
méi gōng hé
  • Mekong River
湄公河 [méi gōng hé]
  • [Mekong River] 东南亚最长河流。在越南胡志明市南面注入南海,其上游为中国境内的澜沧江

  1. 今年10月13名中国海员在湄公河遇害后,中国向缅甸、老挝和泰国派出了武装巡逻队伍,这些难以控制的国家构成了著名的金三角(GoldenTriangle)。

    After the murder of 13 Chinese sailors on the Mekong river in October , China dispatched armed patrols into Burma , Laos and Thailand , the unruly states forming the notorious Golden Triangle .

  2. 以下是一些众所周知的答案:老挝的沙耶武里水坝(XayaburiDam)将向泰国售电,但对那些长期生活在湄公河沿岸的民众的生计造成了威胁;

    Some well-documented answers : The Xayaburi Dam in Laos will sell power to Thailand , while threatening the subsistence livelihoods of people who have long lived along the Mekong River ;

  3. GIS在澜沧江湄公河港口航道管理中的应用

    Application of GIS to Port and Waterway Management of Lancang-Mekong River

  4. 大湄公河次区域合作的能力结构与FDI

    Promoting the Cooperation in GMS : from Competence Structure and FDI

  5. 新兴流行病威胁项目(EmergingPandemicThreatsProgram):该项目侧重于迅速发现和应对在湄公河下游国家发生的传染性疾病。

    Emerging Pandemic Threats Program : This program focuses on rapidly detecting and responding to infectious diseases within the lower Mekong countries .

  6. 大湄公河地区药品质量监控(DrugQualityMonitoringinGreaterMekongSubregion):该计划为《湄公河下游倡议》国家提供支持,以控制和监管假冒和伪劣药品。

    Drug Quality Monitoring in Greater Mekong Subregion : This program provides support to Lower Mekong Initiative countries for the control and regulation of counterfeit and substandard medicines .

  7. 联合国环境计划和亚洲理工学院(AsianInstituteofTechnology)的一份报告警告说,中国在湄公河上游建八座梯级水坝的计划可能对河流及其自然资源构成相当大的威胁。

    United Nations Environment Programme and the Asian Institute of the Asian Institute of Technology , a report warned that China eight cascade of dams being built in the upper Mekong plans could pose a considerable threat to River and its natural resources .

  8. 随着大湄公河次区域(GMS)合作机制的建立和不断深入,给云南的经济发展带来了前所未有的机遇。

    With the establishment and further development of the system of GMS corporation , it brings about the unprecedented opportunities and challenges at the same time .

  9. 湄公河(TheMekongRiver)构成了西部大部分其与泰国的边境线,而东部老、越边境大部分为长山(theAnnamiteChain)山脉所构成。

    The Mekong River forms a large part of the western boundary with Thailand , whereas the mountains of the Annamite Chain form most of the eastern border with Vietnam .

  10. 如同世界上许多国家一样,大湄公河流域(GMS)国家已实施或正致力于发展生物能源项目。

    Similar to many other countries , all nations in the Greater Mekong Subregion ( GMS ) have planned or are planning to develop strong national biofuel programs .

  11. 目前主要有四大合作机制:GMS、东盟&湄公河流域开发合作、新湄委会、成长四角。

    Currently there are four major mechanisms of cooperation : GMS , the ASEAN-Mekong Basin Development Cooperation , the New MRC , the Growth of the Four Corners .

  12. 1992年,在亚洲开发银行的发起下,大湄公河次区域(GreaterMekongSub-region,文中简称GMS)经济合作组织成立,旨在进一步加大成员国彼此间的经济联系,达到共同繁荣发展。

    Launched by the Asian development bank , the Greater Mekong Sub-region organization for economic cooperation was established in 1992 , which aims in further economic communications between members and common prosperity and development .

  13. 大湄公河次地区(GMS)合作是澜沧江-湄公河流域相关国家及省区之间的地区性合作机制,是东南亚乃至东亚范围之内地区主义发展的一种表现。

    Being a sub - regional cooperative mechanism among the states and provinces alongside the Mekong River , Greater Mekong Sub-region ( GMS ) is an example of the regionalisms in Southeast Asia .

