
  • 网络Sur;Sol;Suhl;Suhr
  1. 此外,据《Vogue》杂志报道,自从电视剧《大小谎言》播出后,去加州蒙特利的游客数量大增(不过游客要是知道该剧大部分都是在马里布和大苏尔拍摄的,恐怕会感到失望);

    In addition , Vogue reported that Monterey , California had seen a bump in tourism since Big Little Lies premiered ( those visitors might be disappointed to learn that much of it was filmed in Malibu and Big Sur ) ;

  2. 而这是'Phir英里苏尔凯达Tumhara'与小孩的视频拍摄。

    It was while shooting for'Phir Mile Sur Mera Tumhara'video with little kids .

  3. 最近,人们也开始爬上亚苏尔火山进行火山冲浪。

    Recently , people have also started climbing Yasur to surf the volcano .

  4. 火山冲浪在坦纳岛,亚苏尔山直立300米,高耸入空。

    Volcano Surfing On Tanna Island , Mount Yasur rises 300 meters into the sky .

  5. 上海市卫生系统清洁级以上实验动物科技设施的检测结果分析对比试验表明,TD以1200浓度用于动物笼盒消毒时,其效果与5%来苏尔及0.1%新洁尔灭相近(P>0.05)。

    The disinfection effect of 0.5 % TD was similar to those of 5 % lysol and 0.1 % bromogeramine . These results suggest that TD disinfectant can be employed for the disinfection of laboratory animal facilities .

  6. 此文介绍了世界上最大的智能性共轨柴油机&苏尔寿RT-flex系列的系统特点、工作原理以及它的电控技术。

    This paper introduces the features and technologys of SULZER RT-flex series .

  7. 世界最大的智能性共轨柴油机&苏尔寿RT-flex

    The biggest intelligent common rail diesel engine-SULZER RT-flex

  8. 她有次开车载着孩子直至亚苏尔火山(MountYasur)的边缘。这是一座位于塔纳岛(Tanna)的活火山。

    She once drove her children to the edge of Mount Yasur , an active volcano on the island of Tanna .

  9. 编写过程中,吸收了主机制造商苏尔寿及英国船级社劳氏、挪威DNV船级社、法国BV船级社关于主机和轴系校中计算及安装等问题处理的方法和技术。

    In this article , the way of calculation , installation and problem handling , quoted of Sulzer , the main engine maker , and classification societies like Lloyd 's , DNV and BV are referred .

  10. 凯文•斯佩西(KevinSpacey),重演凯撒•苏尔(KeyserSoze)这个角色,他开玩笑说,那个家伙背后的那个家伙背后的那个家伙——就藏在眼前(斯通的电影中没有出现与维茨纳对应的人物)。

    Kevin Spacey , reprising his role as Keyser Soze , he joked . The guy behind the guy behind the guy - hiding in plain sight . ( Wizner is not a character in Stone 's film . )

  11. 但是在公园入口工作的哈萨克族人苏尔塔纳提(Sultanate,音译)说,往年游客要多很多,有条船的船长整天都在擦窗户。

    But in past years , there were many more people , said Sultanate , a Kazakh man who worked at the park entrance . The captain of one of the boats spends all day wiping the windows , he said .

  12. 该学院管理教育系主任丹苏尔(donsull)表示,如果他是一位首席执行官,他会希望首席学习官发挥更积极的参与作用,而此次经济危机将提供业务变革的动力。

    Don sull , Faculty director for executive education , says that if he was a chief executive he would look to the Chief Learning Officer to have a more participatory role and that the economic crisis will provide a catalyst for business to change .

  13. 2095年,苏尔吉登上了吾珥的宝座,加强了皇帝的连结。

    2095 shulgi ascends the throne of ur , strengthens imperial ties .

  14. 这已曾在乍得共和国和苏尔富尔引起过冲突

    It 's already fueled conflicts in Chad and Darfur .

  15. 新苏尔寿船用柴油机单缸熄火工况的扭振计算

    Torsional Vibration Calculation on New Sulzer Marine Diesel Engine with One Cylinder Misfiring

  16. 我想起了苏尔。我已多年没想过他了。

    I remembered Sol , of whom I hadn 't thought in years .

  17. 苏尔寿美科在模具行业有数十年的经验。

    Sulzer Metco has several decades of experience in Mould & Die industry .

  18. 从俄勒冈到大苏尔市的海岸丘陵地带的一种高大常绿红木。

    Lofty evergreen of United States coastal foothills from Oregon to big sur .

  19. 可以在织机的单侧或两侧投梭。苏尔寿片梭织机的打纬机构

    Beat-up Mechanism of the Sulzer Projectile Loom

  20. 600多名消防人员正在加州大苏尔地区进行森林大火的紧急消防工作。

    More than 600 firefighters are battling a wildfire in California 's Big Sur area .

  21. 卢克苏尔的实际命名的一个地方,其中埃及是一个旅游目的地。

    The Luxor is actually named after a place in Egypt , which is an tourist destination .

  22. 密苏尔圣德。路易斯大学的法学教授乔尔哥尔德斯登是一位研究副总统职位的专家。

    Law professor Joel Goldstein at Saint Louis University in Missouri is an expert on the vice presidency .

  23. 这里的额尔德什老人是世界上唯一能用“苏尔”吹奏三重和弦的人。

    Gaile here Emi is the world 's only the elderly can " Sool " triple play polyphonic person .

  24. 苏尔寿片梭织机的筘座驱动装置使用几对共轭凸轮,共轭凸轮沿筘座的宽度方向相同排列。

    The Sulzer sley drive uses several pairs of matched cams , spaced at intervals across the width of the sley .

  25. 从那以后,他“曾受到卡普里岛、怀俄明州和大苏尔景区的启发”,但从不只拿某种地方特色做文章。

    He 's since " played with Capri , Wyoming and Big Sur , " but not with any sort of specificity .

  26. 在圣地亚哥,正是埃尔卡洪我住在我的朋友娜塔莎和菲利普的家里我是谁在大苏尔会见了!

    In San Diego , exactly El Cajon I stayed at my friends Natasha and Philip 's house who I met in Big Sur !

  27. 有多年和库尔德工人党斗争经验的苏尔马土克准将说,埃尔多安总理应该关切这个问题。

    The prime minister should be concerned , according to retired Brigadier General Haldun Solmazturk , who spent much of his career fighting the PKK .

  28. 然而,1939年,人们在大苏尔海岸再次发现了这种标志性的哺乳动物,从那以后,加州海獭在渐渐的复出。

    But the iconic mammal was rediscovered on the Big Sur coast in1939 , and has been making a gradual comeback ever since & or had been .

  29. 据报道,这场婚礼耗资9百万美金,举办地点位于美国加利福尼亚大苏尔海岸寓所,有300位嘉宾共同见证这一美妙时刻。

    The nuptials , which reportedly cost $ 9 million , took place in the coastal retreat of Big Sur , California in front of 300 guests .

  30. 利用流体引纬时,织机的入纬率与苏尔寿片梭织机相近,但这种引纬方法在织物幅宽上受到限制。

    The technique of inserting weft in a fluid jet achieves weft-insertion rated comparable with those achieved by the Sulzer weaving machine , but there are width limitations .