
  • 网络Geographical Society;National Geographic Society;RGS;Geographical Association;Geography Society;NGS
  1. 国家地理学会(NationalGeographicSociety)的首席媒体官德克兰·穆尔(DeclanMoore)表示,即时文章的吸引力在于Facebook用户在移动端点击之后,新闻的加载速度,哪怕是那些配有复杂视频和交互式地图的新闻。

    Declan Moore , chief media officer of the National Geographic Society , said the appeal of instant articles was the speed with which items , even those with complex video and interactive maps , loaded once a mobile Facebook user clicked on them .

  2. 美国国家地理学会成立于1888年。

    The National Geographic Society began in 1888 .

  3. 皇家地理学会

    Royal Geographical Soc .

  4. 美国国家地理学会是一个非营利科学与教育组织,许多地图集和制图师都参考该组织的制图标准。

    The National Geographic , a non-profit scientific and educational organization whose mapping standards are referenced by many atlases .

  5. 先前美国地名委员会已经认定南大洋是世界第五大洋,但这是美国国家地理学会第一次承认南大洋的地位。美国地名委员会是一家创立于1890年的联邦机构,通过联邦政府来“统一地名”。

    The US Board of Geographic Names , a federal body created in 1890 to establish and maintain " uniform geographic name usage " through the federal government , already recognizes the Southern ocean as occupying the same territory , but this is the first time the National Geographic has done so .

  6. 伯杰此次新发现的实地工作及两年的分析工作均由金山大学、国家地理学会(NationalGeographicSociety)和南非科学与技术部(SouthAfricanDepartmentofScienceandTechnology)/南非国家研究基金会(SouthAfricaNationalResearchFoundation)提供支持。

    The field work and two years of analysis for Dr. Berger 's latest discovery were supported by the University of the Witwatersrand , the National Geographic Society and the South African Department of Science and Technology / National Research Foundation .

  7. 统领全书的是哈尔福德麦金德爵士(SirHalfordMackinder)的影子,1904年他在皇家地理学会(RoyalGeographicalSociety)发表了一篇演讲,开辟了地缘政治学这门学科。

    Presiding over the book is the shade of Sir Halford Mackinder , who inaugurated the discipline of geopolitics with a 1904 Royal Geographical Society lecture .

  8. 美国国家地理学会(NationalGeographicSociety)去年初组织的一项调查显示,美国18岁至24岁的青年成人只有一半能在地图上找出纽约所在,60%的人在中东地图上找不到伊拉克。

    A survey from early last year sponsored by the National Geographic Society found that only half of young American adults , ages 18 to 24 , could locate New York state on a map . Six out of 10 couldn 't find Iraq on a map of the Middle East .

  9. 身为美国地理学会(AmericanGeographicalSociety)主席的多布森引用美国知名作家安布鲁斯•毕尔斯(Ambrose•Bierce)在第一次世界大战的话称,战争就是上帝让美国用来学会地理的。美国地理学会是一个由地理学者和地理爱好者组成的团体。

    Mr. Dobson , also the president of the American Geographical Society , an association of geographers and geography enthusiasts , says writer Ambrose Bierce said around the time of World War I that " War is God 's way of teaching Americans geography . ' '

  10. 今天我们讲述国家地理学会的新活动。

    Today we tell about new activities of the National Geographic Society .

  11. 所以他们组织了国家地理学会。

    So they formed the National Geographic Society .

  12. 国家地理学会资助探险家们去增加对这个地球的认识。

    The National Geographic Society has supported explorers seeking to increase knowledge about our world .

  13. 他在皇家苏格兰地理学会的支持下作了一系列的讲座。

    He gave a series of lectures under the auspices of the Royal Scottish geographical society .

  14. 通过新的项目,国家地理学会创造了一个让探险家们互相接触和交流的环境。

    Through its new programs , the National Geographic has created an environment where explorers can meet .

  15. 美国国家地理学会的数据显示,赤道每年都在以不到一毫米的速度“萎缩”。

    The'bulge'at the Equator had been shrinking by less than a millimetre a year , according to National Geographic .

  16. 这是个由国家地理学会和国家海洋和大气管理局共同举办的五年合作计划。

    It is a five-year joint project of the National Geographic Society and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration .

  17. 最新的一本是由国家地理学会出版的《点亮世界的边缘》。

    His latest , Light at the Edge of the World , was published by the National Geographic Society .

  18. 国家地理学会还出版发行4种其他的杂志,以及书籍、音像制品,还有网站及电视。

    The Society also reaches people through four other magazines , and through books , videos , the Internet and television .

  19. 本文概述了联合国粮农组织、澳大利亚、国际地理学会地貌调查和制图委员会以及日本等有代表性的坡度分级;

    This paper reviews representative slope steepness classification of FAO , Australia , International Geographical Union Geomorphological Survey and Maping Council and Japan ;

  20. 出席这次盛事的参加者,将会由海洋地理学会成员正式认可为「护鲨大使」。

    By turning up for this event , children attendees will be officially named Shark Ambassador by the members of Ocean Geographic Society .

  21. 国家地理学会的主要目标仍然是增长人们的地理知识,在世界范围内传播地理知识。

    The main goal of the National Geographic Society still is to increase knowledge about geography and spread that knowledge around the world .

  22. 周二,濒危语言拯救研究所和国家地理学会在联合发布的一份简报中公布了五大语言濒危重点地区。

    Five hotspots where languages are most endangered were listed Tuesday in a briefing by the Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages and the National Geographic Society .

  23. 这就是鲸鱼谷,它是美国国家地理学会和密歇根大学的考古学家发掘的。

    This is the " Whale Valley " . It was discovered and excavated by the archaeologists from " American National Geographic Society " and Michigan University .

  24. 美国欢迎新的民营机构参加人文交流,其中包括卡内基音乐厅、国家中国园基金会、国家地理学会和里奇蒙芭蕾舞团。

    The United States welcomed new CPE private sector participants , including Carnegie Hall , the National China Garden Foundation , the National Geographic Society , and the Richmond Ballet .

  25. 泰瑞阿达姆森,另一名美国国家地理学会专门负责法律事务和政府公关的行政副总裁主要负责杂志的国际版所有事务。

    Adamson , Society Executive Vice President who also is the Society 's chief legal officer and heads governmental relations , has overall responsibility for the Society 's international publications .

  26. 在本文的结语中分析了俄国地理学会中国边疆史地考察与研究的发展特点。

    And it the conclusion is discussed the development characteristics of expeditions and researched of history and geography in the border areas of China , which were finished by Russian Geographic Society .

  27. 1853年,伯顿说服皇家地理学会准许他离开军队一段时间,以便可以前往麦加,他将自己伪装成穆斯林——甚至行割礼仪式增强可信度——以此便能在此地收集到他想要的信息。

    In 1853 , Burton convinced the Royal Geographic Society to give him a leave of absence from the army to travel to Mecca and disguise himself as a Muslim-even getting circumcised to keep up the illusion-to make it there .

  28. 同日,地理系与香港地理学会举办「粤港地理学研究生第二届学术研讨会」。

    On the same occasion , the Department of Geography and the Hong Kong Geographical Association hosted the Second Conference of Geography Postgraduates of Hong Kong and Guangdong .