
shè huì xué jiā
  • sociologist
  1. 100多年前,美国社会学家W·E·B·杜波依斯担心种族正在被用来从生物学层面解释他所理解的不同人群之间的社会和文化差异。

    More than 100 years ago , American sociologist W. E. B. Du Bois was concerned that race was being used as a biological explanation for what he understood to be social and cultural differences between different populations of people .

  2. 社会学家斯科特·文西普在最近一篇文章中指出,根据他对这些数据的分析,不平等本身并不是预测经济流动性的强有力因素。

    Inequality itself is not a particularly strong predictor of economic mobility , as sociologist Scott Winship noted in a recent article based on his analysis of this data .

  3. 两位社会学家理查德·阿鲁姆和乔斯帕·洛科萨的研究表明了这一点。

    This was made clear by the work of two sociologists , Richard Arum and Josipa Roksa .

  4. 克廷所描述的过程唤起了被社会学家邓肯·瓦茨称为"累积优势"的一个原则:一旦一个事物开始流行,它就会变得更加流行。

    The process described by Cutting evokes a principle that the sociologist Duncan Watts calls " cumulative advantage " : once a thing becomes popular , it will tend to become more popular still .

  5. 例如,一个社会学家阅读犯罪新闻是因为他将其当作社会问题,而不是想要通过阅读获得直接回报。

    For example , a sociologist may read news of crime as a social problem , rather than for its immediate reward .

  6. 他的母亲是个社会学家,研究社会主义。

    His mother was a sociologist , researching socialism .

  7. 他们被称为“单身寄生族”。社会学家山田正弘在1997年创造出这一词汇。

    Sociologist5 Masahiro Yamada coined the term " parasite singles " in 1997 .

  8. 有些社会学家认为单身寄生族增多是因为日本人更喜欢社区式生活,同时,人们不愿意保持一段长久的恋爱关系,而是选择将更多精力放在工作和日本广为诟病的加班方面,这也是单身寄生族增加的原因之一。

    Parasite singles are often blamed for a large number of problems in Japan , ranging from a decline . Some social scientists have attributed long hours of a traditional Japanese workplace .

  9. 她的三个外甥女出生时她都在现场,而且她承认她对她们及其溺爱。社会学家们用这个缩写词来反映目前无子女的职业女性人数不断上升这一现象,她们有足够的可支配收入和时间跟孩子们一起相处。

    She was present at the births of all her three nieces and admits she spoils them rotten . Sociologists coined the acronym to reflect the growing number of childless professional women who have plenty of disposable income and time to spend with youngsters .

  10. 英国剑桥大学社会学家DavidStuckler是这份报告的作者之一。

    David Stuckler , a sociologist at Britain 's University of Cambridge , co-wrote the report .

  11. 最近一些社会学家从Facebook,

    Recently some sociologists from Facebook --

  12. 作为著名社会学家罗伯特•K•默顿(RobertK.Merton)之子,他在很小的时候就明显表现出对计算的兴趣。

    The son of Robert K. Merton , a prominent social scientist , he apparently displayed an interest in number crunching from a young age .

  13. 当你认为人能控制自然时,就是走上了一条危险的路,诺克斯维尔田纳西大学(UniversityofTennessee)的社会学家保罗·K·盖勒特(PaulK.Gellert)说。

    The perilous path is the notion you can control nature , said Paul K. Gellert , a sociologist at the University of Tennessee , Knoxville .

  14. 所谓的弱关系是社会学家MarkGranovetter在研究社交网络时提出来的。

    The strength of weak ties is from sociologist Mark Granovetter 's work on social networks .

  15. 去年,法国社会学家埃马努埃尔•托德(EmmanuelTodd)的著作《谁是查理?》(QuiestCharlie?)引起了争议。

    Last year , the French sociologist Emmanuel Todd caused controversy with his book Qui est Charlie ?

  16. 最近德国社会学家沃尔夫冈施特雷克(wolfgangstreeck)在《新左派评论》(newleftreview)上撰文,对西方社会的问题作出了最有力的阐述。

    The most powerful description of what has gone wrong in Western societies was recently laid out by the German sociologist Wolfgang streeck in the New Left Review .

