
  • 网络social control;social control theory;sociocybernetics
  1. 少数民族犯罪社会控制论

    On Social Control of Ethnic Minority Crime

  2. 持有型犯罪的立法价值主要的是刑事政策的选择和社会控制论的需要。

    The main value of possession crime legislation is the choice of criminal policy and the demands of social control .

  3. 本文运用社会控制论等社会学原理,从国家与社会关系的角度,分析了政府对东北地区社会治安控制的努力及成果。

    Appealing to the sociological theories , e.g. social cybernetics , and from the angel of the relationship between the state and the society , the paper analyzes the attempts and achievements of the government in controlling the social and public security in the region .

  4. 现代化与犯罪&社会控制中介论

    Modernization and Crime & On Social Control Intermediary

  5. 农村精英缺失与社会控制弱化&论合理社会分层对于当前我国农村社会稳定的意义

    The Elite Lacking and Social Control 's Weakening in Today 's Rural Society & On the meanings of rational social stratification in the rural social stability

  6. 科技经济社会协调发展的控制论模型研究

    Research on Cybernetics modelling for corresponding development of Science & technology-economy-society

  7. 把马克思主义哲学的信息创新方法运用于社会学和现代生态学的研究,使生态问题同自然界、社会在控制论和信息高技术中达到高度的综合统一。

    The paper applies the innovative way of Marxist philosophy to the study of sociology and modern ecology so as to integrate ecological problems with nature and society on the basis of cybernetics and information technology .