
  • 网络CC Communication and Control
  1. DSP系统的通信与控制接口设计

    Communication & Control Interface Design of DSP System

  2. PROFIBUS是一种用于工厂自动化车间级监控和现场设备层数据通信与控制的过程现场总线。

    PROFIBUS is a Field bus which is most extensively used in workshop of factory automatic control .

  3. 下一步将在目前设计的基础上开发基于ARMAMBA总线体系结构的现场总线通信与控制系统芯片的通信控制器IP固核。

    Based on the current design , next work is to develop a IP firm core for fieldbus communication and control SoC , which is built on ARM AMBA bus architecture .

  4. 多机紧耦合YH数控线切割系统通信与控制子系统的设计与实现

    The design and implementation of communication and controlling subsystem on multi-processor tight coupling YH digital control wire-cut system

  5. 现在越来越多的工业设备逐渐使用以太网和TCP/IP协议作为主要的通信与控制标准,交换式100MEthernet已广泛应用,能提供足够的带宽和减少冲突。

    Today the Ethernet and TCP / IP protocol become the standard of communications and control , which is used by industrial equipment . The 100M commutative Ethernet is used widely , and it can offer enough bandwidth and reduce collision .

  6. 硬件平台主要包括LPC2294主体电路、外部通信与控制电路等部分。

    Firstly , it has designed hardware platform which based on the ARM embedded microprocessor LPC2294.The hardware platform mainly includes LPC2294 , external communication and control circuit .

  7. 智能大厦网络的通信与控制模块设计

    The design of communication & control modules in IB network

  8. 多用户远程通信与控制

    Multi - user Remote Communication and Its Control

  9. 设计了用于系统监控的通信与控制协议;

    A communication and control protocol was designed .

  10. 分析介绍系统的通信与控制原理。

    And , the dissertation analyzes the communication and control principle of the system .

  11. 本文提出了通信与控制的协同最优化控制方法。

    Optimizing control of communication and control co-design for networked control system is put forward .

  12. 江南大学通信与控制工程学院

    School of Communication and Control Engineering

  13. 21世纪的控制系统是网络、通信与控制相结合的系统。

    In the 21st century , control system becomes an integration of network , communications and control systems .

  14. 重点针对试验指挥监控的特点,研究了通信与控制协议、监控软件和通信软件的设计方法和实现途径。

    Aim at the characteristic of test command control , designing methods of the communication protocol , control software and communications software war was studied .

  15. 编制了无线电台通信与控制协议,开发了相关的参数控制模块;并通过串口通信,利用无线传输方式,实现了对远程数据采集器的相关参数设置与通信控制。

    The wireless communication protocol and correlative parameter control modules are developed , the remote control of digitizers , parameter setting of the seismic sensors and data transmission are also realized .

  16. 本文所介绍的系统主要由多生理参数数据采集与处理单元、无线数据通信与控制单元、中央控制和显示等单元组成。

    The system in this thesis mainly make up of emitter ( collection data and transmit ), wireless transmit portion ( transmit data ), receiver ( receive data and transact ), center control portion and PC terminal display .

  17. 本文分别从污水处理工艺流程、对自动控制系统的要求和控制系统的构建实现等方面进行了详细的阐述,基于Windows98平台,用VC++60开发了中控室通信与控制程序。

    In this thesis , I mainly respectively set forth on arts and crafts flow of sewage treatment , requirement on control system and design of control system in detail . And develop the communication and control software on Windows platform using VC + + 6.0 .

  18. 基于IP网络的视频通信传输与控制技术

    Technologies of Transfer and Control on Video over IP

  19. 网络控制系统(NetWorkedControlSystem,简称NCS),即网络化的控制系统,是计算机技术、通信技术与控制技术发展的产物。

    Networked Control System ( abbreviated to NCS ), namely , it is the result of development of computer technology , communication technology and control technology .

  20. 无线网络化控制系统(WirelessNetworkedControlSystems,WNCS)是无线通信技术与控制理论发展与融合的产物。

    Wireless Networked Control Systems ( WNCS ) is the production of the cooperation of wireless communication technologies and control theories .

  21. 实现了SBR污水处理工艺生产现场网络通信与计算机控制系统的集成。

    Realized integration of SBR waste water disposal technology produce field net communication and computer control system .

  22. 近年来,嵌入式Internet远程测控系统己成为计算机控制领域一个重要组成部分,它将计算机网络、通信与自动控制技术相结合并成为新兴的研究热点。

    Embedded Internet remote control system has been becoming an important component of computer control field , in recent years , it combines computer networks , communications , automatic control technology and becomes a new hotspot .

  23. 采用NETBIOS协议及键盘缓冲区技术实现了网络通信与远程控制。

    Virtual NETBIOS driver is also designed to improve network communication and Keyboard-buffer technology is used for remote control .

  24. 为了实现机车出入段信号与检修信息管理软件的连接,使用PLC对信号系统进行改造,并通过串行通信口与控制计算机通信来获取机车整备管理系统的检修信息。

    To realize the connection between depot in / out signals and locomotive maintenance management software , the signal system has been modified via PLC . The maintenance information of the locomotive management system is acquired through the communication between the serial interface and control computer .

  25. 数控加工中心的在线通信与实时控制

    On-line Communication and Real-time Control for a Machining Center

  26. 数字化部队移动通信与指挥控制装备技术研究

    Research of digital army mobile communication and command equipment

  27. 工业控制网络是自动控制领域的网络技术,是计算机网络、通信与自动控制技术结合的产物。

    Industry control network is greatly used in automation control domain . It 's a product which combines with computer network , commutation and automation control technology .

  28. 通信技术与控制理论的融合已经成为一个重要的科学研究方向,论文将智能控制理论中的人工神经网络技术应用在通信信道建模中。

    It has been an important research activity aimed at developing the theoretical foundations of interconnected communication techniques and control theory . The paper implements artificial neural network technique of intelligent control theory into channel modeling for communications .

  29. 容忍入侵服务器中组通信认证与访问控制机制

    Authentication and access control mechanisms of group communication in intrusion tolerant server

  30. 通信电路提供与控制站的数据交换,以便实现电力系统的集中控制。

    Communicating circuit provides the data to control station , this can realize the concentrative control .