
huǒ shān bào fā
  • volcanic eruption
  1. 这种方法通过对高层大气喷洒闪光的硫化物模仿火山爆发的降温效果。

    Mimics the cooling effects of a volcanic eruption by spraying shiny sulphur compounds into the high atmosphere .

  2. 海啸(或称津浪,tsunami)是海底地震(海震)、火山爆发等因素引发的巨浪。

    Tsunami is a billow induced by the earthquake and volcanic eruption in the sea bottom .

  3. 火山爆发在高层大气中留下了一层薄薄的尘土。

    The eruption has left a thin veil of dust in the upper atmosphere

  4. 火山爆发的景象令人敬畏。

    The eruption of a volcano is awesome .

  5. 利用广泛的数据源,与计算机模拟相结合,创建了一条海洋温度变化的时间线,包括火山爆发后的冷却和化石燃料排放后导致的升温。

    The extensive data sources , Combined with computer simulations , created a timeline of ocean temperature changes , including cooling from volcanic outbreaks and warming from fossil fuel emissions .

  6. 在过去某个时候,黄石公园一定曾有过超过人类现有认知规模的火山爆发。

    At some time in the past Yellowstone must have blown up with a violence far beyond the scale of anything known to humans .

  7. 这些火山爆发时很猛烈,它们会冲破巨大的裂口并留下一个大洞,那就是火山口了。

    These are volcanoes so explosive that they burst open in a single big crack , leaving behind a vast hole , the caldera .

  8. 火山爆发就像烟囱里的火焰一样。

    Volcanic5 eruptions are like fires in a chimney .

  9. 今年火山爆发了好几次

    There have been several volcanic eruptions this year .

  10. 他的愤怒像火山爆发似的迸发出来。

    His anger spilled out like lava .

  11. 当火山爆发时,人们的第一反应可能就是朝反方向跑。

    When a volcano erupts , the obvious thing to do might be to run in the opposite direction .

  12. 由于火山爆发造成的干扰,索尼当时只剩下两、三周时间把特制的3D转播车运到南非并完成调试。

    The disruption had left Sony just two or three weeks to ship purpose-built 3D broadcast trailers to South Africa and get them working smoothly .

  13. 这就是彼得(peter)在向我解释他为何只开垦了一半的土地的原因,8年前在因火山爆发他被迫撤离家园后,巴布亚新几内亚政府分给了他3公顷土地。

    This was how Peter explained to me why he had only cultivated half of the 3 ha block the Papua New Guinean government had given him after he was evacuated from his home during a volcanic eruption eight years earlier .

  14. 如今,NBA的格局就像火山爆发一样迅速变化,但对掘金这样的球队来说,延续性是至关重要的,他们非常依赖约基奇的个人天赋来发起进攻。

    The NBA landscape these days shifts as swiftly as a volcano do , but continuity is paramount for a team like the Nuggets , who rely so heavily on Jokic 's individual genius to function as an offense .

  15. “该地区未来可能发生火山爆发,”论文的第一作者、美国地质调查局Cascades火山观测站的火山学家JohnPallister告诉《自然》杂志。

    " The region may be primed for future eruptions ," the lead author , John Pallister , a volcanologist at the US Geological Survey Cascades Volcano Observatory , in Vancouver , Washington , told Nature .

  16. 火山爆发,把无数的石块抛向天空。

    A volcano erupted and propelled rocks high into the sky .

  17. 罗卫星上的火山爆发形成了巨大的火山云。

    A large cloud has developed from Io 's volcanic explosions .

  18. 如此,我们是有倾向的对地震和火山爆发。

    So , we are prone to earthquake and volcanic eruptions .

  19. 天文因素对火山爆发的调制、触发作用

    The modulation and trigger effect of astronomical factors on volcanic eruption

  20. 当火山爆发时,村民们赶紧逃命。

    As the volcano erupted , the villagers fled for lives .

  21. 火山爆发的时候,岩浆岩把整个城市都淹没了。

    The magma submerged the whole city when the volcano erupted .

  22. 火山爆发是一种很可怕的自然现象。

    The eruption of active volcano is a dreadful natural phenomenon .

  23. 随后所发生的强烈火山爆发作用,更加说明了这一点。

    The following strong volcanic eruptions even illustrated this point .

  24. 维利亚:嗯,一八八三年,印度洋喀拉喀托岛就有火山爆发。

    Velia : well a volcano erupted on Krakatau island there in1883 .

  25. 火山爆发处附近已迅速撤空。

    The region near the erupting volcano was evacuated rapidly .

  26. 火山爆发了,死神降临到千万人的头上。

    The mountain blew up , raising death on thousands .

  27. 在一次猛烈的火山爆发中,庞贝这座意大利城市被毁灭了。

    The Italian city of Bombay perished in a violent volcanic eruption .

  28. 他们历经瘟疫、饥荒、地震和火山爆发存活下来。

    They survived plague , famine , earthquakes and volcanoes .

  29. 一系列的火山爆发正在断层带酝酿。

    A series of volcanic eruptions developed along the fault .

  30. 他积压的愤怒、忌和谴责会象火山爆发。

    His anger , condemn and jealousy will be erupted like volcano .