
  • Socrates;Socratic;Jose Socrates
  1. 亚里士多德和苏格拉底辩论过“意志薄弱”的本质——我们趋于做违背我们兴趣的事情。

    Aristotle and Socrates debated the nature of " akrasia " -- our tendency to do things against our interests .

  2. 斯皮奥斯和他的合著者帕诺斯·默多库塔斯,借助该哲学背后的人——亚里士多德、苏格拉底、爱比克泰德和毕达哥拉斯等等,研究出10条黄金法则。

    Soupios , along with his co-author Panos Mourdoukoutas , developed their 10 golden rules by turning to the men behind that philosophy — Aristotle , Socrates , Epictetus and Pythagoras , among others .

  3. 苏格拉底的回答是,当然,见第,II,与,III,册中,对诗学与艺术的描述。

    And Socrates'answer is , of course , the predation of poetry and the arts in Books II and III.

  4. 约翰斯图尔特密尔(JohnStuartMill)有句名言:做痛苦的苏格拉底,胜过做一头快乐的猪。

    John Stuart Mill famously said that it is better to be Socrates unhappy rather than a pig happy .

  5. 这个名字在希腊文的意思为关心,Meletus,whose,name,in,Greek,actually,他指控苏格拉底,没有关心那些,他的同胞公民们所关心的事。

    Meletus means care accuses Socrates of not caring properly for the things that his fellow citizens care about .

  6. 苏格拉底似乎并非希望,将不会有诗学与音乐,the,Kallipolis,will,have,no,poetry,and,music,而是会有苏老式的诗学与音乐。

    Socrates seems to be saying not that Kallipolis it will simply be Socratic poetry and music .

  7. 苏格拉底(Socrates)这和前面我们说的完全相反;

    Now this , Socrates , is the reverse of what was just now said ;

  8. 但是,啊,我亲爱的苏格拉底(Socrates),让我再次乞求你采纳我的意见,逃跑吧!

    But , O ! my beloved Socrates , let me entreat you once more to take my advice and escape .

  9. Socrates注重智慧、真理和灵魂的进步远比追求金钱、荣誉和名声要好得多。&苏格拉底很有道理的一句话。

    To care for wisdom and truth and improvement of the soul is far better than to seek money and honor and reputation .

  10. 因为出生在贝伦杜帕拉(BelémdoPará)(位于潮湿的亚马逊河口)的苏格拉底同样也是一位知识分子。

    For the one born in Bel é m do Par á , at the humid mouth of the Amazon , was also an intellectual .

  11. 他所探索的城市包括一些显而易见的候选者——拥有苏格拉底(Socrates)和柏拉图(Plato)的古雅典、达芬奇(LeonardodaVinci)所在的佛罗伦萨以及今天的硅谷。

    His quest includes some obvious candidates - the ancient Athens of Socrates and Plato , Leonardo da Vinci 's Florence and today 's Silicon Valley .

  12. 它所陷入的是和曾驳斥(H1)既不是一种作为对苏格拉底的诠释也不是一个令人可接受对智慧解释的问题的相似问题中。

    It falls prey to problems similar to those that refuted ( H1 ) both as an interpretation of Socrates , and as an acceptable account of wisdom .

  13. 我们再次看到,苏格拉底挑战,Thrasymachus,的方式,是使用辩论中的差异,一同他对付,Polemarchus,的方式。

    And again , Socrates challenges Thrasymachus with a variation of the argument that he used against Polemarchus .

  14. 在攻击,Cephalus,时,苏格拉底,主攻惯例观点的体现,那些支撑起城邦的习俗。

    In attacking Cephalus as he does , Socrates attacks the embodiment of conventional opinion , the Nomos supporting the city .

  15. 好战的,Glaucon,将代表着,苏格拉底所谓的狂热之城,将荣誉、竞争与战争制度化的城市。

    The war-like Glaucon would preside over what Socrates calls a feverish city , honors , competitions and above all war .

  16. 作为一名教师,她学习到了她称之为“苏格拉底对话”(socraticdialogues)的价值,即创造让学生参与讨论的情境。

    As a teacher she learnt the value of what she calls " Socratic dialogues " ; that is , creating a situation which enable students to participate in the discussion .

  17. 我们想要点出,一些特别突出的人物,他们存在于,苏格拉底及,Glaucon,受邀的晚宴之中。

    We want to note something about the particular people who inhabit this dinner party that Socrates and Glaucon have been promised .

  18. 问题是,为何苏格拉底认为哲学式王权,对,Kallipolis,是必备的,对这座正义之城?

    The question is why does Socrates regard philosophic kingship as required for Kallipolis ,? for the just city ?

  19. 因为没有和柏拉图别的对话一样我们没有能得以目睹实际的询问,所以我们不应该拒绝认为(EA2)是一种在TheApology中苏格拉底对于智慧的观点的解释。

    Since we do not get to witness the actual questioning as we do in Plato 's other dialogues , we should not reject ( EA2 ) as an interpretation of Socrates'view of wisdom in The Apology .

  20. 苏格拉底透过一个故事来导入,Thumos,的问题,一个特别生动的故事,我希望你们能都记下,在第,IV,册时,他告诉我们关于,Leontius,从墙外走来的故事。

    Socrates introduces the problem of thumos by a story , a particularly vivid story that I hope you all remember , where in Book IV he tells the story about Leontius at the walls .

  21. 苏格拉底、迈蒙尼德、所罗门国王、爱因斯坦、高斯、甘地、安妮迪芙兰蔻以及甚至Yoda都曾经对他们知道和不知道的持有过有理由的、虚假的观念。

    Socrates , Maimonides , King Solomon , Einstein , Goethe , Gandhi , Ani DiFranco , and even Yoda have held justified , false beliefs about what they did and did not know .

  22. 即便(EA2)完完全全是苏格拉底要表达的意思,有些哲学家们会争辩一个人可能有道理相信一个命题,但是没有发觉她是有道理的。

    Even if ( EA2 ) is exactly what Socrates meant , some philosophers would argue that one could be justified in believing a proposition , but not realize that she is justified .

  23. 孔子与苏格拉底师道观比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Confucius ' and Socrates'on Being a Teacher

  24. 但是这可能并非苏格拉底,所说的无形的意思。

    But maybe that 's not what Socrates means by invisible .

  25. 荷马和苏格拉底是古希腊时期的两位著名人物。

    Two famous names from ancient Greece are Homer and Socrates .

  26. 这是,抛向苏格拉底的战书。

    Glaucon This is the challenge that Glaucon poses to Socrates .

  27. 从孔子的启发式教学到苏格拉底的产婆术;

    From Confucius " Enlightening Teaching " to the Socrates Dialogue ;

  28. 苏格拉底:这个时刻是唯一要紧的事情。

    Socrates : This moment is the only thing that matters .

  29. 关于苏格拉底的早期生活和教育,我们所知甚少。

    Little is known about Socrates ' early life and education .

  30. 苏格拉底艰深精妙的思惟对良多年青人发生了极大的影响。

    The delicacy of Socrates'thoughts has greatly inspired many a young person .