non-Semitic people who probably migrated from the east .
The Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh is filled with mentions of fiery chariots and people being taken up to the garden of God .
For the civilized peoples of the Old World , for the Aryans and Semites at any rate , this seems to be established .
The plentiful supply of milk and meat and especially the beneficial effect of these foods on the growth of the children account perhaps for the superior development of the Aryan and Semitic races .
It was , apparently , the domestication and breeding of animals and the formation of herds of considerable size that led to the differentiation of the Aryans and Semites from the mass of barbarians .