
  • 网络Sumatra;sumatra island;Sumatera;South Sumatra;Pulau Sumatera
  1. 苏门答腊岛DMC多光谱数据地质应用初步分析

    The Analysis of DMC Multi-spectral Data for Sumatra Geological Application

  2. 这个村子位于南苏门答腊岛,村长CikAni在接受法新社采访时表示:“由于新郎未成年,我们决定私下举办婚礼。”

    Cik Ani , chief of their village in South Sumatra , told the AFP news agency that " since the boy is underage , we have decided to carry out the marriage privately . "

  3. R油田位于苏门答腊岛的南苏门答腊盆地,它的主要产油层为LTAF组,含油气的地层是非常薄的砂岩。

    R oil field is located in South Sumatra Basin of Sumatra Island and its main production reservoir is LTAF . The reservoir strata here often consist of very thin sandstone .

  4. 阿拉伯朝觐者伊本白图泰(IbnBattuta)做了更伟大的类似航行&从摩洛哥到远东,见识了印度南部与苏门答腊岛兴旺发展的文明。

    Arab pilgrim Ibn Battuta made an even greater parallel voyage from Morocco to the Far East , visiting the thriving civilisations of southern India and Sumatra along the way .

  5. 苏门答腊岛上一家同样出售鲁瓦克咖啡的公司cafco的主管奥利维尔蒂希(oliviertichit)相信,麝香猫栖息地的破坏是最关键的一点。

    Olivier tichit , the head of Indo cafco , a coffee company based in Sumatra that also sells kopi luwak , believes the loss of habitat is at a critical point .

  6. 印度基建企业gvk将在爪哇和巴厘岛建设机场,能源集团adani将在苏门答腊岛南部修建一条270公里长的铁路和一个煤炭运输中枢。

    GVK , the Indian infrastructure development firm , will construct airports in Java and Bali , while Adani , the energy group , will build a 270-km railway line and a coal terminal in southern Sumatra .

  7. 苏门答腊岛8.7级地震对我国南北地震带地震形势的影响

    Impact of Sumatra 8.7 earthquake on the seismicity along the north-south seismic zones of China

  8. 这是苏门答腊岛楠榜省第1例新病例。

    The new case is the first from Lampung Province on the island of Sumatra .

  9. 7.0级的强地震袭击了印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛西海岸。

    A 7 . 0 magnitude earthquake has the western coast of Indonesia 's Sumatra Island .

  10. 经过多年的观测,科学家们在婆罗洲岛和苏门答腊岛上的六个地区收集到了证据。

    The scientists collected evidence from years of observations in six areas on Borneo and Sumatra .

  11. 第一起新确认病例是来自楠榜省苏门答腊岛一名4岁男童。

    The first newly confirmed case is a four-year-old boy from Sumatra Island in Lampung Province .

  12. 猩猩是住在婆罗洲岛和苏门答腊岛上沿海丛林中的大猿猴。

    Orangutans are great apes that live in coastal jungles on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra .

  13. 该国政府目前正在动员全国拯救苏门答腊岛上的最后一片热带雨林。

    NGO 's are mobilising themselves to save one of the last tropical forests of the island of Sumatra .

  14. 上周二,位于苏门答腊岛的塔蓝山火山喷出大片火山灰,冲入云霄。

    On Tuesday , Mount Talang , also on Sumatra , sent clouds of gas high into the air .

  15. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛这个偏远的岛屿逐渐传出消息,苏门答腊岛西部的消息。

    Information has just been trickling out of this remote island , information off the coast of western Sumatra .

  16. 在印度尼西亚西苏门答腊岛巴东一个学校刚刚开放的图书馆里,孩子们如饥似渴地看着书上的图片和文字。

    Children devour words and pictures in a newly opened library at a school in Padang in Western Sumatra .

  17. 高达3米的巨浪袭击了距离西部苏门答腊岛280千米的明打威群岛。

    The waves up to three meters high hit the Mentawai islands , about 280 kilometers off western Sumatra .

  18. 今年7月,这名男童在母亲的陪伴下离开了自己位于苏门答腊岛的村子,前往首都进行治疗。

    Accompanied by his mother , the boy left his village on Sumatra island in July to undergo treatment in the capital .

  19. 30日,两个天灾接踵而来:海啸把萨摩亚整个社区夷为平地;黎克特制7.6级的大地震则祸及苏门答腊岛。

    On the30th , two disasters hit : a massive tsunami flattened entire communities in Samoa , and a7.6 magnitude earthquake struck Sumatra .

  20. 世界上最小的鱼世界上最小的鱼在印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛上的泥炭沼泽中被发现。

    World 's Smallest Fish The world 's smallest fish has been discovered in the peat swamps of the Indonesian Island of Sumatra .

  21. 与2004年苏门答腊岛发生的里氏9.1级地震相比,此次智利地震的规模相对较小,据估计其破坏性也相去甚远。

    The Chile quake was smaller than the Sumatra quake of2004 , a magnitude-9.1 and was not expected to be anything nearly as destructive .

  22. 这组科学家警告说,如果另一场地震袭击这个地区,苏门答腊岛巴东市附近的海岸将下沉数十厘米。

    The team warns that the coastline around Padang , Sumatra , would subside by tens of centimetres if another major earthquake hit the area .

  23. 努瓦克咖啡,这种咖啡产自印度尼西亚的苏门答腊岛,每年仅产500磅的咖啡豆。

    Kopi Luwak . The coffee comes from the Indonesian island of Sumatra and the total annual production is only around 500 pounds of beans .

  24. 路的另一端是苏门答腊岛另一家大型纸浆、纸张生产商新加坡亚太资源公司的造纸厂。

    In one direction is the mill of Indah Kiat Pulp and Paper , a subsidiary of APP , part of the Sinar Mas group ;

  25. 厦门市居民太极拳健身消费现状的调查与研究属于或关于苏门答腊岛或其居民的。

    An Investigation and Study of the Current Consumption in the Training of Taijiquan in Xiamen of or relating to the island of Sumatra or its inhabitants .

  26. 在苏门答腊岛(今天印尼的一部分),郑和击退一支由残暴海盗领军的队伍,并将其首领押回中国处死。

    On the island of Sumatra , now part of Indonesia , he defeated the army of a dangerous pirate and took him to China for execution .

  27. 距苏门答腊岛巴东及其附近海域的毁灭性地震发生已经有一周时间,一些偏远乡村人仍在接受救助,目前已确认1000多人死亡,几千人失踪。

    A week after an earthquake devastated the city of Padang and surrounding areas on the Indonesian island of Sumatra , some remote villages had still to receive help .

  28. .对印尼苏门答腊岛强烈地震的紧急反应已经转移到恢复和重建方面。

    Indonesian Earthquake Efforts Shift to Rebuilding Phase The emergency response efforts to the earthquake that hit the Indonesian island of Sumatra is shifting to recovery and rebuilding efforts .

  29. 这就是为什么在经过爪哇岛和苏门答腊岛时,我开始露宿野外,住在廉价的凯马特帐篷里接受夜晚雨水的洗礼。

    That 's why I started camping , out in the wild , across Java and Sumatra , in a cheap Kmart tent and the rain that fell at night .

  30. 苏门答腊岛的美食,例如,往往显示其中东和印度的影响力,包括咖喱肉和蔬菜,而爪哇菜较为自行研制。

    Sumatran cuisine , for example , often shows its Middle Eastern and Indian influence , featuring curried meat and vegetables , while Javanese cuisine is rather more indigenously developed .