
  • 网络the earth surface system
  1. 加强地球表层系统的研究和地质制图工作

    Strengthening study and geological mapping of the earth surface system

  2. 白垩纪地球表层系统重大地质事件与温室气候变化研究&从重大地质事件探寻地球表层系统耦合

    Coupling of the Earth Surface System : Inferring from the Cretaceous Major Geological Events

  3. 地球表层系统最突出的景观标志就是土地利用与覆被(LandUse/LandCover),土地利用/覆被变化的研究已成为地理学和相关学科研究的热点问题之一。

    Land use / cover which is the most outstanding landscape sign in the top layer system of the earth , and the research on the changes of it , which we call LUCC has become one of the hot point in the study of geography and its relevant subject .

  4. 地球表层系统与中国区域大地构造的研究发展

    Earth surface system and research history of the regional geotectonics of China

  5. 土壤碳及其在地球表层系统碳循环中的意义

    Soil carbon and its significance in carbon cycling of earth surface system

  6. 沉积记录与白垩纪地球表层系统变化

    Sedimentary record and Cretaceous Earth Surface System changes

  7. 人类活动与地球表层系统;

    Human activities and earth surface system ;

  8. 地球表层系统非线性演化模式

    Nonlinear evolution model of the epigeosphere system

  9. 这些突变对地球表层系统的演变与进化产生了巨大影响。

    These events had great influence on the evolution of the earth 's surface system .

  10. 地球表层系统浅论

    A discussion on the earth surface system

  11. 二叠纪-三叠纪之交地球表层系统的多幕式变化:分子地球生物学记录

    Episodic changes of the earth surface system across the Permian-Triassic boundary : molecular geobiological records

  12. 地球表层系统是由岩石圈、大气圈、水圈和生物圈相互耦合和变化组成的复杂巨系统。

    The Earth Surface System is a complicated system which includes geosphere , atmosphere , hydrosphere and biosphere .

  13. 人文系统叠置于地球表层系统,其变化具有潜在性和时滞性特征。

    The human system exists in the earth surface system , and its changes have potential and time delay characteristics .

  14. 地理科学研究地球表层系统特定时空层次下的系统有序度和变化。

    Geographical science studies order degree and its changes of the earth surface system in a definite spatial and temporal scales .

  15. 中国碳酸盐岩的总面积达3.44×106kmm2,,占国土面积的1/3,是地球表层系统的重要组成部分。

    Carbonate area covers about one-third of the land surface of China , it is an important component of ehe earth surface system .

  16. 土地利用/土地覆被作为地球表层系统最突出的景观标志,其变化直接影响着环境的变化。

    Landuse / landcover is the most prominent landscape symbol of the Earth , and it directly impacts on the changes of the environment .

  17. 土壤有机碳是地球表层系统中最大且最具有活动性的生态系统碳库之一。

    Soil organic carbon ( SOC ) has been showed as one of the largest and most mobile carbon pools of the earth surface ecosystem .

  18. 陆地生态系统的水循环与碳循环是地球表层系统物质循环与能量交换的核心,也是最基本的耦合的两个生态学过程。

    Water and carbon cycles are not only the cores of material cycle and energy exchange in terrestrial ecosystem , but also two basic coupling ecological processes .

  19. 土壤碳库为地球表层系统中最大的碳储库。土壤中的有机碳库对于温室效应与全球气候变化有着重要的控制作用。

    The soil carbon pool is the biggest one in the earth surface system and the soil organic carbon ( SOC ) plays an important role in global carbon cycling .

  20. 目前主要研究地球表层系统各界面间的物理、化学、生物及人文过程,探讨多种过程的相互作用机理,探求人类活动与资源环境间相互协调、可持续发展的规律。

    The present study fields include interfaces ' physical , chemical , biological and human processes , the interaction mechanism of multiple processes , and regulations of coordination between human activities and environment .

  21. 地球表层系统的演变、自然环境的变化和人类社会活动是土地资源与地质灾害形成与变化的双重原因。

    The formation and development of both land resource and geologic hazards are not only caused by the evolution of Earth surface system and of climato-environment , but also are affected by human activities .

  22. 而占全球陆地面积12%、占中国国土面积1/3的碳酸盐岩分布区,是地球表层系统的重要组成部分。

    And that karst area is occupied 12 % the area of all lands in the world and 1 / 3 land of China , karst area is an important part of the earth surface system .

  23. 描述了地质灾害的矛盾性,风险的动态性等,进而指出灾害系统的实质是地球表层系统中的人类-自然耦合系统。

    In this article , the contradiction in geological disasters and the dynamic of risk were described . and pointed out that the essence of the disaster systems is " human-natural coupling system " in earth surface system .

  24. 在地球表层系统各地质学科中,大地构造占有重要地位,因而探讨中国区域大地构造研究史,对地质学史也有重要意义。

    Among all the geological disciplines of Earth surface system , regional tectonics occupies an important position . Therefore the discussion on the research history of the regional tectonics in China is significant in the study of the history of geology .

  25. 地貌要素是地球表层系统中最重要的组成要素之一,它直接影响甚至决定着其它生态与环境要素的分布与变化,因而成为地理学研究的核心和基础内容之一。

    Geomorphology is one of the most predominant components of physical geography environment . It directly influences and even decides the distribution and change of ecological and environmental factors . So it becomes one of the key and fundamental research fields in geography .

  26. 人为物质流已成为引起地壳物质运动的一种重要地质营力,深刻地改变着地球的表层系统。

    Anthropogenic material flow has become an important geological agent , which resulted in movements of the crust material and profoundly affected the earth surface system .

  27. 地理学以地球表层空间系统为研究对象,以人地关系地域系统为研究核心,在研究全面建设小康问题方面,具有自己相对独特的范式。

    Geography , with the epigeosphere spacial system as its research object , with the regional system on man-land relationship as its research core , has its own relatively unique paradigm in this issue .

  28. 降尘是地球表层地气系统物质交换的一种形式,大气中的各种金属元素、离子随降尘沉积到地面,影响人类活动和生态系统,降尘对环境有重要的指示意义。

    Dustfall is a form of material exchange of the earth-atmosphere system . Many kinds of metal elements and ions in the atmosphere fall to the ground with the dustfall deposition , which affects human activities and ecological systems .

  29. 地理学对于其研究对象地球表层空间系统和研究核心以人地关系地域系统的研究,主要遵循着空间秩序、时间序列和动因机制等三个基本的科学研究维度来进行。

    As the object and core of study of geography respectively ," Spatial system of epigeosphere " and " regional system of man-land relationship " mainly follow three basic research angles : spatial order , time array and motivation mechanism .

  30. 地球表层的人地系统及其调控

    The modulation between earth 's crust and man & earth system