
  • 网络sulawesi;Sulawesi Island;Celebes
  1. 马穆朱语,源自印度尼西亚的苏拉威西岛;

    Mamuju , from Sulawesi in Indonesia ;

  2. 我能了解当地所想要传达的诉求,但就在一周前,我刚刚在苏拉威西岛(Sulawesi)上翻过了连绵数英里的稻田,途中可连一名游客都没见着。

    I get the appeal , but a week earlier , I had clambered over rice fields on Sulawesi for miles and miles , without a tourist in sight .

  3. Amandira由苏拉威西岛(Sulawesi)与印尼泗水市(Surabaya)本地出产的硬质木料手工打造而成,在手工打造的船体中,建造了三个宽敞双人舱以及两个各配置架子床的单人舱。

    The Amandira has been built from local hardwoods by craftsmen in Sulawesi and Surabaya , and tucked away in among the boat 's handcrafted timbers are three spacious double cabins and two smaller cabins with two bunk beds apiece .

  4. 他是一只黑面短尾猴,住在印度以西亚的苏拉威西岛上。

    He is a black face Stump-tailed monkey , living in Sulawesi Island , Indonesia .

  5. 20世纪50年代,首次出现了有关苏拉威西岛洞穴画的介绍。科研人员之前认为,这些壁画的历史不超过1万年。

    Sulawesi 's cave art , first described in the 1950s , had previously been dismissed as no more than 10000 years old .

  6. 苏拉威西岛地区最为人所熟知的岩石艺术品是由澳大利亚的土著居民创作的。这些晚期智人在大约5万年前到达该地区。

    The most familiar rock art in the region of Sulawesi was created by the Aborigines of Australia , modern humans who arrived there 50,000 years ago .

  7. 2006年初,亚当航空一架载有102名乘客的飞机在由日本的泗水飞往苏拉威西岛时失踪。

    In early 2006 , an Adam Air flight disappeared on a flight from the Javanese city of Surabaya to the island province of Sulawesi with 102 people on board .

  8. 首先,存在了几个世纪的一种看法认为,该岛使用的马尔加什语,虽然独特,但很多的词汇是来自爪哇语、马来语和一部分口语来自婆罗洲及苏拉威西岛当地方言。

    First , it has been recognised for centuries that the Malagasy language , though distinct , borrows a lot of words from Javanese , Malay and the tongues of Borneo and Sulawesi .

  9. 在格里菲斯大学发表的声明中,奥贝特博士表示,苏拉威西岛画作的年代对长期以来有关洞穴艺术起源的观点形成挑战。传统观念认为,人类创造力大爆发的现象以大约4万年前的西欧地区为中心,并由此产生了洞穴艺术。

    The Sulawesi dates challenge the long-held view about the origins of cave art in an explosion of human creativity centered on Western Europe about 40000 years ago , Dr. Aubert said , in an announcement issued by Griffith University .

  10. 不过,人权倡导者仍然自己举办公共论坛,同时指出,苏拉威西岛一位市长上月请求宽恕他在大清洗时的罪孽并承诺会给受难者们提供服务就是进步的一个标志。

    But rights workers have held public forums of their own and point to a mayor on the island of Sulawesi last month asking for forgiveness for what happened and promising to provide services to victims as a sign of progress .