
  • 网络Java;Java Island;Jawa;the island of Java
  1. 据说,13世纪时,马可·波罗在去爪哇岛的途中在太平洋上航行过。

    Marco Polo is said to have sailed on the Pacific on his way to Java in the thirteenth century

  2. 在印度尼西亚人口最密集爪哇岛上,鸟市上充斥着刺耳嘈杂的歌声。

    Bird markets on Java , Indonesia ’ s most densely1 populated island , are a cacophony2 of song .

  3. 但研究这行买卖的科学家们说,在爪哇岛上,关在笼子里的鸟的数量比野生的要多。

    But scientists studying the trade say there are now more birds in cages in Java than there are in the wild .

  4. 当年三月,国营的嘉鲁达航空公司(Garuda)一架飞机在印尼爪哇岛中部紧急着陆,造成21人丧生。

    In March of that year a flight operated by the national carrier , Garuda , crash-landed in central Java killing 21 people .

  5. 这处房产位于爪哇岛的Sleman,售价为75000美元,即99900万印尼盾。

    The house in Sleman , on the island of Java , is on the market for 999 million rupiah ( about $ 75000 ) .

  6. 婆罗摩火山是爪哇岛最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。

    Bromo is one of Java island 's most popular tourist attractions .

  7. 据悉,总统苏西洛将会参加爪哇岛中部的一系列活动。

    The President will attend a series of events in central Java .

  8. 他继续向前游,进入爪哇岛海域。

    On he swam into the Java Sea .

  9. 这次地震为7.0级,袭击了印尼主要岛屿爪哇岛。

    It was a magnitude-7.0 quake that targeted Indonesia 's main island of Java .

  10. 布鲁克,维森-罗斯,国际计划组织的爪哇岛地区灾难协调人描述了(地震)开始的慌乱。

    Brook weisman-ross , a regional disaster coordinator of plan international in java , described the initial panic .

  11. 数值实验表明风场在爪哇岛东部以南海域的上升流中并不起主要作用。

    Numerical experiments show that the wind isnot responsible for the steady upwelling in south of east Java .

  12. 在印度尼西亚爪哇岛中部,上个月大约有两百人因感染这种病毒患病。

    In Indonesia , about two hundred people in central Java became sick from the virus last month .

  13. 由于火山喷发造成的影响,印尼已经关闭了爪哇岛上的七座机场,等待进一步指示。

    Due to impacts of the eruption , Indonesia has closed 7 airports on Java island until further notice .

  14. 斯里兰卡、新几内亚、英国、爪哇岛、婆罗洲现在和它们的邻国有陆地连通了。

    Sri Lanka , New Guinea , Great Britain , Java , and Borneo are now connected to their neighbors .

  15. 在西爪哇岛的万隆出生并长大的阿纳斯称,他为自己长相酷似奥巴马而感到幸运。

    Anas , who was born and raised in Bandung , West Java , said he feels lucky to resemble Obama .

  16. 当前,在爪哇岛印度教徒并不多,他们大多数都住在布罗莫附近的腾格尔山。

    There are only a few Hindus on Java nowadays , and most of them live in the Tennger Mountains around Bromo .

  17. 官员表示,火山危险区域有36个村庄,20余万人口,该火山位于爪哇岛。

    Officials say the upward 200000 people living in 36 villages were deemed the dangerous zone for the volcano which is the isle of Java .

  18. 撼动印尼爪哇岛的地震在芝康卡让村引起滑坡,掩埋了13所房屋和里面的人。

    The earthquake that shook the Indonesian island of Java caused a landslide in the village of Cikangkareng , burying 13 homes and the people who were inside .

  19. 这就是为什么在经过爪哇岛和苏门答腊岛时,我开始露宿野外,住在廉价的凯马特帐篷里接受夜晚雨水的洗礼。

    That 's why I started camping , out in the wild , across Java and Sumatra , in a cheap Kmart tent and the rain that fell at night .

  20. 比赛开始后,赛姆皮雷号率先抵达爪哇岛。但在印度洋上,卡萨萨克号驶到了前面。

    The first of the two ships to reach Java after the race had begun was the thermopylae , but on the Indian ocean , the Cutty Sark took lead .

  21. 这架客机载有100多名乘客,从印尼爪哇岛巴登市飞往巴厘岛的主要城市登巴萨。

    The flight with more than 100 passengers on board was flying from the city of Badon , one Indonesia 's main island Java to Denpasar , Bali 's main city .

  22. 他的成就包括了攀登上美国约塞米蒂国家公园的标志性的西北半圆顶,以及爪哇岛的婆罗洲的哥打京那巴鲁峰将近2500英尺的悬崖峭壁。

    His achievements include climbing the iconic north-west face of the Half Dome in America 's Yosemite National Park and tackling the 2500ft cliffs near to Borneo 's Kota Kinabalu peak .

  23. 照片展示的塞莫火山是印度尼西亚爪哇岛海拔最高的火山,四周被婆罗摩火山、巴托克火山等较小的火山环绕。

    Mount Semeru , seen with an ash plume , is the highest volcano on the Indonesian island of Java , where it is surrounded by the smaller volcanoes Mount Bromo and Mount Batok .

  24. 巴厘西距首都雅加达约1千多公里,与首都雅加达所在的爪哇岛隔海相望,相距仅1.6公里。

    West of Jakarta , the capital of Bali , about more than 1000 km , with the capital of Jakarta where the Java island across the sea , only 1.6 km away from .

  25. 该法案的通过将使得政府能更容易的促使土地所有者卖掉土地,进而能够在其他项目中,修建贯通爪哇岛、苏门答腊岛间急需的高速公路。

    Its approval should make it easier for the government to compel landowners to sell up , allowing it to build much-needed highways across the main islands of Java and Sumatra , among other projects .

  26. “官员预测说,如果它喷发,岩浆将流到南边。”默拉皮火山所在的爪哇岛上的斯拉门区的负责人斯里·普尔诺摩说。

    " Officials have predicted that if it erupts , magma would flow to the southern side ," said Sri Purnomo , the head of Sleman district on Java island , where Mount Merapi is located .

  27. 发生了几起重大空难以后,从2007年6月份开始,印度尼西亚飞机被禁止进入欧洲领空。2007年3月,国家航空公司鹰航在爪哇岛中部坠毁,造成21人死亡。

    Indonesian airlines were entering European air space in June 2007 after several accidents . In March of that year a flight operated by the national carrier , Garuda , crash-landed in central Java killing 21 people .

  28. 印度基建企业gvk将在爪哇和巴厘岛建设机场,能源集团adani将在苏门答腊岛南部修建一条270公里长的铁路和一个煤炭运输中枢。

    GVK , the Indian infrastructure development firm , will construct airports in Java and Bali , while Adani , the energy group , will build a 270-km railway line and a coal terminal in southern Sumatra .