  14. 此基础上,他信政府提出了一系列对外合作倡议,如亚洲合作对话(ACD)、大湄公河次区域经济合作(GMS)等。

    Apart from that first step , Thaksin had initiated a series of cooperation agreements , like Asia Cooperation Dialogue ( ACD ) and Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation ( GMS ) .

  15. 这已经导致多个国家行动起来阻止耐药性传出大湄公河地区(GMS),并回答一个基本问题:为什么这种耐药性是在这个地区出现的?

    This has triggered a multi-country response to stop resistance spreading beyond the Greater Mekong Subregion ( GMS ), and to answer a basic question : why has it surfaced in this particular region ?

  16. 如果cow是cowmoose(母驼鹿)且moon是安大略省的MoonRiver(或者,也许是一头母水牛跳过湄公河的一条名称相同的支流),那么“奶牛的跳跃”就更有意义了。

    Cows jumping makes more sense if the cow is a cow moose and the moon is the Moon River in Ontario ( or perhaps a water buffalo cow jumping the river of the same name that is a tributary of the Mekong ) .

  17. 以4条跨界河流[欧洲的莱茵河(Rhine)和多瑙河(Danube)、南美的拉普拉塔河(LaPlata)、东南亚的湄公河(Mekong)]为例阐述了现代意义的监测方法学。

    The four trans-boundary rivers ( The Rhine and The Danube in Europe , The La Plata in South America and The Mekong in Southeast Asia ) were exemplified to describe the modern monitoring methodologies .

  18. 大湄公河次区域(GMS)具有丰富的自然资源、日益增长的和可培训的劳动力、丰富的土地资源和战略位置,成为经济快速增长的地区,唯一缺少的是资金和技术。

    There are abundant natural resources , increasingly growing and trainable labor as well as the ample land resources with strategic position in GMS to sustain the rapid economic growth , while capital and technology are in urgent need .

  19. NawKham是去年湄公河惨案中杀死13名中国人的主要嫌疑人,他将在周三时候受审。

    Naw Kham , the principal suspect of last year 's murder of 13 Chinese sailors on the Mekong River , is due to stand trial on Thursday .

  20. 在柬埔寨东北部的湄公河三角洲,一项ST-EP项目组织游客去观看濒临灭绝的淡水豚。

    In the Mekong River Delta in northeast Cambodia , a ST-EP project brings visitors to view the endangered freshwater dolphin .

  21. 多尔蒂说,为了探究湄公河流域遥远森林中的树木遭到砍伐,最终满足中国“前所未有”的需求的整个过程,也使用了中国政府和联合国(UnitedNations)贸易统计数据库Comtrade的贸易数据。

    Trade data from the Chinese authorities and United Nations Comtrade , a United Nations-run trade database , was also used to piece together how remote forests in the Mekong area are being cut down to meet the " unprecedented " demand in China , Ms. Doherty said .

  22. 湄公河委员会(MRC)是东南亚湄公河流域一个极为重要的国际河流组织,该委员会形成旨在共同调查湄公河下游流域状况。

    The Mekong River Commission ( MRC ) is the main and most important international river organization in the Mekong basin in the Southeast Asia with the formation of the committee for coordination of the investigation of the Lower Mekong River Basin ( LMRB ) .

  23. 澜沧江&湄公河次区域生物多样性保护的法律合作机制

    Law Cooperation System on Protection of Biodiversity in Lancang-Mekong River Subregion

  24. 上湄公河险滩航道的局部整治影响评价

    Local Regulation of Rapids and Reef in the Upper Mekong River

  25. 构建澜沧江&湄公河中老缅泰毗邻地区国际贸易走廊的基本思路与对策

    The Lanchang River-Mekong international trade corridor : basic thinking & Policies

  26. 亚洲开发银行与湄公河次区域经济合作

    The Asian Development Bank and the Greater Mekong Subregion Economic Cooperation

  27. 第一,介绍湄公河流域自然资源状况。

    First : introducing the natural resources in Mekong river basin .

  28. 大湄公河流域合作开发与老挝的对策

    Great Mekong River Basin Cooperation Development and the Countermeasure of Laos

  29. 澜沧江&湄公河次区域旅游合作的基本设想

    The Outline of the Subregional Tourism Cooperation along the Lancang Mekong River

  30. 大湄公河次区域经济合作政治信任度研究

    Political Trust in Greater Mekong Sub - region Economic Cooperation