
  • 网络sumerian civilization;Sumer;Sumerian culture
  1. 古代西亚的创世神话起源自苏美尔文明时期。

    The mythological creation of ancient west Asia was originated from Sumerian civilization period .

  2. 巴比伦尼亚南部的一个区域;苏美尔文明所在地,即建立城邦国家,公元前第三个千年一直繁荣。

    An area in the southern region of Babylonia ; site of the Sumerian civilization of city-states that flowered during the third millennium BC .

  3. 世界文明之旅之五苏美尔文明的起源

    Sumerian origins of the civilization

  4. 苏美尔文明就是一个突然而起的文明插曲&然后就消失。

    Sumer is an example of a programmed insert that sprang out of nowhere as an advanced civilization - then disappeared .

  5. 在两河流域的古代历史上,苏美尔文明是人类文化遗产中重要的部分。

    The civilization of Sumer is the important part of the human culture inheritance in the ancient history of " Areas of two rivers " .

  6. 年,苏美尔的城市文明开始了,是安奴拿其在那里重建了古昔的城市,连同着伊利都和尼普一起开始。

    Urban civilization begins in Sumer as the Anunnaki reestablish there the Olden Cities , beginning with Eridu and Nippur .

  7. 虽然诸如苏美尔或者埃及文明的例子已经深入人心,但仍有为数不少的文明基本上是被忘却了的。

    While examples like the Sumerians or Egyptians are deeply ingrained in nearly everyone 's minds , there are a number of other civilizations which have been largely forgotten .

  8. 在公元前30世纪上半叶,这里的居民创造出丝毫不逊色于苏美尔和古埃及文明的南亚次大陆早期文明。

    In the30 century BC , the second half of the residents here is not to create inferior to Sumerian and ancient Egyptian civilization , the early South Asian subcontinent .