
huǒ shān
  • volcano;burning mountain
火山 [huǒ shān]
  • [volcano] 地球深处的岩浆等从裂缝中喷出地面而形成的高地

火山[huǒ shān]
  1. 火山喷发,将炽热的火山灰洒落在一大片地域上。

    The volcano erupted , raining hot ash over a wide area .

  2. 活火山会随时喷发。

    An active volcano may erupt at any time .

  3. 火山喷发后,小城落了一层火山灰。

    Volcanic ash showered down on the town after the eruption .

  4. 熔岩在火山口下几英尺处沸腾。

    Lava bubbled a few feet below the lip of the crater .

  5. 火山把团团热气和灰尘喷向高空。

    The volcano spurted clouds of steam and ash high into the air .

  6. 火山灰开始从火山口喷出。

    Ash began to erupt from the crater .

  7. 这座火山随时可能爆发。

    The volcano could erupt at any time .

  8. 硫磺气体由火山喷发出来。

    Sulphur gases were emitted by the volcano .

  9. 环绕太平洋的是一连串的火山。

    A chain of volcanoes girdles the Pacific .

  10. 熔岩从火山中喷出。

    Lava is extruded from the volcano .

  11. 人们把这链状火山群很恰当地称作“火环”。

    The chain of volcanoes is known , appropriately enough , as the ' Ring of Fire ' .

  12. 火山活动产生了温泉和沸腾的泥浆池。

    Volcanic activity has created thermal springs and boiling mud pools .

  13. 他说这就像一座即将喷发的火山。

    He says it 's like a volcano ready to erupt .

  14. 它最高的火山是早已熄灭的奥林波斯山。

    Its tallest volcano , long extinct , is Olympus Mons .

  15. 火山喷出更多灼热的火山灰、气体和岩块。

    The volcano spewed out more scorching volcanic ashes , gases and rocks

  16. 岩浆就会从火山口缓缓涌流出来。

    The lava will just ooze gently out of the crater

  17. 开阔的火山坡让人心生怪异地联想起月球的地貌。

    The vast volcanic slope was eerily reminiscent of a lunar landscape .

  18. 气象卫星观测到一个环绕地球的火山灰带。

    Weather satellites have observed a ring of volcanic ash girdling the earth

  19. 雨水冲走了火山坡面上的岩屑。

    Rainfall had dislodged debris from the slopes of the volcano

  20. 火山喷发已导致200多人丧生。

    Over 200 people have been killed by volcanic eruptions

  21. 火山又向空中喷出了岩浆和火山灰。

    The volcano threw new showers of magma and ash into the air .

  22. 一个星期前,火山开始变得活跃。

    The volcano came to life a week ago .

  23. 圣文森特岛是座郁郁葱葱的火山岛。

    St Vincent is a lush , volcanic island .

  24. 火山爆发在高层大气中留下了一层薄薄的尘土。

    The eruption has left a thin veil of dust in the upper atmosphere

  25. 去年那座火山喷发致使约600人遇难。

    The volcano erupted last year killing about 600 people

  26. 火山灰云层正在菲律宾大范围扩散。

    A cloud of volcanic ash is spreading across wide areas of the Philippines

  27. 埃特纳山是欧洲最活跃的火山。

    Etna is Europe 's most active volcano .

  28. 云仙山今天一直在向外喷涌火山灰、气体和火山岩。

    Mount Unzen has been spewing out volcanic ash , gas , and rock today

  29. 这座火山喷射出的岩浆高达650英尺。

    The volcano spewed a fountain of molten rock 650 feet in the air .

  30. 城市被火山熔岩掩埋。

    The city was entombed in volcanic lava