  17. 体育社会学家毛里西奥•穆拉德向Quartz网站表示,除了足球传统,观众们的任性行为可能跟巴西人民目前正在经历的困境有关系。

    Besides the tradition of soccer , the unruly behavior may have something to do with the hard times Brazilians are currently enduring , sports sociologist Mauricio Murad told Quartz .

  18. 他曾经和哈福大学的医学社会学家NicholasChristakis共通研究了这个课题。

    who co-authored the study with Harvard University medical sociologist Nicholas Christakis .

  19. 最近社会学家巴拉兹·卡瓦茨和阿曼达·J·莎克里发表了一篇论文,其中研究了一组共32部英语小说,它们都曾获得过重要的文学奖项。

    A recent paper by sociologists Bal á zs Kov á cs and Amanda J. Sharkey studied a group of 32 English-language novels that won major literary awards .

  20. 美国社会学家、“SellingWomenShort:GenderandMoneyonWallStreet”一书作者LouiseMarieRoth举例说明了华尔街极度的性别不平等现象。

    Louise Marie Roth , an American sociologist and author of " Selling Women Short : Gender and Money on Wall Street ", illustrated the extreme gender inequality on Wall Street .

  21. 1943年,社会学家亚伯拉罕•马斯洛(AbrahamMaslow)提出了金字塔式的人类需求层次理论。

    In1943 , social scientist Abraham Maslow outlined a pyramid that showed what he called the human being 's'hierarchy of needs . '

  22. 社会学家、《电影不平等——好莱坞演员与种族主义》(ReelInequality:HollywoodActorsandRacism)一书的作者南希·袁(NancyYuen,音)则有相反的经历。

    Nancy Yuen , a sociologist and author of the book " Reel Inequality : Hollywood Actors and Racism , " had an inverse experience .

  23. 社会学家EmilDurkheim分析发现,

    It leads , in the worst cases -- in the analysis of a sociologist like Emil Durkheim

  24. 南加州大学(UniversityofSouthernCalifornia)社会学家埃德森罗德里格兹(EdsonRodriguez)辩称,这可能是因为在美国,忙碌尤其会彰显你的身份。

    That may be because in the US in particular , being busy gives you status , argues Edson Rodriguez , a sociologist at the University of Southern California .

  25. 半个世纪之前,英国社会学家迈克尔·扬(MichaelYoung)创造了贬义词“唯才是用”(meritocracy),用来形容未来社会通过标准化智力测验筛选来新的精英。

    Michael Young , a British sociologist , coined the pejorative term " meritocracy " over a half-century ago to describe a future in which standardized intelligence tests would crown a new elite .

  26. 社会学家发现:穿裙子的女性要比喜欢穿裤子套装的女性,比如HillaryClinton和AngelaMerkel看起来更成功。

    Women wearing skirt suits are viewed as more successful than those wearing trouser suits favoured by powerful women such as Hillary Clinton and Angela Merkel , scientists have found .

  27. 现在有许多自救书目,包括最近MIT社会学家谢里.特尔可的《一起孤独》,提供了如何摆脱上述强迫性行为的方法。

    A deluge of self-help books , most recently " Alone Together " by Sherry Turkle , a social scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology , offer advice on how to unplug .

  28. 20世纪70年代,美国著名的教育社会学家马丁·特罗(MartinTrow,1926-)教授提出了高等教育大众化理论。

    The theory of Mass Higher Education brought forward by professor Martin Trow , an United States sociologist , has popularized all over the world from 1970 's.

  29. 同时,俄亥俄州立大学(OhioStateUniversity)社会学家雷切尔德怀尔(RachelDwyer)表示,大多数新创造的就业岗位都集中在最顶端和最底层,中间的职位较少。

    At the same time , says Rachel Dwyer , a sociologist at Ohio State University , most job creation has been at the top and bottom of the scale , with fewer jobs in the middle .

  30. 组织承诺(OrganizationalCommitment)是当代组织行为学和人力资源管理领域中的一个重要概念,自从1960年由美国社会学家Becker首次提出以来,一直备受学术界和企业界的广泛关注。

    Organizational commitment is an important concept of organization behavior and human resources management field currently . Since 1960 proposed by American sociologist Becker at the first time , it has been praised by academic and corporate wide concern .