
bèi jiā ěr hú
  • Lake Baikal
贝加尔湖[bèi jiā ěr hú]
  1. 这台望远镜由细线、玻璃和不锈钢制成,俄罗斯的科学家们正在把它投入俄罗斯贝加尔湖700多米深的地方。

    Made of strings2 , glass and stainless3 steel , Russian scientists are plunging it more than 700 metres into Russia 's Lake Baikal .

  2. 贝加尔湖的Listvyanka村,山谷中的房屋和菜园中劳作的村民。

    Houses in valley & villagers working in Garden in Listvyanka village on Lake Baikal .

  3. GPS揭示的贝加尔湖地区现今地壳形变特征

    Present-day crustal deformation revealed by GPS in Baikal Lake region , russia

  4. 贝加尔钻探计划(BDP)中的96-1井位于贝加尔湖中央的科学湖脊,1996年冬从位于332m水深以下的钻井采样。

    In winter of 1996 a Baikal Drilling Project ( BDP ) 96-1 was carried out .

  5. 利用贝加尔湖地区GPS监测网测站坐标,根据边长尽量相等的原则,形成了11个Delaunay三角形,计算了各三角形的形状因子,结果表明有9个三角形的形状因子大于0.1。

    We form 11 Delaunay triangles using the coordinates of GPS stations in Baikal Lake region in the light of side length being equal as far as possible for each triangle .

  6. 利用质子激发X射线荧光(PIXE)、X射线衍射(XRD)、激光拉曼光谱(LRS)以及扫描电镜(SEM)技术对来自阿富汗、俄罗斯贝加尔湖等地的几个青金石样品进行了岩石矿物学特征分析。

    Proton induced X-ray emission ( PIXE ), X-ray diffraction ( XRD ), Laser raman spectroscopy ( LRS ) and scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) are used to study the mineralogy of several lapis lazuli samples from Afghanistan , Baikal of Russia and other places .

  7. 欧亚地区夏季500hPa位势高度距平场上中高纬从西到东呈现为-+-分布形式,贝加尔湖地区为正距平中心;

    In the summer of 2001 , the 500 hPa geopotential height anomaly was positive in the Eurasia , and the positive center was over Lake Baikal .

  8. 从喜马拉雅到贝加尔湖以南包括中国西部的广大范围内,主压应力P轴的水平分量位于近NE-SW方向,形成了一个广域的NE-SW方向的挤压应力场。

    The horizontal components of the principal compressional stress P axes are oriented in a nearly NE - SW direction , forming a wide NE-SW compressional stress field in a wide areal extent from the Himalayas to south of Baikal Lake , including western China .

  9. 利用3期GPS观测结果,通过对位移速率和应变分量的分析,初步得到以下基本认识贝加尔湖地区目前整体上处于拉张状态,拉张速度约为4.5±1.2mm/a,拉张方向为NW-SE方向;

    We carry on analysis on the velocities and strains derived from three campaigns of GPS observations , and draw preliminary conclusions . Baikal Lake is generally in the state of extension and extensional velocity is about 4.5 ± 1.2 mm / a , with the direction of NW-SE .

  10. 贝加尔湖东南部地壳处于压缩状态,压缩方向为NNW向和NNE向;

    The largest extensional strain is 54 × 10-6 , and the largest compression strain-26 × 10-6 . Crust is in the state of compression for the southeastern Baikal Lake region , and compression is in the direction of NNW-SSE and NNE-SSW .

  11. 结果表明西太平洋副热带高压及850hPa贝加尔湖东北部和南印度洋中部的风场异常是影响华南前汛期旱涝的重要因子;

    Results show that western Pacific subtropical high and wind anomalies over the northeast of Lake Baikal and middle of Indian Ocean are important factors .

  12. 结果表明:赤道东太平洋海温异常偏高,贝加尔湖500hPa正高度距平持续维持以及青藏高原冬季偏冷的共同作用是造成甘肃省特大干旱事件发生的原因;

    The result shows that effect of high SST in equator east Pacific and of the blocking situation in the Baikal Lake and of cold winter in SW Qinghai Xizang Plateau lead to drought occuring in Gansu .

  13. 极地到格陵兰岛附近、西南欧洲到地中海地区、贝加尔湖到日本海以及北美洲东南部地区是500hPa高度场上环流异常的主要发生地区;

    The regions of from polar to Greenland , from Southwest Europe to Etesian , from Baikal lake to the Japanese Sea and the Southeastern of North America are the major occurring areas of 500 hPa circulation anomaly over Northern Hemisphere .

  14. 多(少)雨年,中层500hPa中高纬西风带经向运动加强(减弱),从贝加尔湖以北的高纬地区到日本附近的高度场呈+-+(-+-)的波列分布。

    On middle layer ( 500 hPa ), the meridional movement of westly belt in high-middle latitudes strengrhen ( weakened ), there are + - + wave train distributions from the high latitude region to the north of Baikal to the height field near Japan .

  15. 贝加尔湖地区自然与文化发展浅析

    Probe into the natural and cultural development of the lake Baykal

  16. 对俄国人来说,贝加尔湖颇有些神秘的气氛。

    Lake Baikal is something of a miracle to the Russians .

  17. 绕着贝加尔湖,他们来到了蒙古。

    They walked around Lake Baikal and crossed to Mongolia .

  18. 在贝加尔湖,商业捕鱼人员主要捕获三种类型的鱼。

    Commercial fishermen catch three main types of fish in Lake Baikal .

  19. 亚洲的贝加尔湖曾经是世界上最清洁的湖。

    Lake Baikal in Asia was once the cleanest in the world .

  20. 从贝加尔湖吹来的冷风在呼啸。

    The cold wind from Lake Baikal is blowing hard .

  21. 贝加尔湖在世界所有湖泊中是最深的。

    Lake Baikal is the deepest of all the Lakes in the world .

  22. 西伯利亚和贝加尔湖就位于这些山岭的北方。

    North of these mountains lies Siberia-and Lake Baikal .

  23. 俄罗斯贝加尔湖地区软玉的岩石学特征研究

    Research on Petrologic Character of Nephrite Jade From Baikal Lake Region in Russia

  24. 一名列车服务员站在第9和第10节的“贝加尔湖号”前。

    Prodvodnista ( carriage attendant ) standing in front of No9 and10 Baikal train .

  25. 巨型“雪画”的黑冰原来就是世界上最古老、容量最大,最深的淡水湖贝加尔湖。

    Remote Lake Baikal is the world 's oldest and deepest fresh water lake .

  26. 贝加尔湖地区的植物和植被概况

    Plants and vegetation types in the Lake Baikal

  27. 贝加尔湖沿岸新石器时代文化

    Neolithic Cultures in the Area round Lake Baikal

  28. 研究了2003年夏季中高纬环流特征以及乌拉尔山、鄂霍茨克海和贝加尔湖三个地区阻高指数逐候的变化情况。

    The characteristics of the middle-high latitude circulation and the blocking high are analyzed .

  29. 贝加尔湖成了咸水潭,撒哈拉正朝着通布图逼近。

    Lake Baikal is a saline puddle and the Sahara is heading for Timbuktu .

  30. 贝加尔湖及其水和雾

    Lake Baikal and its water and fog