
tōng cái
  • generalist;an all-round person;versatile person;a universal genius
通才 [tōng cái]
  • [universal genius;all-round person;versatile person] 指知识广博、具有多种才能的人

通才[tōng cái]
  1. 以实施通才教育为本科阶段培养目标,构建本科阶段GIS专业教学系统框架;

    To improve the teaching quality of GIS major , teaching system framework of GIS major of universities is constructed ;

  2. 说,今天需要的是专业的知识与技术,而MBA是培训通才的。”

    d knowledge and skills , and an MBA is generalist training . "

  3. 根据Plomin的观点,这种“通才”基因与语言和数学的学习障碍有关,甚至还与空间和记忆的功能有关。

    According to Plomin , these'generalist'genes can be linked to language and math disorders , and even spatial and memory functions .

  4. 它们对FSSC的研究人员表示,相比拥有诸如风险分析或国际证券等新课程学位的人,它们往往更倾向于聘用一个通才。

    A generalist was often preferable , they told FSSC researchers , to someone on a new course such as a BSc in risk analysis or international securities , for example .

  5. 通才教育与特色教育是一个怎样的关系?

    What 's the relationship between all-round education and featured education ?

  6. 通才教育思想是其教育思想的核心。

    Liberal education is the essential part of his educational thought .

  7. 它是由自然和传统的一通才程度。

    It is by nature and tradition a generalist degree .

  8. 梅贻琦通才教育思想论略

    The Brief Comment on Mei Yiqi 's General Education Thought

  9. 新闻传播学科通才与专才培养的教学实践探索

    On Teaching Practice of Generalist and Specialist Training in Discipline of Journalism

  10. 通才在几种领域内有广泛的普遍的知识和技能的一种人。

    One who has broad general knowledge and skills in several areas .

  11. 通才式安全工程专业课程设置的探讨

    Discussion on Setting up Curriculum of Safety Engineering for Versatile Safety Personnel

  12. 她也许刚刚想通才拿起电话。

    She sure as hell thought it up until now .

  13. 通才教育:梅贻琦教育思想的核心

    General education is the core of MEI Yi-qi education thoughts

  14. 他们希望他们的孩子接受通才教育。adj.高尚的;

    They want their children to have a liberal education .

  15. 我们的社会,需要更多的拥有广泛知识的通才。

    We need more generalists & people who can provide broad perspectives .

  16. 只有通才,才能解决这个复杂的问题。

    Only a versatile person can settle the complex problem .

  17. 通才教育的古代范式&古典时代雅典的教育实践

    Ancient Mode for Education of General Talents & Education Practice in Ancient Athens

  18. 通才可以灵活地地图的逻辑和设计顺序大门。

    VersaTiles can flexibly map the logic and sequential gates of a design .

  19. 梅贻琦与赫钦斯通才教育思想比较及反思

    Comparison and Inspirations about Mei Yiqi and Hutchins ' Thoughts of General Education

  20. 在“通才”基因方面的研究能够导致神经病学研究的极大进步。

    Studies on generalist genes could lead to important advances in neurological research .

  21. 专才教育与通才教育是两种基本的教育模式。

    Special education and general education are two fundamental models of education nowadays .

  22. 中医药通才教育的几点看法

    Some considerations on generalist education of Chinese medicine

  23. 文理学院是专门注重学生的通才教育的学校。

    Liberal arts colleges are schools that focus on a comprehensive undergraduate academic experience .

  24. 第二,课程设置基础化,比较强调通才教育;

    In curriculum , emphasizing basic teaching pay attention to education for versatile persons ;

  25. 通才和专家总是会争论采取哪一种做法才是最佳的。

    The generalists and the specialists will always argue about which approach is best .

  26. 很多教育家提倡通才教育。

    Many educators advocate a liberal education .

  27. 英国文官制度中的通才原则

    The Generalist of the Britain Civil Service

  28. 有通才有达,纵横捭阖的道路网络,引导旺盛的商业流通。

    The road network extending in all directions will pave the way to prosperous business .

  29. 解决问题应该依靠专才和技术性的解决方案,而不是通才和常识。

    Belief should be placed in experts and technical solutions instead of generalists and common sense .

  30. 古代雅典的城邦教育是世界上最早的通才教育。

    The municipal education in ancient Athens was the best mode for education ot general talents .